toldailytopic: Does God care about the outcome of a sports game? Might He favor one t

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 9th, 2012 09:08 AM

toldailytopic: Does God care about the outcome of a sports game? Might He favor one team over another?


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Nathon Detroit

Answer: No. God doesn't care about which teams win sporting events. God cares about people. He wants to fellowship with them and love them. Those that do love God might have more comfort in their life (knowing that sports is just a game and there are bigger, more important things in life) and therefore perform better but that doesn't mean God is preferring them over another as far as the outcome of the game is concerned.

Nathon Detroit

According to Calvinism.... YES.

In Calvinism God favors certain sports teams over another. He also favors certain players over another. In Calvinism God has picked the winner of every game ever played. He has picked every Super Bowl MVP and predetermined the exact vote count for every Heisman Trophy ever awarded. :kookoo:


New member
Mostly, no. Knight is right that God does not care about the outcome of a sporting event (otherwise the lions would have went hungry ;))

However, God IS a Packer fan and he won't leave you for the Jets :chuckle:


Well-known member
I say no, unless there were some bigger purpose, I think He could influence the outcome of a game. Its not the game He cares about. Just like how God could make a rooster crow. He doesnt care about the rooster crowing in itself, but there was a bigger reason.

AND, Im NOT saying that is what is happening with the Broncos, although watching this year you have to wonder :)


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
No, because that's why the football is pointed on both ends.
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Christ's Word

New member
God's natural laws clearly favor the righteous. God's ways are so much higher than ours, it may be difficult to completely exclude the possibility of favoritism in unique circumstances where God wishes to accomplish something. Teams favored? I doubt it. Righteous people favored, no doubt, his natural laws do that without Him lifting a finger. There is real favor designed into system before we were ever born.


New member
God's natural laws clearly favor the righteous.

Are you sure that you mean natural law? I ask because I can't say that God's natural law clearly favors anyone, much less the righteous. For example, a truly born-again person getting a really bad form of cancer while an ardent atheist, who is very promiscuous and self-serving goes through life with no medical issues.

Maybe we're working off of two different definitions of natural law? What do you mean by it?

Christ's Word

New member
Are you sure that you mean natural law? I ask because I can't say that God's natural law clearly favors anyone, much less the righteous. For example, a truly born-again person getting a really bad form of cancer while an ardent atheist, who is very promiscuous and self-serving goes through life with no medical issues.

Maybe we're working off of two different definitions of natural law? What do you mean by it?

I mean, go get drunk, shoot up some heroin, stay up all night with your gay lover, and try to win a Super Bowl game the next day. My natural law comment was related to behavior (righteous vs. unrighteous) not to genetic or environmental conditions (carcinogens) that drive things like cancers.


Well-known member
God cares about whether his Son Jesus the Christ is glorified among men.

I don't think that a loss or a win of any sports game glorifies Jesus, but only glorifies the team. Yet, I think it does matter to God when any individuals on a team honor Him with their public behavior.

How does honoring our Lord Jesus matter to God?
I don't think that honoring our Lord Jesus will win anyone "brownie points" among humanity on earth ... but according to the Bible there are rewards to be earned from God for the eternal kingdom, when we do honor our Lord with our behaviors on earth.

Whether a person has the courage to reveal his faith in Jesus among men in any public endeavor with their actions or whether he is a coward and hides The LIGHT under a bushel should matter to all believers - no matter in what career he/she is involved.

Believers should be proud of people like T-BO (sp???) who stands up for his faith. We should stand up for his right to express his faith in public. If he can't, then who is next to be silenced? Huh?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I'm sure OUR LORD cares as much about the outcome of a sports game as much as he cares about someone getting a "good parking spot" at Walmart or finding your lost car keys. :plain:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: Does God care about the outcome of a sports game? Might He favor one team over another?

I couldn't help but think of the old movie Angels In The Outfield when I saw this thread.


Well-known member
Are you sure that you mean natural law? I ask because I can't say that God's natural law clearly favors anyone, much less the righteous. For example, a truly born-again person getting a really bad form of cancer while an ardent atheist, who is very promiscuous and self-serving goes through life with no medical issues.

Maybe we're working off of two different definitions of natural law? What do you mean by it?

Hello - with just a few opinions,

God allows the sun to shine and the rain to fall on all ... believers and unbelievers. He allows success and/or failure to occur within our world ... and He allows death to come to all - no matter the cause.

One cannot judge whether a person is saved by the successes or failures in one's life ... or by how and when death overtakes someone.

For me this earthly life is designed to be our chance to glorify our creator and savior (Isaiah 43:11 KJV) and earn future heavenly rewards. No matter what we must endure during our life-time it will have been worth it when we receive the eternal gifts of God.

God does promise to be with us spiritually as we face our present troubles ... From first hand experience God certainly knows of the suffering that exists in this world and can give unto us what we need to get through this life. I know that He is real, alive, and knows what is going on in my life from personal miraculous experiences I've had... yet I'm not a "name it - claim it" sort of thinker... perhaps that is to my detriment ... but I just haven't grasped that concept yet.

I have grown to detest sports because people become so hooked on it that (as if it was a mind altering drug for them) they forget that their souls are lost or that they should be glorifying God while they have a chance.

I think Christian athletes, who display their faith in public, are refreshing ... and that people who whine and gnash their teeth the most don't like being reminded of their lost condition.


Well-known member
I guess some will think that I am a bit off topic ... so I'll say:
No, I don't think God cares who wins any sports game, because none of them are being played for his glory ... only man's.


TOL Subscriber
According to Calvinism.... YES.

In Calvinism God favors certain sports teams over another. He also favors certain players over another. In Calvinism God has picked the winner of every game ever played. He has picked every Super Bowl MVP and predetermined the exact vote count for every Heisman Trophy ever awarded. :kookoo:

What a provocative notion, Knight! 