toldailytopic: Does God care about the outcome of a sports game? Might He favor one t


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Hall of Fame
I saw a church sign that was about this. It was to the effect of.....God heard your prayer, He just doesn't care if your team wins.

:BRAVO: A church sign I actually liked.

I would be very upset and concerned if God cared. Even moreso if he intervened in a game to bring about a particular outcome.

Coffee is King

New member
I doubt God cares about sports. I just can't picture God sitting in some La-Z-Boy with a cold one saying "well thank Me I called off work today, as this is one heck of a game".


Yes and no.

"No," insofar as it's wrong to say that God cares about the outcome of a sports game in the same way that we do. That's a gross anthropomorphism.

However, it should be noted that whatever is, insofar as it is, is willed by God under some description. All historical events happen only insofar as they either are permitted or are willed directly by the Divine Providence.

So to that extent, God does care who wins. Not, however, for the reasons why we do. God cares about who wins only insofar as this fits into the "bigger picture" of the Divine Plan. I think that Leibniz speaks well in this: God attended to each particular in order perfectly to harmonize it with the whole, in order that God might have created the best possible world (or best compossible).


Well-known member
I mean, go get drunk, shoot up some heroin, stay up all night with your gay lover, and try to win a Super Bowl game the next day. My natural law comment was related to behavior (righteous vs. unrighteous) not to genetic or environmental conditions (carcinogens) that drive things like cancers.

Sure. Staying up all night reading The Bible and you'll probably have a hard time the next day physically too. A player might walk the streets all night giving out blankets to the homeless on a cold night... They're probably not going to be running down the field at top speed the next day. This is not to compare the two types of situations besides pointing out that a "righteous" activity might also have negative repercussions on something like a football game.

As to the OP: No, I don't believe God cares who wins or loses a sporting event, besides perhaps how one might learn from it.


Well-known member
I would be very upset and concerned if God cared. Even moreso if he intervened in a game to bring about a particular outcome.

If God withdrew His Spirit from Tebow, the man would be a corpse (1Co 6:17; Ec 12:7).

Ponder that one.


Well-known member
Luke 12:6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

God seems to care about things some might consider trivial.

Coffee is King

New member
Luke 12:6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

God seems to care about things some might consider trivial.

True, but God created the sparrows. It is natural for Him to care for His creations. Man created sports.


Well-known member
Where does the hope to win Tebow has come from?

The same for all the players in any sport.

God doesn't have to prefer a person or team to care.

He can care about everyone's hopes and dreams, unlike man.