"If you present racism here, don't be surprised if people conclude you're a racist...You want to somehow twist that fact into the idea that nothing is racism."
Is this racist? :smokie:
[President Obama's camp tries to diversify] "President Barack Obama’s team is looking to hire more African-Americans, a search that has stirred a debate among black Democrats about Obama’s record on diversity and its implications for his reelection. Stefanie Brown, director of the campaign’s African American Vote program, wrote in an “urgent” March 21 email to contacts in the black community that “The Obama for America campaign is in the process of really staffing up in states around the country, and I need your help to find qualified, African American candidates for some of these positions.” The email, a copy of which was obtained by Politico, notes that “this is a fast moving process and your (quick) support is greatly appreciated...” Full text:
President Obama's camp tries to diversify
[Links to articles/news stories] "Make it clear each time you don't, or we'll assume you endorse the view you presented."
A few housekeeping items:
I link to articles for the purpose of discussion.

each: I do not necessarily agree with all authors of said articles.

"Creationists should be very quiet when the subject of racism comes up."
:Commie: Silence the critic? :Shimei:
Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots
"You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president."
:yawn: Proof please.

each: Ac 17:26 Aren't you the one who believes in Darwin's

K: monkey theory?
"Serpent tries a little misrepresentation..."
:yawn: Proof please.

"...[Y]our silly misrepresentation of science."
:yawn: Proof please.

You do not have a biblical worldview.
Barbarian quote: "...I believe that the death we are saved from is a spiritual one."
[Serpentdove quote: "Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?"]
Barbarian quote: "I think you're wrong about that."
link Eph 5:11
"It's your dishonesty....[Y]ou edited something I wrote earlier to make it appear I didn't believe in the Resurrection."
:yawn: Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14).

[Do you finally believe that God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, 1:26).] "...[Y]ou don't approve of the way He did it."
:yawn: I believe God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, 1:26).
[Creation took place in six normal days (Ex 20:11; 31:17).] "Genesis does not say six normal days."
"You believe God (revelation) or you believe man (speculation)." J. Vernon McGee
"God is a spirit and a spirit has no body."
Do you believe Jesus has a body?