toldailytopic: Democrats lose a senate seat in the hot-bed of liberalism. What does i

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New member
As a screaming left wing liberal it means to me that:
1. I hope the right filibusters everything in the Senate, that might energize the Democratic base for 2010.
2. I live in Connecticut, and it means that the party does not need to kiss up to that weasel Lieberman anymore. I hope they strip him of his committee chairs and throw him out of the party.

It also means that the health care bill can back up and maybe someone will be smart enough to suggest that a short list---3-5 items can be dealt with and no one has to make any deals with Nebraska etc.


New member
I will use my powers of to look into the future...

Nothing good will be accomplished.

Which is exactly the same thing that would have happened had nothing changed.


New member
It means that I am wrong, and that elections, and voting, are still not fixed. I have been under the mistaken impression that computers can be programmed to count the votes in such a way as to determine the desired outcome of the programmer, and leave no trace of fraud and manipulation.

This is also, what it means to me. That the people can actually determine who votes for them in congress, and if sufficiently motivated they can remove him come next election, if he-she fails to live up to their words.

This returns to me, a little bit of faith and hope, in the election process.:cheers:
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New member
Democrats have a special ability to pull failure from the jaws of success. Nothing new here. Lets see how they try to cheat.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Democrats have a special ability to pull failure from the jaws of success. Nothing new here. Lets see how they try to cheat.
The lesson in all of this? All you need to do to wipe the floor with a Democratic Congress is nothing.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I don't know much about the guy that won. It makes me think of the losses by liberals in '08, save for Obama. All the republicans that lost were liberals, defeated by somewhat conservative democrats.
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