As a Christian I try not to celebrate the holiday too much, but I admit it was fun to decorate my home this weekend for a neighborhood picnic. The kids wore their costumes and ran around the yard playing and enjoying the nice weather.
On the one hand:
Some people, who are bent toward humanistic life styles, get way too wrapped up in the demon worship part of Halloween. Christians might consider whether our condoning Halloween sets a bad example for those who might choose the worship of demons over God. It's funny ... some who would choose to worship demons will deny God. Others will lump everything together and deny the existence of both demons and God.
On the other hand:
I've wondered about the good judgment of modern people in marginalizing the existence of demons, witches, and spirits. I know that people have done this to qualm the fears of their children, but by doing so, they have marginalized the existence of there being any type of super natural realms. This would include marginalizing our Lord God, our raised Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit living in us. I think this is a tragic outcome of our denying the super-natural. Maybe Christians could use the Halloween holiday to bring back the reality of other realms of existence.
What do some of you think about this idea?