N-O spells know/no.
Knight re-opens a centuries old can of worms:juggle:
Sozo's yes is probably based on simple foreknowledge (Arminian-type view). We freely chose to receive or reject Him, but He has exhaustive definite foreknowledge.
nicholsmom probably assumes a Calvinistic, deterministic basis for God's foreknowledge (?TULIP-like view). Election is individual vs corporate.
Some may suggest Molinism, middle knowledge, counterfactuals of freedom for how God can know our free choices in advance. This settled position is also philosophically confusing and incoherent.
My no/know is based on Open Theism, a free will theism. If future choices are unsettled and contingent (by the agent), then EDF (ex. def. fore.) is not possible. If salvation is based on love, relationship, freedom, responsibility, not robotics or unilateral decree/causation/coercion, then God did not choose nor foreknow which individuals would ultimately be saved (remote knowledge). Proximal knowledge increases the probability of knowing (when Hitler was in his last days, God would know the improbability of him ever repenting and believing, so would essentially know he was hell-bound. He did not know this as a certainty when Hitler was in the womb, and certainly not from before creation).
Simple foreknowledge is problematic and begs the question. It is an assumption that is not coherent. EDF is not compatible with LFW (libertarian free will). Calvinism denies genuine free will (for compatibilism), so EDF would be possible, but at the expense of love and choice. Molinism forgets that might/might not obtain/actualize is a factor, not just would/would not. The other key is that election/predestination is corporate, not individual. God determines to have a people (Israel/Church) and actively persuades, woos, draws, influences people to Himself without predestination, coercion, causation. He choose in eternity past to have a people, but did not settle/choose which individuals would ultimately be part of the group.
So, I vote 'no' with Knight and other great Christian radical thinkers.:king:
www.opentheism.info (John Sanders)