Eclectic Theosophist
Depends on the premise from where you begin the inquiry......
Depends on the premise from where you begin the inquiry......
Depends if you begin with an assumption of being seperate from 'God', or from a place of already being 'one with God'. If one assumes the former,...there may be various 'ways', 'paths', 'methodologies', 'mediums', or 'bridges' to 'God'....or so its 'assumed' from the 'perception' of 'seperation'.
In the later point of view....there is only 'God' being the source of all that is (The One; The All ), that universal Mind or Spirit that is omnipresent, all-pervading, all-encompassing. In the omnipresence of 'God'....there is only 'God',...nothing else (except what arises as 'appearances' or 'forms')....since there is nowhere where 'God' is not. The energy and consciousness of God permeates the entire infinity. 'God' is the one and only absolute reality. - all else is 'relative'. The absolute alone is infinitely real, while all else has relative reality and conditional existence. Every-thing comes and goes, 'God' eternally all there is....of all there is.
Certain schools, methods, spiritual practices, meditation, philosophical inquiries, prayer-techniques, may assist a seeker in turning his attention to the source of being, that inner light and divine nature, or Higher Self, which is the indwelling spirit. Teachers can point the soul to that essential reality, which one must dis-cover for himself, because the source and the substance are one.
Again, if 'God' is the only absolute, universal and omnipresent reality,....and 'God' is 'One' is anything seperate from that which is 'One' and 'all'? (besides your assumption of 'seperation'? )
So I would challenge the question on its assumption, because 'God' is that ever-present reality that requires no "path" because there is no getting to what is already being. Understanding this, one accepts the reality that is....accepting the very essence of 'being' and 'consciousness' as that heart-reality we refer to as 'God'. That 'heart' (Brahman) is the very source, center and substance of LIFE itself. All there that! One indivisible Light reflected as the many in the continuum of creation.
An excellent teacher in the free-inquiry of truth was J. Krishnamurti. The Order of the Star in the east was formed to announce him as the World-Teacher, yet he soon dissolved the organization realizing that 'organizations' were unnecessary, if not detrimental to the spiritual freedom of man. Below are a few excerpts from his speech made on August 3, 1929 :
- Full transcript of speech here
The phrase "Truth is a pathless land" is one I've always remembered, as J. Krishnamurti was influential to me as a teacher. One must understand what this means....before assuming anything. When reality itself, as that living breathing spontaneous the ever-new-nowness of life....then in that 'free' space....there is always 'truth', in its purity, originality and power. It is the very essence of the 'Self', the eternal....present in every moment. There is no path to what is ever new, fresh, alive! this living awareness that I AM. What is ever-being, has no path.
Depends on the premise from where you begin the inquiry......
Are there many paths to God?
Depends if you begin with an assumption of being seperate from 'God', or from a place of already being 'one with God'. If one assumes the former,...there may be various 'ways', 'paths', 'methodologies', 'mediums', or 'bridges' to 'God'....or so its 'assumed' from the 'perception' of 'seperation'.
In the later point of view....there is only 'God' being the source of all that is (The One; The All ), that universal Mind or Spirit that is omnipresent, all-pervading, all-encompassing. In the omnipresence of 'God'....there is only 'God',...nothing else (except what arises as 'appearances' or 'forms')....since there is nowhere where 'God' is not. The energy and consciousness of God permeates the entire infinity. 'God' is the one and only absolute reality. - all else is 'relative'. The absolute alone is infinitely real, while all else has relative reality and conditional existence. Every-thing comes and goes, 'God' eternally all there is....of all there is.
Certain schools, methods, spiritual practices, meditation, philosophical inquiries, prayer-techniques, may assist a seeker in turning his attention to the source of being, that inner light and divine nature, or Higher Self, which is the indwelling spirit. Teachers can point the soul to that essential reality, which one must dis-cover for himself, because the source and the substance are one.
Again, if 'God' is the only absolute, universal and omnipresent reality,....and 'God' is 'One' is anything seperate from that which is 'One' and 'all'? (besides your assumption of 'seperation'? )
So I would challenge the question on its assumption, because 'God' is that ever-present reality that requires no "path" because there is no getting to what is already being. Understanding this, one accepts the reality that is....accepting the very essence of 'being' and 'consciousness' as that heart-reality we refer to as 'God'. That 'heart' (Brahman) is the very source, center and substance of LIFE itself. All there that! One indivisible Light reflected as the many in the continuum of creation.
An excellent teacher in the free-inquiry of truth was J. Krishnamurti. The Order of the Star in the east was formed to announce him as the World-Teacher, yet he soon dissolved the organization realizing that 'organizations' were unnecessary, if not detrimental to the spiritual freedom of man. Below are a few excerpts from his speech made on August 3, 1929 :
" I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path. If you first understand that, then you will see how impossible it is to organize a belief. A belief is purely an individual matter, and you cannot and must not organize it. If you do, it becomes dead, crystallized; it becomes a creed, a sect, a religion, to be imposed on others. This is what everyone throughout the world is attempting to do. Truth is narrowed down and made a plaything for those who are weak, for those who are only momentarily discontented. Truth cannot be brought down, rather the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountain-top to the valley. If you would attain to the mountain-top you must pass through the valley, climb the steeps, unafraid of the dangerous precipices."
" As I said before, my purpose is to make men unconditionally free, for I maintain that the only spirituality is the incorruptibility of the self which is eternal, is the harmony between reason and love. This is the absolute, unconditioned Truth which is Life itself. I want therefore to set man free, rejoicing as the bird in the clear sky, unburdened, independent, ecstatic in that freedom."
"Again, you have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the Kingdom of Happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that key. That key is your own self, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity. "
- Full transcript of speech here
The phrase "Truth is a pathless land" is one I've always remembered, as J. Krishnamurti was influential to me as a teacher. One must understand what this means....before assuming anything. When reality itself, as that living breathing spontaneous the ever-new-nowness of life....then in that 'free' space....there is always 'truth', in its purity, originality and power. It is the very essence of the 'Self', the eternal....present in every moment. There is no path to what is ever new, fresh, alive! this living awareness that I AM. What is ever-being, has no path.