toldailytopic: Explosions at the finish of the Boston Marathon.


New member
It's easy, I remind you what you actually said and what I objected to and what you attempted to move it into.

I think you see what you want to see, because otherwise you have to argue the point you can't argue.

I never tried to. I told you they weren't a part of my objection. I noted that the notion of imperfection and grace run hand in hand. This isn't a contest.

Is the Sabbath made for man or man for the Sabbath? Who falls short and requires grace? What was the purpose of the law, to redeem men or to help them realize their need for redemption?

Logic in my objection, scripture in your movement beyond it.

It isn't divided. It wasn't divided by your attempt to do so.

You do remember me while you were politicking, - don’t you???

AGAIN!!!! – ( The White House ) --- The (( World )) Hates America!!! – You cannot name one country that will STAND with America against Her Destruction!!!! – Any Country may stand with you if it’s profitable enough!! – Canada HATES America NOW, -- the British Hate America Now, - Israel is Hating America more and more Now. --- Let’s SEE!! – Who’s Left???? – The world either Loves the W.H. or Hates the W.H. Now. - Those who Love the W.H. are with the W.H. in the Destruction of YOUR America!! -- Those who HATE the W.H. Hate America and are against the W.H. and would love to see the Destruction of Your America!!!!

The W.H. is typical of Your good and kind, and loving Muslims, who even say they are (( Christian )) but ( Want the Destruction of Your America and will (( Dance )) very shortly when Your America is ( Finished ). ((( They already have their ~flag designed )))!!!!!! – OOHH happy ~day~!!!

Just where do you get that there is any significant quantity of America-loving people in that world that Satan is the (( GOD OF ))????? – YES!! You remember what I said about you in your good and kind and loving political run, - But when it was OVER!!!! – All the ((( Flattery stopped ))), and everyone KNOWS IT!!! – But, - be-it-as-it-may!! ---(( You can have this argument )), you can’t lose your bowels again!!! - ??? -- Uuuhhh ~”perdition” ~ ( You don’t follow that? )!!!

Paul – 042013


You do remember me while you were politicking, - don’t you???

AGAIN!!!! – ( The White House ) --- The (( World )) Hates America!!! – You cannot name one country that will STAND with America against Her Destruction!!!! – Any Country may stand with you if it’s profitable enough!! – Canada HATES America NOW, -- the British Hate America Now, - Israel is Hating America more and more Now. --- Let’s SEE!! – Who’s Left???? – The world either Loves the W.H. or Hates the W.H. Now. - Those who Love the W.H. are with the W.H. in the Destruction of YOUR America!! -- Those who HATE the W.H. Hate America and are against the W.H. and would love to see the Destruction of Your America!!!!

The W.H. is typical of Your good and kind, and loving Muslims, who even say they are (( Christian )) but ( Want the Destruction of Your America and will (( Dance )) very shortly when Your America is ( Finished ). ((( They already have their ~flag designed )))!!!!!! – OOHH happy ~day~!!!

Just where do you get that there is any significant quantity of America-loving people in that world that Satan is the (( GOD OF ))????? – YES!! You remember what I said about you in your good and kind and loving political run, - But when it was OVER!!!! – All the ((( Flattery stopped ))), and everyone KNOWS IT!!! – But, - be-it-as-it-may!! ---(( You can have this argument )), you can’t lose your bowels again!!! - ??? -- Uuuhhh ~”perdition” ~ ( You don’t follow that? )!!!

Paul – 042013





Just because Islam is spawning many of the terrorists now doesn't mean that every Muslim is suspect.

"Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism-- it is an important part of promoting peace." ~ :Nineveh: Barack Obama Ge 16:12, Mt 7:16 :CRASH:


"Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism-- it is an important part of promoting peace." ~ :Nineveh: Barack Obama Ge 16:12, Mt 7:16 :CRASH:

Has to be some of the most irrelevant scripture use I've ever seen. You're not going to make people drop their religion, as frivolous as it is, and he's the president of every citizen.

Get over it, Islam sucks, so do the rest, quit crying about other's delusions.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I don't think that you can put all Muslims in one pot together. Just because Islam is spawning many of the terrorists now doesn't mean that every Muslim is suspect.
It's the old ethnocentric principle in action. We're increasingly comfortable and trusting of the like and increasingly disquieted and suspicious of the other. Couple that with the tendency of people to confuse the anecdotal experience with the rule (the old burning field theory) and you have Islam the feared. Over one and a half billion adherents and the vast majority live unremarkable, quiet lives.

Every major religion is populated by people who want the same things, to raise their families and live peacefully.

In the same way, when Britain was beset by both Catholic and Protestant terrorists in Northern Ireland, no one suggested that it was the Catholic and Protestant religions that were the main problem. We still thought that most Christians were still ok really.
Hard to distinguish between them and the atheist even. Bound by similar cultural markers, etc.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It wouldn't have been in cold blood, you moron.

He was shooting at the police.

And before that he was shooting at them and throwing pipe bombs and grenades at them.

And before that he was setting off bombs in public.

Try to get a grip on reality, will ya?

I dig that and with him having bombs and all I would be OK with a little shoot first frisk later type stuff IF they have a positive ID and that's a pretty stringent IF.
Lets no forget the trigger happy California cops that shot up two little Asian ladies while they were looking for a 300 pound Black dude.
That was totally not cool.


CBS affiliate WBZ-TV says FBI assisted in moving the body of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev to a cemetery in Virginia