My gosh, you youngsters! IMHO total heavy metal horse-poo! I've heard that the great bassist, Les Claypool, auditioned for Metalica only to be jettisioned because he was TOO good.
Les Claypool's talent would be wasted in a band that uses bass like Metallica does. Be glad they didnt pick him. They DID pick Rob Trujillo, which is also a waste of talent at bass, (see his work in Infectious Grooves if you doubt me) but maybe a bit less than Claypool would have been.
Iron Maiden/Judas Priest/Black Sabbath???? better than Floyd/Zep/Who, etc...
Easily, on all counts. (Especially Priest and Maiden)
as rock goes, are you all collectively braindead?
As far as "rock" goes, I picked Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, and/or AC/DC. (all three of which are also better than floyd/zep/who)
Shirley I stepped on some toes this time.