toldailytopic: How many children is too many? Do you think it is wrong for couples to

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I don't think we need to worry about maxing out the human population on Earth. Things have a way of balancing out. "It's the balancing out I'm worried about!" Well don't worry about that either.

Man I should be raising kids by now. What gives? I don't think shyness is a factor anymore. Now it's just an irrational fear of repeating my father's marital mistakes thus making it difficult for me to trust women and actively pursue a relationship. I know it's just a risk I'm going to have to take. Maybe at 30. Then I'll start hyper-fathering and catch up to the big families.



toldailytopic: How many children is too many? Do you think it is wrong for couples to have more than 4 or 5 kids?

It depends. If the couple are atheists, then one is too many.

Pam Baldwin

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for November 22nd, 2010 10:24 AM

toldailytopic: How many children is too many? Do you think it is wrong for couples to have more than 4 or 5 kids?

You've got to be kidding me. I guess it really is just an opinion since you couldn't back up any fact, any answer could be defended and supported. There is no "law", so you'd only have evidence. And we all know how well that works out......:argue:


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Well there's got to be a biological reason why humans give birth to on child at a time, normally, and not give birth to litters.

But how many really is too many? I'd say more than one can take care of, provide for and properly raise. However many that is. I don't have any children yet, but we have talked about adopting one or two after we get married.

There are some situations where I'd consider having a child to be completely irresponsible. And frankly, most people shouldn't even be parents.


The Dark Knight
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I won't have them until I'm in a position to provide for them (at least age 30, by my estimation), though.
You're not yet 30? I thought you were, by now.

Now it's just an irrational fear of repeating my father's marital mistakes...
I know I certainly don't want to repeat my parents' mistakes. Each of them have three failed marriages, and neither is currently in a happy, fulfilling relationship. But the way to avoid the same mistakes they made is to know where they went wrong, not to avoid getting married.

As for me, I think it is something else. I'm too afraid I'll be awkward if I try to start a relationship, even though I've been in relationships before. And I've even had girls approach me. So I guess I'm being somewhat irrational too.


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Ahaha, burn!

Sadly, I go the other way; I look more like a little boy than a 30 year old woman. Though I'm fattening up a bit in my old age.

I see women have the same complaints on either side of the pond. All of which are just as misguided...:bang:


New member
I don't think we need to worry about maxing out the human population on Earth. Things have a way of balancing out. "It's the balancing out I'm worried about!" Well don't worry about that either.

Man I should be raising kids by now. What gives? I don't think shyness is a factor anymore. Now it's just an irrational fear of repeating my father's marital mistakes thus making it difficult for me to trust women and actively pursue a relationship. I know it's just a risk I'm going to have to take. Maybe at 30. Then I'll start hyper-fathering and catch up to the big families.

speaking as more or less a biologist, its how things balance out that is worrisome to me.

The way that other organisms get "balanced out' is not something i really want for my family, country, or the rest of the earth.


New member
Are you serious? Have you ever driven across country? Have you ever flown in an airplane? The space that humans occupy on this planet is just a tiny fraction as to what is available for us. God created a planet for us where we have plenty of room for growth. The more people there are the better the standard of living tends to be.

I don't know, but based on the available room to grow we don't really need to worry about that do we?

Since you think there are too many people what do you suggest? What should we do to stop the population growth in your opinion?

Completely serious.

And yes I have flown over, driven over a lot of the country. Have you been to China? i hate to think of this country being chewed down to bare rock like it is there.

I disagree with you so completely on so many levels, I guess I wont even start.

One observation tho is that carrying capacity is not the same thing as empty space say in the desert that has not yet been paved.

i dont have any suggestions about what to do about population growth. I just had a baby back in April, I dont seem to be trying to end population growth on my own.


Well-known member
The 'overpopulation' myth has been de-bunked many times. The best example is giving everyone who is alive 25 square feet each, in Texas, and still having land left over. That's not over-population, it's room to grow. The sprawl that we're experiencing is found in Taikoo's comment about paving the desert. Why on earth should we pave a desert? We need to figure out how to concentrate our efforts on living on this earth productively, instead of raping the land as we've been doing for millenia. We need to build smarter. Create an urban plan instead of sprawling until we fence off the whole planet and then start lobbing artillery at each other in border disputes. We need to grow up and make use of what God has given us instead of making up stories about over-population because fiction writers find it fascinating.


New member
Hall of Fame
The 'overpopulation' myth has been de-bunked many times.

I'd say that's debatable. Put another way: I don't think our planet's resources are infinite and it's obvious that as a species we're capable of doing a lot of reckless harm to this rock. Being flippant about the possibility seems a little suicidal.

The best example is giving everyone who is alive 25 square feet each, in Texas, and still having land left over.

That sounds marvelous. And what kind of quality of life do you think you'd get with twenty-five square feet somewhere? Why don't we try it this way for a while--but how about you go first.

We need to build smarter. Create an urban plan instead of sprawling until we fence off the whole planet and then start lobbing artillery at each other in border disputes.

Absolutely agreed.


New member
The 'overpopulation' myth has been de-bunked many times. The best example is giving everyone who is alive 25 square feet each, in Texas, and still having land left over. That's not over-population, it's room to grow. The sprawl that we're experiencing is found in Taikoo's comment about paving the desert. Why on earth should we pave a desert? We need to figure out how to concentrate our efforts on living on this earth productively, instead of raping the land as we've been doing for millenia. We need to build smarter. Create an urban plan instead of sprawling until we fence off the whole planet and then start lobbing artillery at each other in border disputes. We need to grow up and make use of what God has given us instead of making up stories about over-population because fiction writers find it fascinating.

just curious here... do you think that evolution has been debunked too?

Overpopulation is not just about having a space 5 ft x 5 ft to stand on.

Are you familiar with the concepts like carrying capacity, maximum sustained yield, desertification, etc, and some notion of how they might apply to human populations? Do you think about things like these while saying that there is "room to grow"?

my question earlier was about an end point. The earth's population is growing, and will continue to until some end point is reached.

We can impose it on ourselves, or have it imposed in some very harsh way.

Debunk this
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