I can agree with that.The minumum wage concept is a farce.
Merit, not legislation is the reason for higher pay.
Minimum wages should be done away with, then companies could afford to hire and keep those who actually produce, by paying them well.
People need to learn that work is the reason you get paid
The business owner should be the one to decide what he is able to pay his employees, not the government.
This is just another liberal farce that sounds so nice and sweet.
But the reality is that in order for a business to maintain a profit (especially in a slow economy), it has to either raise it's prices on goods, or cut payroll expense.
And 9 times out of 10 payroll expense will be the first thing hit.
So if the government forces a business to raise it's payroll expense, some employees are going to get laid off to keep payroll expense from going over budget.
Liberals always like the things that sound nice and sweet, but don't bother to consider the repercussions.
So liberals are painted as the "caring ones", but conservatives are actually more grounded in reality.