If you have any interest in dialoguing or actually talking about the topic go ahead but you really need to grow up.
I have quite an interest in dialoguing. Let's start off with the major difference between the religion of "nothingism", i.e. moral relativists like yourself, and the religion of Chrisitianity.
Atheism has one "god" (subdivided into two): 1) man 2) the government of man.
This quote explains atheism (through the word "libertarian") perfectly:
"Those who embrace libertarianism believe that there is no ultimate authority to which men and their civil society must answer other than themselves and the words of their own constitutions and laws. Men are "free," and there should be as few restrictions on "freedom" as possible."
Of course that "freedom" can be seen through abortion, homosexuality, recreational drug use, pornography, prostitution, and suicide.
Christianity on the other hand acknowledges that God is sovereign over man's body, and even though we are given free will to choose, we have to choose wisely.
While the following quote came from a site that discussed homosexuality, it's very much pertinent to this topic:
"For Christians, it can?t be surprising that gay culture?s deformities and vices go so far beyond homosexuality itself. While we understand homosexuality to be innately wrong, we also understand that the bigger problem is people rejecting God?s standard, and thus God Himself.
Once that happens, the door is wide open to any sort of behavior. As Dostoyevsky wrote, if there is no God, everything is permissible."
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