New member
It's easy, I remind you what you actually said and what I objected to and what you attempted to move it into.
I think you see what you want to see, because otherwise you have to argue the point you can't argue.
I never tried to. I told you they weren't a part of my objection. I noted that the notion of imperfection and grace run hand in hand. This isn't a contest.
Is the Sabbath made for man or man for the Sabbath? Who falls short and requires grace? What was the purpose of the law, to redeem men or to help them realize their need for redemption?
Logic in my objection, scripture in your movement beyond it.
It isn't divided. It wasn't divided by your attempt to do so.
You do remember me while you were politicking, - don’t you???
AGAIN!!!! – ( The White House ) --- The (( World )) Hates America!!! – You cannot name one country that will STAND with America against Her Destruction!!!! – Any Country may stand with you if it’s profitable enough!! – Canada HATES America NOW, -- the British Hate America Now, - Israel is Hating America more and more Now. --- Let’s SEE!! – Who’s Left???? – The world either Loves the W.H. or Hates the W.H. Now. - Those who Love the W.H. are with the W.H. in the Destruction of YOUR America!! -- Those who HATE the W.H. Hate America and are against the W.H. and would love to see the Destruction of Your America!!!!
The W.H. is typical of Your good and kind, and loving Muslims, who even say they are (( Christian )) but ( Want the Destruction of Your America and will (( Dance )) very shortly when Your America is ( Finished ). ((( They already have their ~flag designed )))!!!!!! – OOHH happy ~day~!!!
Just where do you get that there is any significant quantity of America-loving people in that world that Satan is the (( GOD OF ))????? – YES!! You remember what I said about you in your good and kind and loving political run, - But when it was OVER!!!! – All the ((( Flattery stopped ))), and everyone KNOWS IT!!! – But, - be-it-as-it-may!! ---(( You can have this argument )), you can’t lose your bowels again!!! - ??? -- Uuuhhh ~”perdition” ~ ( You don’t follow that? )!!!
Paul – 042013