toldailytopic: Bob Costas makes an anti-gun rant on Sunday Night football. What did y


New member
Hall of Fame
In 2007 Barry Bonds said the following about Bob Costas: (bold my emphases)

"A little midget man, who doesn't know jack about baseball, who never played the game before? You can tell Bob Costas what I called him."

All those years I thought Bonds was referring to Costas' height (Costas is only 5'-7") when he called him a "little midget man", but it turns out Bonds may have been referring to Costas' intelligence.

After his years of repeated roids use it's a given no one will ever accuse Barry of being "little.":chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
Bob Costas makes an anti-gun rant on Sunday Night football. What did you think of it?

I found it in poor taste, shallow, errant, self righteous and smug.

Yep, pretty much. A talking head on TV got on his soapbox. What of it? Doesn't add much to understanding the KC tragedy and it was completely out of place.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Yep, pretty much. A talking head on TV got on his soapbox. What of it? Doesn't add much to understanding the KC tragedy and it was completely out of place.

Yeah....Pretty much. Besides, I didn't care about what Bob Costas said before...Why would I care now? :idunno:

Nathon Detroit

Canning him would be a little much.
I don't think they should fire him UNLESS... the backlash is so great that it's hurting business.

I would think this sort of thing would blow over quickly.

I have always thought Costas is a smug little turd and of course now I like him even less. But I don't think he should be fired over something like this anymore than I thing Rush Limbaugh should be fired over the stuff he has said that gets liberals all in a fit.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Some are saying Bob Costas should be fired for his remarks.

What say you????
No. I like to keep people like him where I can see them. Let him stir the pot and whip up debate and awareness of what some people are trying to do to our right to keep and bear arms.

People like Costas leave their studio and are likely driven to their gated communities or buildings with security that keeps out the sort of people those in the hinterlands and in less fortunate financial position are vulnerable to. Or they would be vulnerable to if Mr. Costas' notion of America was in play.

Once we had someone fire from the highway into my acreage. By the time I was at the end of my road my neighbors were there and all of us were capable and prepared to protect my family, our families from the idiot in question. The police (sheriff) arrived twenty minutes later.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member

To carry firearms in public or outdoors (and for an individual who is a member of the militia carrying a firearm other than his Army-issue personal weapons off-duty), a person must have a Waffentragschein (gun carrying permit), which in most cases is issued only to private citizens working in occupations such as security.

Not quiet the situation the NRA would like to believe

But yes its a very different situations and set up. It would seem there system is working for them. do you think yours is working for you ?

Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World (arming all it's citizens)

Switzerland arms it's citizens


New member
Hall of Fame
Bob Costas did a lengthy interview on the Dan Patrick show today. Here is a LINK

I encourage anyone who has an opinion on what Bob did to listen. I heard it on the show earlier today and I think Bob did a pretty good job of explaining himself and I'm not as opposed to what he did as I was at first. But even he said he probably should have handled it differently because he had such a short amount of time. He couldn't adequately address what he was trying to say.

One thing he said is that no one would complain about him using that venue to make his point if they agreed with his point. I don't think I agree with that. I think there is some truth in his and Whitlock's point but I still am not completely comfortable with him using the halftime show to express it.


He doesn't oppose knives because he's scared of O.J.




Bob Costas says gun control segment a bad choice in allotted time frame

Dec 4, 2012

"NBC broadcaster Bob Costas says he erred in trying to take on too complex a subject in too tight of a time frame with his gun-control commentary during halftime of Sunday Night Football—a piece that created considerable controversy in the wake of the murder-suicide committed by Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher last weekend.

Appearing as a guest on The Dan Patrick Show on Tuesday, Costas said he is not out to repeal the Second Amendment, and he wishes he had more time to explain his position than the 90-second segment afforded him.

“If I had to do it again, I think what I would have said was, if you’re looking for perspective on this, if we’re truly looking for perspective on this, and not merely saying, “Well, this is so sad that for a few minutes it took my attention away from the Seahawks-Bears game” … then a discussion should ensue within sports about the football culture, the gun culture, domestic violence, those issues which we don’t have time to address in the limited space here … (they) should be discussed if we’re looking for some kind of elusive perspective after an event like this,” Costas told Patrick..."

And here I thought Town Heretic was the master of spin.