Reformatting for clarity done by me btw.
Unlike you and possibly genuineoriginal I credit scientists for having ability, knowledge and a reasonable common sense in what they profess to be expert in.
I credit them with the same. That doesn't mean they are right. Science always corrects itself. Right now, the evidence shows them this based on a few assumptions. The creationists question the assumptions; most scientists don't. This doesn't mean they don't have ability and knowledge and common sense. All scientists in the past had the same qualities, and sometimes , much later, they turned out to be wrong.
Seen from my own pov of being a person who doesn’t see any particular need to adhere to a literal Genesis, is then what YEC’s claim, apparently evidence-free, more or less likely to be closer to the actual truth than the opinion of peer reviewed and evidenced science without any pre-concluded doctrine to support?
As indicated in my previous post about meteorites, science goes to great lengths to falsify or to find ways in which their conclusions based on evidence could be wrong, while YECs simply look for ways in which their pre-concluded beliefs could conceivably be right.
Scientists are simply individuals who can be wrong and if they are then their conclusions will be open to being falsified by other scientists or anyone, but to my knowledge YEC “scientists” have never managed to do that.
As far as the age of the Earth goes 4.5 billion years as an answer seems to have remained un-falsified for about sixty years now while being confirmed many times over from a variety or sources and disciplines.
Perhaps I'm wrong but without presenting your own theory based on evidence you are surely not going to persuade me of a thing by presuming that what seems to be constant now perhaps, might, could, have been different back then, which in your opinion is only a million years or so which is nothing in geological time as I understand it.
All I am saying, is that there is no corroborating evidence for the earth being billions of years old. We have evidence for the method being accurate for the very recent past, but none for the very distant past. What theory do you want me to present? All I'm saying is that the 4.5 billion year figure is based on scant evidence and assumption. If you make a claim for a specific age, it's up to you to make a case for it. It's not up to me to disprove it. As for uniformitarianism, on what basis is there to assume that what happens at a certain rate, has always happened at that rate? The climate was vastly different in the past. We don't assume the climate of today was the same millions of years ago; why assume other phenomena were?
Then I say that you are completely wrong. You have seen some of the evidence and what science has to say and conclude from it. Scientific theories are based on there being at least some available testable evidence, if other evidence coming along fits or falsifies it determines whether it stands or falls. However there is no such falsifiable theory proposed by YECs, only their bald assertions based in a particular doctrine and dogma.
You call it “scant evidence” but imo copious evidence comes from a great many different directions and sciences, which says that what you say simply is not true. What real evidence do you have for a much younger Earth? Why can you not falsify claims of an old Earth if you are right?
I rather think it's taken quite a while for you to even accept the period of time you do now, I feel if you could find a way for it to be conceivably only 6000 years you probably would take it.
There is no conceivable way the earth could be 6000 years old. Tree dendrochronology alone proves that. Ice layers are another. DNA is another. Erosion rates and mountain building rates absolutely rule it out.
So what is evidence of a not quite as young, young Earth have you got, anything?
The light coming from other galaxies has to be billions of years old, so if, as in Genesis, everything was brought into existence during a few days what does that suggest about the age of the Earth?
But astrophysics, genetics, geology, light from other galaxies says you're wrong, what exactly says you're right?
They say I'm wrong about what? ..Less than a million years? If so, I would be glad to see it. That video certainly didn't show it.
As above the light from distant galaxies says you’re wrong particularly when combined with your own doctrine. Evidence from the ToE says you’re wrong, astrophysics and meteorites say you’re wrong, plate tectonics and geology says you’re wrong, genetics.....need I go on.
Show me what evidence actually supports a young Earth.