toldailytopic: Do you support or oppose tightening gun control laws in USA?

Christ's Word

New member
At 2 p.m on Saturday the 17th of December RSR group had over 300,000 30 round magazines for sale. At 5 p.m. on the same day, all of them were sold, they had zero.

There are over a billion 30 round magazines for M-4's and their variants in the United States right now.

So explain to me again how making it harder to BUY MAGAZINES is going to stop a guy who STOLE the magazines that he used for murdering people?

There are only 1 billion left to steal; spread over 100 million households as potential targets for the next theft/murder. Tell me you are not that stupid? Really, a High Capacity Mag ban??? REALLY????????? That is your answer????????????????? Put the crack pipe down sweety.
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New member
Doing nothing? I propose we do the right thing. Smaller mags isn't it.

Ok, so what is "the right thing" to do?

If we knew it would actually saved lives. We don't. But we do know what would save more lives.

But that's a different objection entirely. "It still would have been a massacre even with a couple less kids dead" seems to dismiss the value of saving a few lives rather than dispute the claim that it would save lives.

Sure. And they could follow any laws that makes their own state into a prison so they won't be criminals.

Just out of curiosity, do you consider any place that doesn't consider gun ownership a basic right to be a prison?

That is a horrible argument. Why don't you try again?

What, obeying laws is a bridge too far for you?

If it only would, for sure. It *maybe* could have saved a life in Sandy Hook.

I'll take "maybe" over nothing at all.

But it will cost more lives in other places.

How exactly?

Once you support the concept of arbitrary law, you must ride that horse right over the cliff.

Good thing I don't support arbitrary laws then.

Reducing freedom will cost many more lives than the mag reduction will save in the long run.

By what mechanism? Exactly what is the life-saving benefit of high-capacity mags outside military applications?

And you get to make innocent people into criminals to boot.

Of course, calling them innocent begs the question. If we pass laws banning high capacity magazines, they won't be innocent if they fail to comply.


Well-known member
Maybe someone can explain to me why the same people will tell us that a raped woman must carry the rapist's child to term because life is so precious are arguing forcefully against gun control measures. These same people won't even consider any new gun legislation that might save the lives of innocent children. Heaven forbid we inconvenience law-abiding gun owners. :rolleyes:

And obviously any law that isn't 100% effective is useless, oh wait that's exactly what abortion laws aren't . . . (100% effective).

The hypocrisy is so thick I could row a boat through it.

I bet the only way to get some of you to be for any type of gun control is if guns were used to perform abortions. Then, magically, you'd care.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Maybe someone can explain to me why the same people will tell us that a raped woman must carry the rapist's child to term because life is so precious are arguing forcefully against gun control measures. These same people won't even consider any new gun legislation that might save the lives of innocent children. Heaven forbid we inconvenience law-abiding gun owners. :rolleyes:
You know what would save more children? Allowing good, law abiding folk to be armed against lawbreakers who don't care if they can legally get guns if they want them bad enough.

And obviously any law that isn't 100% effective is useless, oh wait that's exactly what abortion laws aren't . . . (100% effective).
No law is 100% effective. And the current abortion laws against abortion most certainly are not; the people who proposed them didn't even try to make them mostly effectual. Most of them have no effect whatsoever, and have not saved a single child, and any who have saved any children have only saved very few, in the great scheme of things.

Also, if Roe v Wade were overturned then these laws would then keep abortion legal, because they are all essentially, "if you first do this, then you can kill the baby," or, "As long as you don't do this, you can kill the baby."

The hypocrisy is so thick I could row a boat through it.
And your ignorance is so thick the knife won't even cut through it if it were run under hot water first.

I bet the only way to get some of you to be for any type of gun control is if guns were used to perform abortions. Then, magically, you'd care.
And thus my comment above is shown to be true.


Well-known member
You know what would save more children? Allowing good, law abiding folk to be armed against lawbreakers who don't care if they can legally get guns if they want them bad enough.
Have any actual evidence of that other than the continual spouting of NRA dogma?

Do you know what laws have been shown to save children? Holding gun owners accountable if someone else (especially children) take their weapons and do harm with them. It cuts down on events like six year olds shooting other six year olds.

I certainly haven't (and most others haven't in this thread) proposed stopping law abiding people from buying guns for protection, just increasing the care with which society determines who is law abiding, as well as clip size and weapon types.

No law is 100% effective. And the current abortion laws against abortion most certainly are not; the people who proposed them didn't even try to make them mostly effectual. Most of them have no effect whatsoever, and have not saved a single child, and any who have saved any children have only saved very few, in the great scheme of things.
Wouldn't you agree that a law that saves any child is worthwhile?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Have any actual evidence of that other than the continual spouting of NRA dogma?
I don't actually know anything of the NRA.

Do you know what laws have been shown to save children? Holding gun owners accountable if someone else (especially children) take their weapons and do harm with them. It cuts down on events like six year olds shooting other six year olds.
I never said we shouldn't hold people accountable if they misuse their weapons and don't do the proper things to keep them out of the hands of those who don't know how to use them, or the dangers, etc.

You know what would save six year olds from getting shot like that? Teaching them about guns, how to properly use them and respect them...

I certainly haven't (and most others haven't in this thread) proposed stopping law abiding people from buying guns for protection, just increasing the care with which society determines who is law abiding, as well as clip size and weapon types.
That last part is the issue, and you've contradicted yourself with it.

Wouldn't you agree that a law that saves any child is worthwhile?
Right laws are worthwhile; wrong laws are dangerous even if they do save some lives. They will eventually cause more harm than good.

Christ's Word

New member
Wouldn't you agree that a law that saves any child is worthwhile?

Lighthouse is right, you are wrong. Here is why, even if the USA had 50,000 deaths every year with guns, it pales in comparison to:

1. 50,000,000 deaths caused by Mao Tse-tung

2. 30,000,000 deaths caused by Stalin and Khrushchev

3. 10,000,000 deaths caused by Hitler

Americans know that they will never give way to Government run a muck, because the cost in human life is unthinkable. We don't trust the crooks in Washington, and neither should you. There is a reason we threw the Brits out of our Colonies, actually a lot of GOOD REASONS. Just read the Declaration of Independence.

Most American gun owners are NOT members of the NRA (Not Really Americans) the N.R.A. compromises way too much, and they don't speak for real Americans.


TOL Subscriber
Most American gun owners are NOT members of the NRA (Not Really Americans) the N.R.A. compromises way too much, and they don't speak for real Americans.

What are your qualifiers for being a "Real American"?

What is the name of the group that speaks for the "Real American" gun rights?

You guys are represented on Capital Hill right?

Would your group advocate the dissolving/disbanding of the N.R.A.?

How about some link or address we (not real Americans) can go to to in order to find out more about this Real American organization?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
You mean right wing nut jobs not real americans.

Lighthouse is right, you are wrong. Here is why, even if the USA had 50,000 deaths every year with guns, it pales in comparison to:

1. 50,000,000 deaths caused by Mao Tse-tung

2. 30,000,000 deaths caused by Stalin and Khrushchev

3. 10,000,000 deaths caused by Hitler

Americans know that they will never give way to Government run a muck, because the cost in human life is unthinkable. We don't trust the crooks in Washington, and neither should you. There is a reason we threw the Brits out of our Colonies, actually a lot of GOOD REASONS. Just read the Declaration of Independence.

Most American gun owners are NOT members of the NRA (Not Really Americans) the N.R.A. compromises way too much, and they don't speak for real Americans.

Christ's Word

New member
What are your qualifiers for being a "Real American"?

What is the name of the group that speaks for the "Real American" gun rights?

You guys are represented on Capital Hill right?

Would your group advocate the dissolving/disbanding of the N.R.A.?

How about some link or address we (not real Americans) can go to to in order to find out more about this Real American organization?

Great questions all.

Real Americans are individuals. Rugged individuals. They think independently, and don't play the "I am a club member" games. This may be news to you, but this country, America, was founded on the principles of rugged individualism and the principles of the Judeo/Christian philosophy.

The NRA on the other hand, is run by retired FBI agents that manage the NRA L.E. Training Division. You think the NRA is run by the Board, not exactly (get to some board members shortly). The NRA L.E. Division brings in a huge chunk of the funds, which give them much control, purse strings count. Did you ever wonder why if you are an NRA member, it is in your personal Hoover File? That is because the NRA spoon feeds its database of members to the FBI.

Are you aware that the USSC has twice ordered the FBI to destroy its data base of gun owners? The FBI has not complied, nor will they ever comply.

Are you aware that after the Sandy Hook murders, Larry Potterfield (NRA board member) has decided to not sell receivers that have serial numbers? Nor will he continue to sell any items requiring an FFL?

Do you really believe the the NRA has your interest at heart?

Why are their Board Members running for cover?

Did you hear Wayne's speech on Friday? Is that the case you wanted him to make? It was impotent, wait for the typical NRA compromises, its coming.

The NRA only represents a small number of gun owners in America, thank God.

Christ's Word

New member
You mean right wing nut jobs not real americans.

This is why we kicked your relatives and the idiots like you out of our country around 1776, and became the greatest country civilization has ever seen.

This simple fact that we have tolerated a certain percentage of morons like you has caused us problems, which may be resolved here in the not so distant future. Please stay on your side of the ocean, we care about everyone's health.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ok, so what is "the right thing" to do?
Freedom. Let people defend themselves the way they want to. Self defense can be any means with or without a gun, that can be directed at a single attacker at a time. Did it really take the police 20 minutes to get there?

And the next part is to allow anyone who can carry a concealed weapon the freedom to do so on any public area (that would include schools), and also on any private land where the owner does not prohibit it.

Also the freedom to buy and sell guns without gov't intrusion would help, including across state lines.

Freedom baby! Freedom saves lives in the long run.

But that's a different objection entirely. "It still would have been a massacre even with a couple less kids dead" seems to dismiss the value of saving a few lives rather than dispute the claim that it would save lives.
It's only a different objection because you either don't understand what I'm saying or you are playing stupid.

I just saw a way of putting this that might help clear things up for you: When high capacity mags aren't used in the next massacre, what are you going to ban next? And then, what after that? When do you draw the line?

Let's say your mag capacity law goes into effect and the next massacre kills 18 kids and 5 adults. You *could* make a correlation between the capacity of the mag and the number of deaths. But the point is not to trumpet a vague correlation, the point is to stop murder. Stop wasting time with useless mag laws that only turn good people into criminals (witness the hilarity of this in this story).

The best way to stop murder is if people can defend themselves.

Just out of curiosity, do you consider any place that doesn't consider gun ownership a basic right to be a prison?
Not the guns laws, per se, but for laws like that to be instituted you open the country to criminals and/or bad government. Criminals kill people directly, but bad government kills people both directly and indirectly. I don't need to tell you how government kills people indirectly? I've always considered you'd be smart enough to figure that out on your own.

What, obeying laws is a bridge too far for you?
This is why I said you haven't thought this through. An answer like this could also be applied to a law that says you are legally obligated to return a chattel slave to its owner.

I'll take "maybe" over nothing at all.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. If you don't know the right thing, then don't do anything. A tiny wrong thing will lead to other worse problems later on. And in every example we have from the past, your "maybe" turns out to cost more lives than it saves.

Good thing I don't support arbitrary laws then.
Then you don't know what "30" means when you mention a 30 round magazine.

How exactly?
An arbitrary law like you describe has no limit. Just like agreeing that government should pay for a little retirement or a little medical care or a little make-work, it turns into problem so big it can take down a country. However, unlike those economic problems, when you restrict rights of people to defend themselves without limit, they die.

The rise in gun death, and also other violent crime, goes up when guns are banned. Don't go down that road, go down the road that ends with life and civility - a road of freedom.

By what mechanism? Exactly what is the life-saving benefit of high-capacity mags outside military applications?
There might not be one. But then again there might. There was a shooting in Tacoma Washington back in the late 80's. It started when a group of good people in a neighborhood decided to have a neighborhood watch put together so they could take back their area because it was a hotbed of drug dealing. Some military men from Ft. Lewis lived in that area and attended. Supposedly word went out that the drug dealers were going to crash the party. The soldiers brought their personal weapons, even though they thought nothing was really going to happen. Somebody fired a round and everyone ran for cover. There were some known drug dealers looking on and they exchanged a few rounds with the soldiers. Those soldiers would have been thankful, and the good people at the meeting, to have at least 30 rounds in a mag. No one was hit, citizen or drug dealer, if you were wondering.

Beyond that it is convenient not to have to re-load so often in general, and restricting freedom on the millions of people that own hi capacity mags not only opens the door to more restrictions on freedom, but it turns them into criminals when they are innocent. If I have a hi capacity mag and never do anything with it but save time reloading when I'm shooting, what is it to you?

Of course, calling them innocent begs the question. If we pass laws banning high capacity magazines, they won't be innocent if they fail to comply.
And that answer works for any law, even ones you would consider grossly unjust.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Maybe someone can explain to me why the same people will tell us that a raped woman must carry the rapist's child to term because life is so precious are arguing forcefully against gun control measures.
Because both the baby and a person who can defend themselves with a gun deserve a chance at life.

These same people won't even consider any new gun legislation that might save the lives of innocent children. Heaven forbid we inconvenience law-abiding gun owners. :rolleyes:
But restrictions on people defending themselves with guns doesn't save kids lives. Your "might save" is wrong.

And obviously any law that isn't 100% effective is useless, oh wait that's exactly what abortion laws aren't . . . (100% effective).
Because banning guns is 100% sure to see a rise in violence. And banning hi capacity mags doesn't save lives.

The hypocrisy is so thick I could row a boat through it.
A baby is an innocent human, isn't it? How about those kids at Sandy Hook? I'm not a hypocrite to defend them both.

I bet the only way to get some of you to be for any type of gun control is if guns were used to perform abortions. Then, magically, you'd care.
So somehow people that defend innocent humans from being murdered want forceps outlawed? Your analogy makes no sense.


Well-known member
it is rumored that he learned that he was about to lose his freedom
that may have triggered the attack

Yes, but I think at 20 years of age his mother would have had to exercise the Baker Act in getting a civil order to "possibly" limit his freedom. I say possibly because with the Baker Act there is no guarrantee that he would have been held any longer than the minimum required time for civil auhorities to make a ruling based on a designated period of observation. Even with the Baker Act, civil authorities do not just take the word of his mother or who ever else was involved. In such a case there has to be a review of the individuals behavoir within a designated institution. After or during that period of observation the civil authorities then decide whether to further detain the individual.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Here's the deal.... this isn't England.

Guns are here. Guns are part of our culture, like it or not (I like it). Therefore when people say... "well in England..." bla bla bla... That's not helpful to the discussion because the USA isn't England. Our culture is different and guns are already here. You can't make them magically go away.

Here in the USA tightening gun control laws will do one thing and one thing only... increase murders committed with guns.

Making it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns and protect themselves only makes it easier for criminals to use guns illegally to commit crimes.

I can see your point, it's too late for Wyatt Earp. But would you say the Colorado and the Connetticut shooters were criminals in the usual sense? that's the problem, as society becomes more and more complex the whackadays multiply...the problem must get worse and worse.

America is gunna have to come up with a bit of ingenuity here.