Who transferred you?
Explain the transformation from the kingdom of light back to the kingdom of darkness. Explain the unbaptism, the uncircumcision, the undeath, the unburial, and the unresurrection.
Baptism does not save. Many true Christians have not been water baptized yet. Some who are baptized are not even converted (cults baptize people). Circumcision is also not an issue for believers. Spiritual circumcision does happen when one is converted. It is not a wooden literalism, so the reality is true only if and when someone is in Christ. Apostates are no longer in Christ, so any spiritual benefit or promises for believers do not apply because they are unbelievers who reject Christ and His work. They are not in relationship with Christ, not in Christ, so the realities of vital connection with Him do not apply.
You see how the circ can fall away, so don't play dumb and think it is impossible for uncirc humans to do the same. Your two gospel caste system is imposed on Scripture and the rule differences are arbitrary in light of any gospel being rooted in the person and work of Christ. So, either circ and uncirc are OSAS or neither are.
If I come under the rulership of the U.S. or Canada after leaving a communist China, I can renounce my new freedom citizenship and return to the darkness of communism. Analogies can be pressed in various ways.
You are making spiritual reality irreversible and separate from connection with Christ. In Christ, all these promises and privileges and realities apply. Apart from Christ (unbeliever or apostate), none still apply because they are conditional on being connected to the one who makes the realities possible. In johnw's view, he can hate Christ, be a Muslim/atheist/Satanist, and still be saved. This is unbiblical, illogical nonsense.
Metaphors about spiritual reality also cannot be pressed into wooden literalisms like you are doing. Some argue that one cannot be physically unborn, so how can one be unbornagain? This is a lame argument that assumes spiritual rebirth is identical in every way to physical birth instead of just analogous on some vs all points. Physical birth is irreversible and it involves sperm/egg/sex, procreation, pain, etc. Spiritual rebirth is supernatural and relational, not irreversible, physical.
I take seriously the security of believer passages AND the stern apostate ones. You don't logically follow through with unconditional universalism and simply limit apostate passages to circ believers. Since you are wrong about MAD/two gospel theories, your assumptions about OSAS are off and lead to wrong conclusions.
Most free will theists are not OSAS. Generally, Calvinists/determinists are the ones who support OSAS/POTS.