toldailytopic: Has Obama eased or exacerbated racial tension in this country?


New member
Neither the Constitution nor any other law of the United States requires that both parents be citizens for a person to be a natural born citizen. You know this. Do you think the rest of us don't know it? That's not what's motivating you, is it?
Obama is the son of a foreigner, and does not pass the "natural born" citizen test any more than Arnold Schwarzenegger could.


I'd be interested in seeing the evidence that they are, for the same socio-economic status as other races to which they would be compared. Poor, uneducated whites are also more prone to violence. But that should have nothing to do with penalty for drug use.

One only needs to get in a pick up basketball game with a bunch of black guys to see the the violence (a half hour game turns into 15 minutes of playing time and 15 minutes of arguing).

On a more scientific note:

· Homicide was the leading cause of death for black men and women between the ages
of 25 and 34.
· Black men from 25 through 44 years old were 11 times more likely to die as homicide
victims than were white men in that same age bracket.
· Although one of every nine Americans was black, one of every two male murder
victims was black — as was one of every two people arrested for murder.
· Blacks were two-and-a-half times more likely than whites to be victims of rape or

Sometimes you have to use leftwing articles to make your point, which I did with this one.


"If you present racism here, don't be surprised if people conclude you're a racist...You want to somehow twist that fact into the idea that nothing is racism."
Is this racist? :smokie:

[President Obama's camp tries to diversify] "President Barack Obama’s team is looking to hire more African-Americans, a search that has stirred a debate among black Democrats about Obama’s record on diversity and its implications for his reelection. Stefanie Brown, director of the campaign’s African American Vote program, wrote in an “urgent” March 21 email to contacts in the black community that “The Obama for America campaign is in the process of really staffing up in states around the country, and I need your help to find qualified, African American candidates for some of these positions.” The email, a copy of which was obtained by Politico, notes that “this is a fast moving process and your (quick) support is greatly appreciated...” Full text: President Obama's camp tries to diversify
[Links to articles/news stories] "Make it clear each time you don't, or we'll assume you endorse the view you presented."
A few housekeeping items:

I link to articles for the purpose of discussion. :peach: I do not necessarily agree with all authors of said articles. :plain:

"Creationists should be very quiet when the subject of racism comes up."
:Commie: Silence the critic? :Shimei:


Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots
"You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president."
:yawn: Proof please. :peach: Ac 17:26 Aren't you the one who believes in Darwin's :DK: monkey theory? :rolleyes:
"Serpent tries a little misrepresentation..."
:yawn: Proof please. :peach:

"...[Y]our silly misrepresentation of science."
:yawn: Proof please. :peach:

You do not have a biblical worldview.

Barbarian quote: "...I believe that the death we are saved from is a spiritual one."

[Serpentdove quote: "Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?"]

Barbarian quote: "I think you're wrong about that." link Eph 5:11


"It's your dishonesty....[Y]ou edited something I wrote earlier to make it appear I didn't believe in the Resurrection."
:yawn: Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14). :peach:
[Do you finally believe that God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, 1:26).] "...[Y]ou don't approve of the way He did it."
:yawn: I believe God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, 1:26).
[Creation took place in six normal days (Ex 20:11; 31:17).] "Genesis does not say six normal days."
"You believe God (revelation) or you believe man (speculation)." J. Vernon McGee
"God is a spirit and a spirit has no body."
Do you believe Jesus has a body?

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Neither the Constitution nor any other law of the United States requires that both parents be citizens for a person to be a natural born citizen. You know this. Do you think the rest of us don't know it? That's not what's motivating you, is it?

Obama is the son of a foreigner,

He's the son of an American citizen. Who do you think you're fooling? C'mon.

and does not pass the "natural born" citizen test any more than Arnold Schwarzenegger could.

The Constitution and the laws of the United States disagree with you. Arnold was not the son of an American citizen; Obama is. You know this. So does everyone else.

The U.S. code specifically states that Obama would be born a U.S. citizen whether or not he was born in the United States. Learn to live with it.


That's not what's motivating you, is it?

The Barbarian

Barbarian explains why U.S. law considers Obama a natural-born citizen:
He's the son of an American citizen.

Barack Hussein Obama's father has never been an American citizen.

Doesn't matter. The law is very clear on that. He is the son of an American citizen. The Constitution and the U.S. Code make it clear that he was a citizen from birth.

That is where the problem started.

We all know where the problem started, and it didn't have anything to do with his citizenship.

Yes, behavior does provide the proof.
I voted for the same candidate you did in 2008, so I guess that makes both of us racists.

Don't see why. You don't seem to have given that much thought.

Idiots like you have made Obama's "natural born" status into a racial issue

The fact that you didn't mind McCain being born overseas, but objected to Obama's citizenship being born in the United States to an American citizen, pretty much settles that.

preventing us from having any discussion about the legal grounds used by the writers of the constitution when they wrote the clause.

It's cut and dried, in the U.S. code. No wiggle room for you.

Obama has a record of disloyalty to America.

I know you want us to believe it, but there's that problem of evidence, isn't there?

Idiots like you accuse any American that doesn't like having a disloyal President

Evidence, remember?

of being a racist in order to keep the disloyal (person born of unwed parents) in office.

If it had been true, in Obama's case, it would have been an accident of birth. Some others however, are self-made men.

Just saying...
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The Barbarian

(Serpent questions the physical resurrection of Christ)

Barbarian chuckles:
I think you're wrong about that. There were witnesses to the physical resurrection of Christ.

Do you believe Jesus has a body?

Already answered that. But I'll do it again. Jesus is wholly man and wholly God. As man, He has a body. God, however, as Jesus has said, does not have a body, because He is a spirit, and spirits do not have bodies.


[Do you believe Jesus has a body?] "...Serpent questions the physical resurrection of Christ..."
:yawn: Strawman Eph 4:14

I believe in a: physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus.

Barbarian quote: "...I believe that the death we are saved from is a spiritual one."

[Serpentdove quote: "Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?"]

Barbarian quote: "I think you're wrong about that." link Eph 5:11

"As man, He has a body. God, however, as Jesus has said, does not have a body, because He is a spirit, and spirits do not have bodies."
Do you believe Jesus now has a body? :sleep:


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New member
Barbarian explains why U.S. law considers Obama a natural-born citizen:
He's the son of an American citizen.

Doesn't matter. The law is very clear on that. He is the son of an American citizen. The Constitution and the U.S. Code make it clear that he was a citizen from birth.

We all know where the problem started, and it didn't have anything to do with his citizenship.

Don't see why. You don't seem to have given that much thought.

The fact that you didn't mind McCain being born overseas, but objected to Obama's citizenship being born in the United States to an American citizen, pretty much settles that.

It's cut and dried, in the U.S. code. No wiggle room for you.

I know you want us to believe it, but there's that problem of evidence, isn't there?

Evidence, remember?

If it had been true, in Obama's case, it would have been an accident of birth. Some others however, are self-made men.

Just saying...

What ‘Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof’ Really Means
Framer of the Fourteenth Amendments first section, John Bingham, said Sec. 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes meant “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” If this statute merely reaffirmed the old common law rule of citizenship by birth then the condition of the parents would be entirely irrelevant.

It should be noted that the condition of the father is what determines whether someone is born an alien or not because under U.S. law citizenship of wives and children always followed that of the father. And of course the status of the father was what determined the citizenship of a child born under law of nature.​

The Barbarian

It should be noted that the condition of the father is what determines whether someone is born an alien or not because under U.S. law citizenship of wives and children always followed that of the father.

(Barbarian checks the relevant code)

Nope. Not in America. The code is quite specific, and nothing at all about the sex of the parent who's an American citizen. You've been snockered yet again.

8 USC § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:....
(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;

Even if he hadn't been born in Hawaii, he'd still be a natural born citizen under U.S. law.

Try again?

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Well, it's clear that the election of Barack Obama has exacerbated tension for G.O.

Not at all.

Enough that you're trying to dream up imaginary laws that make him ineligible to be president. That's pretty disturbed, G.O.

I want a patriotic citizen as leader of this country

There's nothing unpatriotic about being only part white. Sorry.

you like having an (alien) in the office.

As you just learned, a child of an American citizen is, by law, a natural-born citizen. Learn to live with it.


Barack Hussein Obama's father has never been an American citizen.
That is where the problem started.

Barack isn't sure who his daddy was. I doubt his floozy mom even knew.

But besides that, Obama's mother had young Barry become a citizen of Indonesia in 1968 when she married yet another black guy. Did Obama ever changed his citizenship back to the US?

If not, he is ineligible to even be a Congressman, let alone POTUS.