toldailytopic: Has Obama done a good job so far in his second term in office?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Your either very niave or just being obstructive if you claim you have no knowldege of the southern american racists consistently calling black people lazy.

Which is it?

I just dont get the disconnect, how can the term lazy be refering to one race and what race does it refer to in his mind, black or white since bammy is half of each?


I identify as a Christian
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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 22nd, 2013 05:00 AM

toldailytopic: Has Obama done a good job so far in his second term in office?

I'd have to say that the job he is doing 'stinketh'. He's stuck. His favorabilty rating is bottom side up. Why?

He's trying to push climate change regulations and immigration 'reform'. He's creating a giant deficit with his expensive Obamacare, which is going to squash the work force and create more unemployment. He's pushing unconstitutional gun control. Then there's the Drone business. He done a terrible job.


New member
Dr.Ben Carson:From News :thumb:

Dr. Benjamin Carson, whose speech at the National Prayer Breakfast made headlines, said Saturday he is leaving medicine, and hinted at political aspirations that could even include the presidency.

The neurosurgeon, speaking at the Conservative Political Conference in Oxon Hill, Md., said he plans to end his medical career while he's still at the top of his game and focus more on his educational foundation, Carson's Scholars, reports CNN.

During his speech at CPAC, Carson further fueled talk of politics when he asked the audience hypothetically, “What if you magically put me in the White House?”

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Carson's drew cheers at the National Prayer Breakfast when he criticized the Obama administration's tax policies and Obamacare as the president looked on.

And during Saturday's speech at CPAC, Carson said people often dismiss black Republicans, like himself even though President Barack Obama and his allies are “trying to destroy the country.”

Carson said if someone wanted to ruin the United States, they “would create division among the people, encourage a culture of ridicule for basic morality and the principles that made and sustained the country, undermine the financial stability of the nation, and weaken and destroy the military. It appears coincidentally that those are the very things that are happening right now."

While the retiring physician does not give 100 percent of the blame to any one person — even Obama, his barbs were aimed at him.

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Patron Saint of SMACK
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Your either very niave or just being obstructive if you claim you have no knowldege of the southern american racists consistently calling black people lazy.

Which is it?

OK, but if I know a lazy black guy and a hard working black guy it is not racist to call the lazy one lazy.


Well-known member
No one becomes president by being lazy. But I do agree that the office could be perceived as such a 'prize' that once having achieved it, one might want to just sort of wallow in the power and attention, rather than begin the arduous task of trying to actually change things. In Obama's case, I think he just vastly underestimated how entrenched the problems really are, and how difficult it would be to effect any real change. So he's busying himself with the little stuff, like a manager instead of a leader.

But then I'm still not certain that the president is supposed to be a 'leader' in our form of government. Aren't 'we the people' supposed to be running the show? If so, why aren't we? How did we let a bunch of crooks in the Congress and Senate take our power away from us?


In Obama's case, I think he just vastly underestimated how entrenched the problems really are, and how difficult it would be to effect any real change.


An inexperienced and unqualified affirmative action President finding the job harder than expected.

Who didn't see that coming? :chuckle:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

An inexperienced and unqualified affirmative action President finding the job harder than expected.

Who didn't see that coming? :chuckle:

In all fairness we're always picking our Front Man from a pool of ourselves.
Nobody is ready for that.
And they're all just tools of the machine.


W - had executive experience
Clinton - had executive experience
Bush Sr - had executive experience
Reagan - had executive experience
Carter - had executive experience
Nixon - had executive experience
LBJ - had executive experience

Bammy? :nono:


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toldailytopic: Has Obama done a good job so far in his second term in office?



New member
Hall of Fame
Your either very niave or just being obstructive if you claim you have no knowldege of the southern american racists consistently calling black people lazy.

Which is it?

how idiotic, i see lazy people everyday going about their jobs and they are all different races. So if you believe racist means black, then you and he are the real racists.

Lazy to me, means lazy:

Lazy: la·zy

Unwilling to work or use energy: "he was too lazy to cook".
Characterized by lack of effort or activity.

idle - indolent - sluggish - slothful - slack - shiftless

Funny i do not see anything about race in that definition anywhere nor can i find "the black race" as a definition there either.

Also bammy is black and white, so for either of you (but especially you) naming is something to do with blacks, then you have both proven yourselves to the be the racist especially since you both see race in a simple comment about lack of work.

Obama is lazy, and i am neither predjudice to his black or white half and understand that many races contain lazy people in their midst.

This definition applies to Obama : Characterized by lack of effort or activity. Has nothing to do with skin color except to moronic exreme liberals who cannot form a coherent response so they sling out a free pass card, in your case and avarice, it was a race card you pulled, even though you both dont realize how idiotic and out of context your use is.
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Unfortunately We The People are only given 2 choices both of which are pro-offered to us by the wealthy elite. And Obama is doing a great job for the elite.

The Barbarian

JERUSALEM — Under persistent prodding from President Obama, Israel and Turkey resolved a bitter three-year dispute on Friday with a diplomatic thaw that will help a fragile region confront Syria’s civil war, while handing the president a solid accomplishment as he closed out his visit to the Middle East.

The breakthrough took place in the most improbable of surroundings: a trailer parked on the tarmac of Ben-Gurion International Airport. Moments before Mr. Obama left for Jordan, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu telephoned the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and apologized for deadly errors in Israel’s 2010 raid on a Turkish ship that was trying to bring aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

After years of angrily demanding an apology, Mr. Erdogan accepted Mr. Netanyahu’s gesture, and both sides agreed to dispatch envoys to each other’s nations, having recalled them in 2011.

The president’s involvement, a senior American official said, was crucial to both leaders, which is why Mr. Netanyahu scheduled the call before Mr. Obama’s departure from Israel. Mr. Erdogan insisted on speaking to Mr. Obama first before the president handed the phone over to Mr. Netanyahu. In the end, the call produced a win-win for all sides.

Not bad.


By implying laziness points to a specific race, then wouldn't you be the racist?

If I'm pointing out how a word is semantically loaded to refer to a specific race, then no. And if it did then it could easily be allayed by asking me if I think so, ideology isn't a one-liner.

I just dont get the disconnect, how can the term lazy be refering to one race and what race does it refer to in his mind, black or white since bammy is half of each?

If someone says the word lazy in political context they're just not talking about inaction. The same way privileged makes you think of a white rich guy or exotic... doesn't really make you think of someone in the neighbouring state.

Your either very niave or just being obstructive if you claim you have no knowldege of the southern american racists consistently calling black people lazy.

Which is it?

Indeed, because they had to drop the word "black" from lazy black man apparently means nobody realises who they're talking about.

He's done horribly; maybe more so than Bush, and Bush was disastrous.

No, he means that he may not have been born on US soil. As to whether or not he was I have no idea.

"Whether he was born on US soil or not, I have no idea"... how academic of you to withhold judgement until you see proof... it wouldn't be because it's obvious and you don't want to accept it - would it?

There was around 2bn dollars in the presidential race... do you not think Romney would be running ads 24/7 about how Obama isn't an American, if it was even remotely true?

OK, but if I know a lazy black guy and a hard working black guy it is not racist to call the lazy one lazy.

But if you know two hard working guys, one black and one white and one is relentlessly called lazy - then? I used to be casually racist as a kid and teen, and I know that just because you can't say it in public there aren't ways to point it out surreptitiously.

how idiotic, i see lazy people everyday going about their jobs and they are all different races. So if you believe racist means black, then you and he are the real racists.

This definition applies to Obama : Characterized by lack of effort or activity. Has nothing to do with skin color except to moronic exreme liberals who cannot form a coherent response so they sling out a free pass card, in your case and avarice, it was a race card you pulled, even though you both dont realize how idiotic and out of context your use is.

Clearly a free pass, I mean nobody would dare argue about a race card, eh? I like how you turned it around and said I'm racist, while apparently being over-protective of the same race I apparently hate...

Out of context? That's your problem, my whole point was about context.

Bush never got called lazy (even though he has tortoise-like in his tenure as president), nobody asked for Bush's birth certificate or college reports (or whatever Americans call them)...

I didn't pull a race card and say that anybody who dislikes Obama is racist, I hate the president on the substance of his policy-making, however to call him lazy is either ignorant or racially charged.

Whether you accept my claim here, you must be pragmatic in conceding its past use, I don't think you're a bigot although the right-wing is riddled with them, I would not presume such a thing.

An inexperienced and unqualified affirmative action President finding the job harder than expected.

It seems it's difficult to refer to the president or criticise him without bringing up his race, somehow I succeed? I wonder why that is.

I appreciate your participance brothers and sisters.