You just denied that human life is life, by denying that the origination of human life is the origination of life.
Arthur Brain thinks that human life is not life! Amazing.
Since by "life has evolved", you pretend to
not mean "life originated", then tell us what (if anything) you imagine you mean by "life has evolved".
Was Darwin's book titled
On The Origin Of Species, or was it titled
On The Evolution Of Species? Which?
Was Darwin's book on the
origin of species, or was it on the
evolution of species? Which?
Are species life? Yes or No?
Are species life itself? Yes or No?
When a chick hatches from an egg laid by a chicken, would you say that the chicken that laid the egg has
evolved into the chick that hatched from it? Would you say that one, or both, of your parents evolved into you?
Your (Darwinism's) most fundamentally self-devastating, self-embarrassing problem is the very word, "evolve", itself, which is why you've been persistently committed to stonewalling and obfuscation at every turn in your postings on TOL. You will do whatever you can to weasel away from the challenge every time someone asks you to say what it is for something to evolve.
When something evolves, does it evolve into itself, or does it evolve into something other than itself?
You will never get human language to cooperate with your wishful, futile attempts to somehow cause your nonsense to be sense. And, frankly, I'm quite enjoying the spectacle of your frustration over that fact.
What is not the same thing as
- By "life itself", are you referring to life? Yes or No?
- If you are referring to life, by "life itself", then to what life are you referring, by "life itself"?
- If you are not referring to life, by "life itself", then to what are you referring, by "life itself"?