toldailytopic: Halloween: harmless fun or sinful celebration?

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TOL Subscriber
Well any way, its after dark and all the kids are running around screaming their heads off and I just wanted to sayHappy Halloween every body!

Now you can go back to arguing and being grumble butts!!!!:chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame

I didn't really do much for Halloween this year. I used to be a big fan of those holidays were I got free stuff and candy. Now I just like the ones where you get to fire rockets and blow stuff up. :AoO:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Oh, and while I don't have kids, if I did and I knew that a home was inviting kids in for a staged "judgement day" and giving out chick tracts (or even just giving out chick tracts), I'd pass that house by. If I found out that someone in the neighborhood was giving my kids chick tracts, I'd thank them and tell them nicely that I'd appreciate that they don't ever preach to my kids or give them religious comic books or other religious materials without my permission, and let them know that I'm not giving it to them. I'd also have a sit-down with my kids about it.

:think: Well, that beats the pants off my wrath of Khan response. :thumb:


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It's my favorite day to evangelize children. I put THIS gospel tract in a plastic baggie along with candy.


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, and while I don't have kids, if I did and I knew that a home was inviting kids in for a staged "judgement day" and giving out chick tracts (or even just giving out chick tracts), I'd pass that house by. If I found out that someone in the neighborhood was giving my kids chick tracts, I'd thank them and tell them nicely that I'd appreciate that they don't ever preach to my kids or give them religious comic books or other religious materials without my permission, and let them know that I'm not giving it to them. I'd also have a sit-down with my kids about it.

Good point. Chick's work can be remarkably morbid and downright horrifying.

Anyhow, this Halloween's come and gone and I had a great one. There's no harm or shame in going a little crazy one day a year.


Well-known member
It's my favorite day to evangelize children. I put THIS gospel tract in a plastic baggie along with candy.

And what were we just saying about chick comics . . . How would you feel if your children came home with pro-muslim tracts in their bag of candy?


Well-known member
As a Christian I try not to celebrate the holiday too much, but I admit it was fun to decorate my home this weekend for a neighborhood picnic. The kids wore their costumes and ran around the yard playing and enjoying the nice weather.

On the one hand:
Some people, who are bent toward humanistic life styles, get way too wrapped up in the demon worship part of Halloween. Christians might consider whether our condoning Halloween sets a bad example for those who might choose the worship of demons over God. It's funny ... some who would choose to worship demons will deny God. Others will lump everything together and deny the existence of both demons and God.

On the other hand:
I've wondered about the good judgment of modern people in marginalizing the existence of demons, witches, and spirits. I know that people have done this to qualm the fears of their children, but by doing so, they have marginalized the existence of there being any type of super natural realms. This would include marginalizing our Lord God, our raised Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit living in us. I think this is a tragic outcome of our denying the super-natural. Maybe Christians could use the Halloween holiday to bring back the reality of other realms of existence.

What do some of you think about this idea?


New member

I didn't really do much for Halloween this year. I used to be a big fan of those holidays were I got free stuff and candy. Now I just like the ones where you get to fire rockets and blow stuff up. :AoO:

Lucky!!! :BRAVO:


Staff member
Super Moderator
And what were we just saying about chick comics . . . How would you feel if your children came home with pro-muslim tracts in their bag of candy?
I'd tell my children they should thank God we live in a country that allows for both freedom of religion and freedom of speech.


Well-known member
Nice obfuscation of the subject, Knight. . .

Tomorrow is the Lord's Day when Jesus Christ is worshipped by most Christians, and tomorrow is also a day set apart as "Halloween."

What will the children of various churches, according to parental guidance, celebrate first and foremost?

Jesus only?
Jesus plus Halloween?


What day is the Lord's day?


My favourite holiday. Quite the good time, I never got the whole sin aspect of it. It's also the only day out of the year that I don't get regarded as a weirdo for being myself.

I also know folks that get way too into it. Decorating their house months in advance, attending several Halloween parties, spending hundreds of dollars on costumes etc. They invest so much time and energy into it, that it's kinda creepy. :sigh:

Sounds like cool people. May I ask why you find it creepy? For some, myself included, costuming is a hobby, Halloween being that one time out of the year where you can get away with it.

I guess I must be downright frightening. I'm working on a Sisters of Battle costume for next year's DragonCon. It may also get used as a Halloween costume. I'm also spending a lot of time working out and getting thin so I look good in it.
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