@ Sozo
@ Sozo
What is depressing is the idea that Jesus might have left us here in a place with no power to effect it: that He left us here as Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise that we would be a blessing to all the families of the earth- but not really.
Dispensationalism has robbed the church of it's inheritance which is the New Covenant power to turn the world up-side down by faith in the word of the Lord.
While the only hope that dispensationalists have is to retreat from the fight and escape by the skin of their teeth saying "The words of Jesus are just for the Jews", there are many people of real faith in God saying, "No. No. I will not go. I will stay and occupy till, either, I give up this body, or my Lord returns. And I will occupy according to the words He left us through the apostles. I will use this sword of the spirit that is the judging words Jesus and the Holy Spirit delivered to the apostles from the Father in heaven.
"Empowered by the Spirit which was sent for our help, I will obey the Just One who bought me with His own precious blood. I will pray in faith, "Father in heaven, Thy will be done on earth as it is where You and Your only genetic Son, Jesus, are."
"I will know my God, and I will do exploits in His holy Name"
These are the kind of spiritual warriors who will judge angels, and be given cities on earth having inherited the nations; and who will, at the time of the feast of tabernacles, come with their wives and children and their hands full of corn and wine to tabernacle around the tabernacle of David as inhabitants of New Jerusalem, and hear the Word of the Lord delivered by the High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek- Jesus, Himself.
We will see Jesus in joy.
We have the victory that overcomes the world- even our faith. We live by the faith of the Son of God- not the excuses of Bullinger or Scofield.
The faith of the Son of God is that we will do works like His; and mightier works than His will we do because He has gone to the Father.
The faith of the Son of God is that the Father would include us who believe by the words of the apostles (which they did write down so we could believe) and be in unity with the Father and the Son in heaven while we are yet on earth.
Depressing is the thought that much of what is called Christianity is nothing but men living by sight and not by faith making excuses for their powerlessness because that's where the money.
Become more than a mere man, Sozo. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Gain the mind of Christ. Use the power which has been given you when you believed on the name of Jesus to manifest as a Son of God.
God's not mad at you. But, you don't want to die and go into His presence having believed and loved men and money more than you believed and loved God's Son and His Word.
When Jesus comes back, will He find faith in the earth? Not if the dispensationalists have anything to do with it.
But, as for me and my house, we will enjoy the grace of God serving the Lord.
If we are in the end times, it is because re-misinterpreters like Bullinger and Scofield have succeeded in removing the savor from the salt- it is time for judgment to begin at the house of God.
Even so, I am not ashamed of the good news of Christ. It is the power of God unto SALVATION; to the Jew first, and, also, to the Greek.