toldailytopic: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members. Good decision or bad decision?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
There were always gay scouts.

I wouldn't be surprised if leaders wanted to become leaders so they could molest children and make little sodomites. Is that what you did?

barbie said:
BSA never asked about sexual orientation

Sure they do, they require an oath to be morally straight. Did you not read it you flaming faggot lover? You are disgusting and a sexual pervert. This goes for all of you that endorse such a vile perverse behavior.


What this decision does is teach our children that it is ok to abandon their ideals, morals, and integrity because the world and its ways say that it's ok and that it is the "modern" way of thinking.
It actually teaches appropriate boundaries and heads off things like Sharia Law.

It's the whole lemming syndrome.
Who acts more like lemmings: people relying on a purportedly infallible ancient text or people free to apply reason and empiricism on current day variables?

It puts our children in the terrible position of having their peers look down on them if they don't give in and embrace what they know is wrong but their so called friends tell them is the new way of thinking about G-d and about moral values.
Just deserts.
One more good American institution flushed down the toilet.
Let's hope all religious institutions follow.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
It is a crying shame. Literally. If the girls go the same way, our daughters will not be in the orginization.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
It is a crying shame.
When I told you that Jesus cried over the sin of Jerusalem you replied saying, "Shame on you for saying that Christ was a effeminate."

Now you're crying Nick. Maybe there is some compassion in the dark side of the Force after all. :chuckle:


When I told you that Jesus cried over the sin of Jerusalem you replied saying, "Shame on you for saying that Christ was a effeminate."

Now you're crying Nick. Maybe there is some compassion in the dark side of the Force after all. :chuckle:

Nick was feminized in his youth.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Now you're crying Nick. Maybe there is some compassion in the dark side of the Force after all. :chuckle:

The shame part is literal. Not the crying you fag lover. Actually, you are not a fag lover. If you loved him, you would rebuke sharply, in the front of all.


New member
It is a crying shame. Literally. If the girls go the same way, our daughters will not be in the orginization.

Don't waste your time putting your girls in Girl Scouts. Some of it is equally as bad. We did AWANA instead, which teaches them to memorize Scripture, live for God, and share His word.

I get so frustrated with all this acceptance garbage in the name of "tolerance".


New member
Hall of Fame
They're a private organization so they can do whatever they like. They did keep the ban on gay scout leaders which I think is more important. I'm not sure organizations such as the BSA are as important as they used to be anyway, membership has been declining for some time.

Don't like what the boyscouts did? Send your kids to AWANA.

I agree that the leaders issue is more important. I don't think I really care if they let gay scouts in.


New member
Hall of Fame
What this decision does is teach our children that it is ok to abandon their ideals, morals, and integrity because the world and its ways say that it's ok and that it is the "modern" way of thinking.

It's the whole lemming syndrome. It puts our children in the terrible position of having their peers look down on them if they don't give in and embrace what they know is wrong but their so called friends tell them is the new way of thinking about G-d and about moral values.

One more good American institution flushed down the toilet.

I also agree about it possibly teaching a bad lesson regarding values. If BSA just caved to pressure then it isn't a very good decision. But if they truly wanted this change, fine.


It is a crying shame. Literally. If the girls go the same way, our daughters will not be in the orginization.

Actually the Girl Scouts turned pro fag/pro abortion long ago.

Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons in Lesbianism

I've never heard of AWANA; although I'd be suspicous of any organization that allows nutcases like Wile E. Coyote in it's ranks.

Go with American Heritage Girls.


Well-known member
toldailytopic: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members. Good decision or bad decision?
I'm sure all the bigots and haters will be bent out of shape over this, just as they always are when their illusions of supremacy are not being propped up and maintained by everyone else. But in the end this will be good for the Scouts because it reflects our willingness as a society to try and treat each other fairly and with dignity and respect, in spite of our differences.


New member
Actually the Girl Scouts turned pro fag/pro abortion long ago.

Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons in Lesbianism

I've never heard of AWANA; although I'd be suspicous of any organization that allows nutcases like Wile E. Coyote in it's ranks.

Go with American Heritage Girls.

I've heard of American Heritage Girls. Some of my friends are involved in that, as well. AWANA stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed", from 2. Timothy 2:15.,default,pg.html


New member
I'm sure all the bigots and haters will be bent out of shape over this, just as they always are when their illusions of supremacy are not being propped up and maintained by everyone else. But in the end this will be good for the Scouts because it reflects our willingness as a society to try and treat each other fairly and with dignity and respect, in spite of our differences.

I wonder why the need to advertise when someone decides he's gay. Are we supposed to be announcing that we are heterosexual, as well? We all have many differences that can be used to teach mutual dignity and respect. Something that is blatantly against God's word should not be one of them.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I wonder why the need to advertise when someone decides he's gay. Are we supposed to be announcing that we are heterosexual, as well? We all have many differences that can be used to teach mutual dignity and respect. Something that is blatantly against God's word should not be one of them.
Perhaps they realize on a subconscious level that they are in the wrong. Their advertizing of their behavior nay be attempt to assure themselves that they are 'OK'.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
Actually the Girl Scouts turned pro fag/pro abortion long ago.

Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons in Lesbianism

I've never heard of AWANA; although I'd be suspicous of any organization that allows nutcases like Wile E. Coyote in it's ranks.

Go with American Heritage Girls.
See how you advance their cause you moron? If you said, "They turned pro-homosexual" you wouldn't fuel their cause. But you help them with your hate speech.

Nice going aCW. :up:


I've heard of American Heritage Girls. Some of my friends are involved in that, as well. AWANA stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed", from 2. Timothy 2:15.,default,pg.html

I am an instructor for AWANA.

I briefly looked into AWANA and came to the conclusion that, unlike the Boys Scouts that concentrated on turning Boys into responsible men, and AHG that concentrates on turning girls into responsible women, that both genders are involved in the AWANA organization.

Am I correct?