toldailytopic: Glenn Beck, love him or hate him?

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The same thing as you, a spiritless being. Why complain?

When did I say he was spiritless? I am not God. I said I don't trust the guy. I guess you are God since you assert that I am a spiritless being--what you mean to say is because I am a Muslim. Prejudice and bigotry as usual.

You need to grow up.

Good luck with your hatred and immaturity.


New member
Eh. He's okay. I don't like his method most of the time, although I do like his silliness. The radio show is better than the tv show, but his interviewing skills are horrible.

I agree with most of the content, it's the delivery that pushes me away from watching.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
toldailytopic: Glenn Beck, love him or hate him?

Can't take him seriously enough to do either. He's the political equivalent of a karaoke machine. :D


Well-known member
Yeah, I pretty much feel the same, TH ... I think he can be funny, but he's just an entertainer and another sensationalist as far as I'm concerned. If he's not riling up muck, he's not doing his job, and (for the most part) I'm just sick of muck riling. I'm very sick of entertainers leading politics, and I'm very sick of entertainers presenting "news."

I know full well that there are muck-rilers on the left that do the same, but I think that the right's got a pretty solid lock on it right now it. Though the left might have more straight-up comedians on their side.

Anyway, Beck I sure don't tune in for but I can mostly take him or leave him (his "followers" a different story). He doesn't have much impact to me, except for the folks who take in his squawking as a primary source of information.


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Hall of Fame
...and I don't like to see grown men cry on camera. :idunno:
Can you take comfort in the fact that it's fake crying? :idunno:

Although, that's probably worse, actually. :think:

Glenn is coming close to what is going on. When he finally puts all the pieces of the puzzle together, I will be glad for him.

Have you put the puzzle together? What is it a picture of?


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 17th, 2010 11:39 AM

toldailytopic: Glenn Beck, love him or hate him?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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He is openly conservative in his editorial bias. This is refreshing in that the other major network newscasters pretend to be unbiased while slanting every word they utter toward the liberal bias.
As I recall Dan Rather even manufactured slanderous stories to make a conservative administration look bad.
He, Glen Beck, cites his sources, so one can check the veracity of his claims.
He loves America. That is just too much for many of the Ivy League crowd!
He has enemies in the highest places. That alone speaks well of him.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He is openly conservative in his editorial bias. This is refreshing in that the other major network newscasters pretend to be unbiased while slanting every word they utter toward the liberal bias.
As I recall Dan Rather even manufactured slanderous stories to make a conservative administration look bad.
He, Glen Beck, cites his sources, so one can check the veracity of his claims.
He loves America. That is just too much for many of the Ivy League crowd!
He has enemies in the highest places. That alone speaks well of him.

you are so right


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 17th, 2010 11:39 AM

toldailytopic: Glenn Beck, love him or hate him?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

I used to not want to watch him but certainly never hated him, thought he was too dramatic but have been watching him lately and have changed my mind. He says it like it is IMO and I like that.

The Horn

Beck is a right-wing extremist loonie who shoots off his fool mouth constantly and panders to the paranoia ,hysteria and mindless anti-obama mania of millions of ignorant conservative yahoos in America.
It's appalling that any one takes this idiot seriously.


New member


Beck is a right-wing extremist loonie who shoots off his fool mouth constantly and panders to the paranoia ,hysteria and mindless anti-obama mania of millions of ignorant conservative yahoos in America.
It's appalling that any one takes this idiot seriously.

Just call me "Yahoo" Dr. Pangloss!!! bybee


Well-known member
I think he is courageous, honest, and wise. He has brilliantly developed a TV program to un-indoctrinate the American people.

My only negative thing to say about him is that he has a sarcastic wit ... I figure, due to my observation of the voting record of many Americans, that his humor is above the mentality of many Americans. He needs to just say things plainly. His explanations on his black board are clear ... and just love the way he lets people expose their own agenda in their own words on replayed videos.

I watch him (TV) almost every day. He has fantastic guests and is a good interviewer. David Barton is one of my favorite guests. One of my favorite programs was when he had intellectually enlightened black Americans on his program to express their views. I also like to hear the individual views of the participating polling pool.

Well, I could go on and on ... but you've gotten my opinion of him. I hope historians will put him in our future records as a - GREAT STATESMAN!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He is openly conservative in his editorial bias.
Why wouldn't he be? He's on Fox. That's about as shocking as Lenin praising Marx in Red Square. :chuckle:

This is refreshing in that the other major network newscasters pretend to be unbiased while slanting every word they utter toward the liberal bias.
I've seen a few examples of that on both sides, but don't believe it's anything like the rule. The problem isn't in the news, but in what surrounds it and how it fades into and out of it.

As I recall Dan Rather even manufactured slanderous stories to make a conservative administration look bad.
I don't recall that charge ever being sustained outside of far right wing conspiracy groups. I do recall his famous/infamous "We won!" :D But I don't expect newsmen to lack private opinions. Lawyers frequently represent people effectively who they'd shun otherwise. I don't see why other professions would struggle with the distinction between personal and professional life.

He, Glen Beck, cites his sources, so one can check the veracity of his claims.
I'm a great fan of footnotes and sources.

He loves America. That is just too much for many of the Ivy League crowd!
I don't think that's really the foundation of anyone's objection to him. I object to him pandering to the fears of some large portion of his audience too often. I think he's a populist and reminds me a little of George Wallace. Here's a link that might give you a bit of why some find him troubling.

He has enemies in the highest places. That alone speaks well of him.
Well you know (cue bonus round) Hitler did too...:eek:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I object to him pandering to the fears of some large portion of his audience too often.

and I object to you making that claim

his audience is actually worried about the future of this country in that we cannot continue to borrow money and yet that seems to be the only solution they have


Well-known member
I just hate it when a-moral socialist liberals call evil good and good evil - they always seem so full of hateful words.

Reminds me of people when they get stung by a bee - they yelp.
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New member


Why wouldn't he be? He's on Fox. That's about as shocking as Lenin praising Marx in Red Square. :chuckle:

I've seen a few examples of that on both sides, but don't believe it's anything like the rule. The problem isn't in the news, but in what surrounds it and how it fades into and out of it.

I don't recall that charge ever being sustained outside of far right wing conspiracy groups. I do recall his famous/infamous "We won!" :D But I don't expect newsmen to lack private opinions. Lawyers frequently represent people effectively who they'd shun otherwise. I don't see why other professions would struggle with the distinction between personal and professional life.

I'm a great fan of footnotes and sources.

I don't think that's really the foundation of anyone's objection to him. I object to him pandering to the fears of some large portion of his audience too often. I think he's a populist and reminds me a little of George Wallace. Here's a link that might give you a bit of why some find him troubling.

Well you know (cue bonus round) Hitler did too...:eek:

As is apparent for all to see I admire you very much.
Glen Beck is quite transparent. Take him or leave him.
Believe me the fears of many of us, literate, semi-literate and literate are legitimate!
I would agree that almost all of what he has to say is troubling! I would agree that his format can be leading. BUT, honestly, TH, he is no worse than the relentless left-wing Bush bashers who are still whining and sniveling and blaming.
Is it pandering to state one's views?
I do believe the "Hitler" remark was a bit below the belt, but, I forgive you because you are generally a gent! bybee
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