toldailytopic: I am so sick of...

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john w

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Hall of Fame
"Chicks" that cannot appreciate the combination Vitalis/Brill Creme/Dippity Doo I wear in my hair on weekends, and my 8 track player.


New member
Restraunts that don't carry Tabasco. And then when you ask for it they bring you some whimpy sauce like Challulla or some junk... :noid:


Well-known member
The drive-through workers asking if I want anything else when I just told them "that is all" after my order. AND . . .

The drive-through worker apologizing for the wait, regarless of how long it was, as if I can't handle that 45 seconds it took to get my coke.

Nathon Detroit

Customer service workers or cashiers that have their tongue pierced.

Dude... I can't understand a word you are saying. Life is tough enough as it is without making yourself into a bumbling moron.

The Horn

I'm sick of the endless demonization of President Obama, the countless lies, innuendos, half-truths, the constant vilification of him, the way he's been portrayed as an evil marxist , communist, "baby-killer" (despite the fact that he has absolutely no power to stop abortion and wouldn't even if he made an official decree making it illegal, which would be unconstitutional anyway), and called an advocate of "infanticide" even though he has never done this,
the way he's been falsely described as "hating" America, unpatriotic, hating the military and our troops, a friend and supporter of communist dictators, a demon who is out to take all our freedom away, and a president who will tax us to death, the ridiculous notion that he's not
an American citizen and born in Kenya, is not eligible for office,
is an usurper, even an "illegal alien" (how idiotic can you get with this description of him?), and not the freely, fairly and legitimately elected president of the USA.
No Obama is hardly perfect, and people have every right to criticize him on the way his administration is running the country, but the
vicious ad hominen attacks that I see every day by countless supposedly intelligent American citizens make me want to barf .
The ironic thing is that the REAL threat to freedom and prosperity
in America comes from the far right, and those wolves in sheep's clothing,the religious right. I fear an America led by a ruthless, power-hungry and hypocritical demagogue of the far right gaining power in America in 2112 because of the mindless backlash against the decent and honorable man currently in office .

Nathon Detroit

Barrack Obama is an evil marxist , communist, "baby-killer", and a advocate of "infanticide". He also hates America, he is unpatriotic, hates the military and our troops, a friend and supporter of communist dictators, a demon who is out to take all our freedom away, and a president who will tax us to death.

Not to mention he isn't even a American citizen who is not eligible for office.

Just had to get that off my chest.


like marbles on glass
I fear an America led by a ruthless, power-hungry and hypocritical demagogue of the far right gaining power in America in 2112 because of the mindless backlash against the decent and honorable man currently in office .

Well, at least you'll be dead.

What? At least I read it to the end. You may barf now.
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