toldailytopic: Gender neutral bathrooms: would you use one? What do you think of the

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 19th, 2010 12:31 PM

toldailytopic: Gender neutral bathrooms: would you use one? What do you think of the movement to make gender neutral public bathrooms?

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New member
Why not??? After all, what is gender anyway?

Animals certainly don't hide their bodily functions from each other, why should we?


New member
Hall of Fame
I've used the men's rooms at Fenway Park. After that, I'll go anywhere.

Seriously: you feel the need, you'll stop caring. No big deal.


Hall of Fame
IF it's the only option, then yea, I would use it.

As far as the movement to make gender neutral public restrooms, I would prefer they not.

The Berean

Well-known member
Why would any woman want to use a gender neutral bathroom unless they REALLY had to go? Try this experiment. Go into a men's bathroom and take a whiff of the "aroma". Now do the same with a women's bathroom. Please report back to us. :think:


Well-known member
I think it would be funny to watch men stand in line waiting on all the women who got there first. I'm sure he'd enjoy the comradeship and social conversation while he waits. More of them would assuredly be reminded to wash their hands before they leave.

Seriously, having separate public bathrooms is a blessed luxury. Most gender neutral restrooms I've seen are called 'family restrooms.' They are small and used by one family at a time. That would not be a time or cost efficient public restroom system.

If I simply HAD to use a gender neutral one in an emergency - sure I would ... but I prefer the luxury of sharing my private moments at least with people of my SAME sex.


Hall of Fame
Why would any woman want to use a gender neutral bathroom unless they REALLY had to go? Try this experiment. Go into a men's bathroom and take a whiff of the "aroma". Now do the same with a women's bathroom. Please report back to us. :think:

Umm no.


Well-known member
Would you feel OK with your kids using a gender neutral restroom?

Only if I were there with them... and now that you mention this. I have a grown, but still young daughter. I would not want her to be in such a place alone... maybe with about 3 of her girl friends with her, she might be safe.


New member
Silly question...

I use a gender neutral bathroom all the time - it is on the first floor of my home...

BTW - ever tried using the chinese "holes" - squatting is COOL!


New member
I would prefer not to sit on a toilet with urine all over the floor and toilet but I certainly have gone into the men's when I didn't want to wait. I didn't sit.


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
My wife and I own an Anytime Fitness. Our three bathrooms are all gender neutral ("Unisex"), and two of them have showers. We keep them super clean, so a woman can go in after a man and [usually] not have to worry about sitting on a nasty toilet.

And for the record, women can be pretty nasty, too. :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You're all in your own little compartments anyway so what's the difference?
I suppose the urinals might have to have compartments so the women don't have to walk past the firehose line and you could make the stall walls go all the way to the floor so you wouldn't have any idea who was next to you.

Either way the seats should be self raising.


New member
A couple years ago I was working as a taxi driver for CSX, the railroad company. I had to take 3 engineers on a big four hour trip that popped up at the end of my shift. It was terrible. I was so sleepy that I stopped at a rest stop to go into a bathroom to splash some water on my face. So I'm walking through that bathroom and I got to noticing there weren't any urinals. I thought man this is weird.

I washed my face and sat down in a stall. Then not 30 seconds later two women come in and it suddenly dawned on me. I was in the ladies room. I jumped up on the toilet so they wouldn't see my feet and waited for them to leave. It woke me up big time, I won't lie and it was really uncomfortable. I don't think after experiencing that I would do this. I learned a lot about what women talk about in the bathroom though, I haven't been the same since.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Does that mean no urinals OR a urinal AND a bidet...:think:

Because, to my mind that's just asking for trouble.

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