toldailytopic: Deadly tornados: Tragic weather phenomenon or God's wrath?

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"...The general tendency is to blame God for evil and suffering and to pass on all responsibility for it to Him. But we must never forget that when God created man, He created him innocent. Man was not created evil or with suffering as part of his lot on earth. Genesis 1:26-31 and 2:7-9 tell us that God put man in a beautiful garden with everything good. It was Paradise--heaven on earth--with no sin, pain, sorrow, or death. Then, through sin, man lost his trouble-free paradise. But God didn't leave man in this predicament forever. Revelation 21 and 22 describe for us a "paradise regained," which God is preparing for His redeemed people. Revelation 21:4 states, "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away (pg. 173, Kennedy)..." Full text: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
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warren clark

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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 26th, 2011 10:21 AM

toldailytopic: Deadly tornados: Tragic weather phenomenon or God's wrath?

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Tragic phenomenon.... Why would god punish Mississippi but not anyone else?
eemed pretty random. But thats how the weather works.
It doesn't because god is sad. And it doesn't storm because he is mad. They're just natural elements.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
If it was God's wrath, it would have hit the dome of the rock, abortion mills, Studio 54, etc etc...


The weather follows necessary and immutable laws of nature which God has laid down for the foundation of the world. Leibniz is quite good on this point (see the Discourse on Metaphysics). The operation of the world fundamentally is mechanical. Saying that a tornado is God's wrath is like saying that my watch stopping is a sign of the watchmaker being angry. It's all part of the construction of the thing in question. In the latter case, the watch broke down because of the rules whereby the operation of the watch was governed. In the former case, the tornado occurred because of a certain comcomitance of natural (and perhaps manmade) phenomena.
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