toldailytopic: GI Jane: Should women be allowed to serve in combat roles in the armed

Christ's Word

New member
You keep confusing your opinion with the truth of should run for Congress. :think:

No. The mocking comes after either I realize that I'm talking to a parrot or someone who has resorted to flailing about instead of attempting to reason. So you were something of a twofer.

Ah, well. You're doomed to disappointment after disappointment, coupling that one with the likelihood that you own at least one mirror. We'll just have to settle for you being obtuse.

I don't know what you mean by that. :plain:

Doesn't really go with the first insult though, when you think on it...and isn't it time you did?


Else, I wondered what passed for wit in you...I'm still wondering. :plain: :D

I have read so many of your posts, and you offer nothing, not one piece of useful info in months. All you can do is mock, you are like a perpetual waste of bandwidth. A south end of a north bound donkey.:deadhorse:

You are the one flailing, and lacking reason, found the word 'trinity' in scripture yet? Yes, you are still a naive pig. The only thing you know less about than women is TRUTH.:peach:


New member
I believe it is fine if a woman serves in the military. However, it is not discrimination to not allow them in special forces and the like. Military supremacy is a product of thousands of years of experience and tactics, and is not a place for which such 'equalities' should be petitioned much less observed. Women are more pat to crack under pressure and just as the military notion goes, a battalion is only as strong as it's weakest link. But that doesn't mean to say women are 'weak', it's a matter of physics and internal affairs. This isn't an issue in the mainstream, but such can put special tactics on a crutch. Since the beginning of mankind, military has simply been an object of men. Even certain military symbols explicitly represent manhood or manliness.

I don't think women should serve in combat zones except of course as doctors and nurses who do not tend to "crack under pressure"!
Day in and day out they tend to those who are ravaged by the combat at hand. Beautiful young people in the prime of their lives torn apart physically and mentally are put back together as best they can.
This is a kind of pressure which requires immense strength of character to keep on.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have read so many of your posts, and you offer nothing, not one piece of useful info in months.
The problem with people who attempt to advance an irrational, emotional response as objective observation is they just can't stop themselves from engaging in hyperbole that undoes it.

You are the one flailing, and lacking reason, found the word 'trinity' in scripture yet? Yes, you are still a naive pig. The only thing you know less about than women is TRUTH.:peach:
See...that's literally sad. More angry declaration without even wit to salvage it.


Well-known member
Notice that I didn't write: Based on my experience, I think that...

Why then, throughout the history of civilization, have women not been in combat roles, but instead nurtured her family?
You think the history of civilization defines what a woman's true nature (Or a man's for that matter) is?

Nor does it, more importantly speak to *every* woman. It's likely only a subset of women are well suited for military service, but that's probably true of men as well.

But even more important to consider, technology has made warfare utterly different than the vast majority of the history of civilization.


You think the history of civilization defines what a woman's true nature (Or a man's for that matter) is?

Nor does it, more importantly speak to *every* woman. It's likely only a subset of women are well suited for military service, but that's probably true of men as well.

But even more important to consider, technology has made warfare utterly different than the vast majority of the history of civilization.

That doesn't change the fact that God made man and woman differently, and that they are to have different roles. When it comes to women, being a warrior isn't one of them.

Christ's Word

New member
See...that's literally sad. More angry declaration without even wit to salvage it.

More made up anger accusations? No....people like me laugh at idiots like you: sort of like how one reacts when they see a two year old in a high chair run out of gas and fall face first into their plate of spaghetti.:rotfl:

It must be hard for you to admit there are many women that can

(1) out shoot you, Sherri Gallager and her Mother (U.S. Soldier of the Year).

(2) out fight you, Gina Carano........

(3) out run you, Lolo Jones......

(4) out climb you, Amna Shiekh,

(5)out jump you, Daria Klishina

(7)and clearly, out think you . Christ's Word. www. IN YOUR FACE

Why not just turn in your man card now, moron? :crackup:


New member
More made up anger accusations? No....people like me laugh at idiots like you: sort of like how one reacts when they see a two year old in a high chair run out of gas and fall face first into their plate of spaghetti.:rotfl:

It must be hard for you to admit there are many women that can

(1) out shoot you, Sherri Gallager and her Mother (U.S. Soldier of the Year).

(2) out fight you, Gina Carano........

(3) out run you, Lolo Jones......

(4) out climb you, Amna Shiekh,

(5)out jump you, Daria Klishina

(7)and clearly, out think you . Christ's Word. www. IN YOUR FACE

Why not just turn in your man card now, moron? :crackup:

You're not nice.


More made up anger accusations? No....people like me laugh at idiots like you: sort of like how one reacts when they see a two year old in a high chair run out of gas and fall face first into their plate of spaghetti.:rotfl:

It must be hard for you to admit there are many women that can

(1) out shoot you, Sherri Gallager and her Mother (U.S. Soldier of the Year).

(2) out fight you, Gina Carano........

(3) out run you, Lolo Jones......

(4) out climb you, Amna Shiekh,

(5)out jump you, Daria Klishina

(7)and clearly, out think you . Christ's Word. www. IN YOUR FACE

Why not just turn in your man card now, moron? :crackup:

The inevitable truth is that an army which is predominantly male are superior. It's as I said before, a simple matter of physics.
The military simply is not the place for such petitions. It's not like civil agendas., people fight and die in military endeavors and fates of entire countries are decided thereof.

Christ's Word

New member
The inevitable truth is that an army which is predominantly male are superior. It's as I said before, a simple matter of physics.

If you fight the old way, this is true. Army infantry, heavy mechanized ops, MEU SOCs (Expiditionary Marines), and SOF....this is still true.

EW, UAV activities, Intelligence activities, Training activities, Satellite activities, Communication, ICBM activities, Logistics, and many other functions, this is not true. The art of war is changing, and there are brilliant female artists that make a difference every day of the year. Sherri Gallagher's mother has trained S.E.A.L. snipers on long range wind reading, just as one example. Time to wake up. Shame on you for disrespecting all the women in the Air Force and other branches that protect your freedom.


Well-known member
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Rather, you think the folks at have no idea what they are talking about in spite of the science and reasoned arguments they present.

7 billion people is not a myth.

Nobody said 7 billion people is a myth. Overpopulation is a myth.

Having enough *quality* food and resources is already a problem. Most people on earth subsist on less than a dollar a day.

You are just propagating more overpopulation mythology. See this video for a better understanding of food as it relates to the overpopulation myth.

There's plenty of food

Guess what happens to a lot of them?

We can sit in our lovely houses and apartments and assert there's no population problem. The rest of the world has to deal with the effects.

You are mistaken about the cause of the effect.

The question is, why not. None of the arguments you've put forward have any merit.

What arguments specifically have no merit? Your hand waving doesn't impress me.

Men will defend their comrades just as well as they will want to protect women.

Based on my personal experience serving with women in combat, and based on the documented failure of Israel using women in combat, I have to disagree with your baseless, unsupported assertion.

Given the level of violence against women in our society, I do not think there is a very "hard wired" need in men to protect women.

The "hard wired" need in men to protect women is palpable. If you want to claim what is self-evident is not, go right ahead.

Christ's Word

New member
You're not nice.

Exactly, just truthful. Learn the difference between nice and kind. Nice people lie to you and tell you what you want to hear, to your own peril. Kind people tell you the harsh truth that you need to hear. Was the truth too harsh for you BYBEE? Do you need your mommy?


If you fight the old way, this is true. Army infantry, heavy mechanized ops, MEU SOCs (Expiditionary Marines), and SOF....this is still true.

EW, UAV activities, Intelligence activities, Training activities, Satellite activities, Communication, ICBM activities, Logistics, and many other functions, this is not true. The art of war is changing, and there are brilliant female artists that make a difference every day of the year. Sherri Gallagher's mother has trained S.E.A.L. snipers on long range wind reading, just as one example. Time to wake up. Shame on you for disrespecting all the women in the Air Force and other branches that protect your freedom.

Who said I was disrespecting women? I'm simply telling a truth which there is no other way around. There is more to war then simply pressing the 'big red button' and technology is expensive. Wars cannot be fought with those things alone. I believe someone here already shed light on that, actually. If women were predominant in the military, I daresay the planet would be burnt to a crisp :chuckle:.

But to the point, if women are so applicable to the military, then why are there not that many female soldiers? Surely one could scream discrimination, but where one says that I could simply say it's a matter of necessity and physics. I, for one, would feel safer with an army of men behind me then an army of women, and women generally have to work twice as hard just to be equal with the standard male soldier. This isn't a problem with the Army, because they are not apt to wage a slight war. That is for the Marines/Army Rangers/etc., and how many female Marines or special forces soldiers are there? Exactly.

The simple point to be made is that men and women are not equal in all aspects. They are equal in roles. Women, by nature, are nurturers. Just because there are exceptions does not mean that the general truth of the matter should be neglected.

Christ's Word

New member
Who said I was disrespecting women? I'm simply telling a truth which there is no other way around. There is more to war then simply pressing the 'big red button' and technology is expensive. Wars cannot be fought with those things alone. I believe someone here already shed light on that, actually. If women were predominant in the military, I daresay the planet would be burnt to a crisp :chuckle:.

But to the point, if women are so applicable to the military, then why are there not that many female soldiers? Surely one could scream discrimination, but where one says that I could simply say it's a matter of necessity and physics. I, for one, would feel safer with an army of men behind me then an army of women, and women generally have to work twice as hard just to be equal with the standard male soldier. This isn't a problem with the Army, because they are not apt to wage a slight war. That is for the Marines/Army Rangers/etc., and how many female Marines or special forces soldiers are there? Exactly.

The simple point to be made is that men and women are not equal in all aspects. They are equal in roles. Women, by nature, are nurturers. Just because there are exceptions does not mean that the general truth of the matter should be neglected.

You are clueless. The strongest military is one that has both men and women. For every competent women training, or in Intel, or working on logistics, that frees another man up to be in special ops or a war fighter on the battle field. Your naive generalizations ignore the realities of how the greatest military ever, gets to and from the battlefield. In today's world, when you bubbas cry "Get er Done", it only gets done because women are there working in logistics, leadership, training, and many other vital functions. Pull your head out of the dark place it is lodged.

"Women Play Crucial Role in Nation's Defense
Executive summary "Women in Defense -- DoD Leading the Way," , Defense Department report , Friday, March 01, 1996
Defense Issues: Volume 11, Number 31-- Women Play Crucial Role in Nation's Defense The Defense Department is the nation's largest employer of women, employing more than 500,000 of them in civilian and active military billets. That fact and other numbers show women's far-reaching influence on DoD.

Volume 11, Number 31
Women Play Crucial Role in Nation's Defense

Executive summary of "Women in Defense -- DoD Leading the Way," a Defense Department report released in March 1996.

The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women developed actions to achieve women's empowerment and reaffirm the human rights of women and the girl child. The report categorized the objectives into 12 critical areas of concern. ...

DoD has initiated policy changes which parallel the actions from the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women. The all-volunteer force provides a vast pool of qualified military men and women. The total DoD force includes DoD civilians, reservists and family members, including wives and children.

DoD is the nation's largest employer of women. There are over 500,000 women in defense. This includes 371,000 civilian employees and 195,000 active duty women. Women comprise a significant portion of the defense force including:

12 percent of the active duty force;
14 percent of the reserve force; "

The Navy has 137 women pilots and navigators flying combat aircraft. The Army has 38, and the Air Force has 10. The Marine Corps has one pilot and 11 in training. The Navy has 87 women pilots in training and 40 naval flight officers in training. The Air Force has three women in training.

The numbers have tripled in some combat areas since this speech in 1996. Women now make up more than 14 percent of ACTIVE DUTY personnel.

Russia had 4,000 female snipers in WW II. Over half of them did not survive the war, most of them had positive kill ratios against male German soldiers.
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You are clueless. The strongest military is one that has both men and women. For every competent women training, or in Intel, or working on logistics, that frees another man up to be in special ops or a war fighter on the battle field.

One minute, a man with misdemeanors cannot join, and the next, they are admitted with open arms. Women fill in the gaps. That is the truth of the matter. The military has no problem with the volume of personnel, as they put these requirements there for no other reason then to keep an overflow of soldiers.

Your naive generalizations ignore the realities of how the greatest military ever, gets to and from the battlefield. In today's world, when you bubbas cry "Get er Done", it only gets done because women are there working in logistics, leadership, training, and many other vital functions. Pull your head out of the dark place it is lodged.

You really just rebuke your own argument. By this, you admit that men are more sustainable on the fighting ground.

Russia had 4,000 female snipers in WW II. Over half of them did not survive the war, most of them had positive kill ratios against male German soldiers.

That's nice. You see, snipers are deadly and so they become a top priority. The opposing army may just bomb an entire area just to take care of a single sniper.
However, over half of them likely died because they came short of the other duties of a soldier. Snipers do not simply stand above a war., there comes a time when one will be doing exactly the same as others, especially in the event of an ambush.

In other words, women are put into the grinder just as males. There is no special treatment in the war zone. If you want to push your feminist agenda, then let there be a draft. Let's see where your female supremacy is then.
You just need to face the fact that nature conveys: we are like lions. The lionesses do not hunt, they man the fort. You have to be the QB to be the MVP, not the punter :thumb: