You think your evidence is better than the evidence for radiometric dating?

Again, radiation is a result of the release of energy from the Flood.
Assuming millions of years and then extrapolating half-life decay rates based on that is not evidence. It's just bad science. In fact, it's not even science.
Not evidence. That's a belief.
Now faith is . . . evidence . . . - Hebrews 11:1
Questionable at best, certainly open to interpretation and based on assumption
There is no other explanation for morality other than an objective source.
Objective morality cannot arise from a materialistic system, the same way information cannot.
Why? Because you said so?
Information is not physical. We know this because it can be transmitted at the speed of light.
How is that evidence for your specific faith?
If other animals are "conscious" what does that mean?
Pain is a physiological response based on chemistry
Pain is not physical.
Pain is
awareness, and awareness is not physical.
Neurologists claim that we sense pain with our brain. As evidence for that, they show that nerve damage can prevent the signal from an injury from reaching the brain, and in such cases, many patients indicate that they do not feel pain from that injury. However, the brain as an organ itself is completely unable to feel pain. When a brain surgeon operates and cuts into brain matter, the patient does not feel pain from that surgery. Why not? How can the brain, possibly the only organ that does not sense pain, be the very organ by which we sense pain? The answer only appears after realizing from the nature of pain itself, that pain is not physical.
* Pain is Non-Physical: Pain is awareness, which is a state of knowledge. You can program a robot to back up suddenly if it bumps into a wall, and even to yell, "Ouch." But it hasn't felt pain, because it is only made of atoms and molecules, and can have no awareness, because like many very real things, sentience is not physical. The laws of logic are not physical (no mass, polarity, etc.), and neither is reason, nor the laws of grammar. Pain is awareness that something is wrong. Therefore pain is inherently non-physical, and so pain resulting from non-physical causes is dramatically more hurtful than pain resulting from physical stimuli. A paper cut on the eyeball really hurts. A father who will not look his disowned son in the eye is far more painful. The intense pain of childbirth passes quickly. The inconsolable pain of a child dying lasts for years. Physical pain dissipates more quickly because it must be converted to the non-physical realm for it to be experienced. Emotional and spiritual pain hits the soul and spirit directly, and so it persists longer and is more effective. If someone has been abandoned by his parents, he might be able to know the pain felt by the little one who is aborted, purposefully rejected by his mother, and intentionally killed, whether by a surgical or chemical abortion as with the Morning After Abortion Pill. A mother who doesn't have the willingness to love her child hurts him far beyond the physical impact of the abortion. Giving the child anesthesia will do little to alleviate his or her pain from the abortion, and nor will it help with the mother's pain when she meets that child, on Judgment Day. |
but yet no one can measure another person's pain. So does it really exist?
See above.
How do you know that logic exists?
Are you really going to argue that logic does not exist? That's a very dangerous rabbit hole to follow, and the argument is self-defeating.
I know that I exist because I can say I exist, and if I wanted to be illogical, I could deny that I exist, but it wouldn't change the fact that I exist to be able to deny that I exist. If I did not exist, I would not be able to say that I exist, and I wouldn't even be able to deny that I exist.
These are weak lines of "evidence".
Because you say so?
Logic and reason are evidence that God exists because God IS reason. He is logical.
God requires two or three witnesses (evidences) to establish a matter.
I provided five. I could go on and on.
The heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament shows His handiwork.
Of all the lists of evidence for the existence of God I've seen, this has to be one of the worst.
Because you say so?
Do some more reading, especially C. S. Lewis.
C. S. Lewis was anti-evolution:
Lewis wrote to leading creationist Bernard Ackworth. "I wish I were younger... think that you may be right in regarding it [evolution] as the central and radical lie in the whole web of falsehood that now governs our lives..." |
You must assume that you exist
No, I don't have to assume I exist.
I can logically deduce that I exist, because if I did not exist, I could not say that I do or do not exist, and to say the latter is illogical, for to say that I do not exist, I must first exist to be able to say so.
and are capable of understanding scripture.
Was this an attempt at an ad hominem?
You must assume that scripture is in the broadest sense what it claims to be
Rather, one merely has to read scripture and take it to mean exactly what it says in context.
and the books that we have today are enough to believe.
Um, no, in case you've forgotten, that's what we're trying to prove or disprove.
It is disconcerting to remember that the books of the Bible were decided by committee.
You seem to have forgotten:
What advantage then has the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision?Much in every way! Chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of God. - Romans 3:1-2
Granted they chose what the early church was using broadly but still.
Radiometric dating is one of the more verifiable things we have in science.
Except it's not. There are three unverifiable assumptions that radiometric dating make.
The rate of decay has been tested innumerable times.
The rate of decay has nothing to do with the unverifiable assumptions that are made that render radioactive dating to be utterly useless for determining the age of anything.
Not to mention that radioactivity was not present on the earth until the Flood.
I mean the annual layers of ice that are laid down in Antarctica. You don't fit 55,000+ layers in 5000 years.
Assuming the truth of your position is called question begging, Alate, and is a logical fallacy.
You should stop bringing your a priori beliefs into the discussion.
The evidence is that there are many layers of snow and ice in Antarctica. Saying they represent 55,000 years of snow/ice disallows discussion of the evidence outside of your beliefs.
Basically your argument boils down to this: You like your assumptions better than those in science. We can test ideas in science. We can't test any of yours.
Sure you can.
You make a very poor argument for Christianity,
Because you say so?
you might want to work on your apologetics some more.
Rather, maybe your position has blinded you to the simplicity of the arguments.