toldailytopic: Are the spirit and the soul the same thing? If not, how do they differ


New member
The soul is made from spiritual particles of scientifically undiscovered dimensions and scientifically undiscovered matter from the spirit realm.


Well-known member
The soul is made from spiritual particles of scientifically undiscovered dimensions and scientifically undiscovered matter from the spirit realm.

Spirits are made from 'soul' particles.

Souls are ideas particles. Spirits are forces derived from souls.

First the ideas must come, then the love for that idea creates and sustains a force or spirits.

Then that force or spirit creates and sustains a material or physical body.

Never the spirit first and then the souls. Always the souls first and then the spirit.

Actually the above is validated in science.

Ideas (or souls) are things in potentiality energy. (i.e. in potential expression).

Love for ideas (i.e. spirits) are the same thing in kinetic energy (or kinetic expression).

Kinetic energy leads to material expression (like the creating and sustains of one's physical body).

First you have to hear or have, the idea (total abstraction). This is the soul state.

Then you must love the idea (a state of excitement). This is the spirits state.

Then you are driven to and you do, physically materialize the idea. This is the physical state.


Well-known member
Man is neither tripartite nor trichotomous. There are not three substantive "parts" of man, capable of being cut up, partitioned or compartmentalized. Nonetheless I Thess. 5:23 clearly makes the distinction between the spirit, soul and body. The failure to maintain these life-function distinctions leads to much ambiguity and misunderstanding.

I agree ... but have found that arguing is just about hopeless.

God is THE SPIRIT ... and it is from him that we received all gifts, and the gifts come out of his nature as he is willing to share things with us.
As I stated in my other post, he shared of his essence with us by measure.

When I consider spirit, I first think of LIFE ... for God is life and is the source of all life and the one who sustains it for created beings.

God has characteristics such as intelligence, wisdom, power, the ability to speak, to love, and so on. All these qualities can be shared with created beings... and all these things are him so they are equally live as well. Nothing in him OR of him is dead!

He gave mankind a share of his knowledge and other attributes, but did not share all things with us. One way I know this is because he did not give us his total knowledge, but rather withheld the knowledge of good and evil. We know that mankind tried to grasp total knowledge by getting it another way (through the serpent).

This aspect of our nature, which I describe as our inner living spiritual nature is one component of our nature. This part of us can be separated from the body (circumcised from the flesh) and can be returned to God ... to be given a new body one day.

The second major component of mankind is the body. If you study Genesis 2 very carefully and apply a few simple truths revealed elsewhere in scripture then things really come to light.

An important insight is gained by understanding that the term "water" is associated with living spiritual life. Two passages revealed this to me.
ONE: Genesis 1
God's spirit was described as moving upon the deep dark waters as he began to bring forth light.

TWO: John 4
Jesus explained to the woman that he had "water" to give her from which she would never thirst again. (He was speaking of giving her eternal life.)

Using my interpretations I would write:
God's living spirit was moving upon his infinite invisible nature and from within himself he called forth the beginning of visibility.
Jesus used the term "water" to describe the more secure additional living nature of God that could be imparted unto her to replace the mortal measure of life she had been experiencing. God would funnel that additional life unto mankind through the work of our Lord Jesus.

Knowing God's interpretation of "water" I began to ponder creation much more carefully.

My eyes began to opened to truth when I saw phrases and words like these:
"For God had not caused it to rain upon the earth."
"There went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."

These phrases showed me that God at that point was adding life into the world he was calling forth. At first there was no life (no rain) ... then he added only a measure of life (a mist of water).

And what did he do immediately after he bestowed life unto the world and even the ground? He formed mankind from the element of that living ground. Therefore even the body of mankind possessed a measure of life itself before anything else was added.

The next thing God did was to take the invisible spiritual nature of mankind (created male and female) and imparted that life and character unto the living body. The joining of the two living components completed the living soul.
Thus: "man(kind) became a (one) living soul."

The dual nature of male and female would not become two separate beings until later.

Taken from the living nature of the first man (Adam) female was brought forth having her own measure of life and character.

But since that time ... all men have come forth through woman.

Well, I could go on and on and get off of topic ... but this is how I see things.


Well-known member
In the New Testament, demons are often referred to as "unclean spirits" or "evil spirits", but never are they referred to as "souls". I think there must be a good reason for that.

Yes, they are spirits, because they received a measure of life and character from God in the beginning just like mankind ... but they became rejected beings (demons), because they chose another father other than the creator. They suffer from the same consequences that came upon their father - Satan. If you read Ps 82 and you will see the sentencing of their father.

Also if you read Gen. 3 carefully you will learn of the curse upon Satan, which I think in some ways indirectly affected them as well.

I happen to think that they are now invisible spiritual beings ... having no body of their own, but looking for bodies (houses) where they might be allowed to dwell. We know they can inhabit mankind ... and even read that Christ sent them into pigs... so I know that they can find houses within this world.

I've never researched your idea that they are not called "souls," but I have a thought:
Mankind became a living soul when the invisible living nature was joined with the visible physical living body... well, if these demons are now bodiless, then they are not a completed living soul!


Well-known member
Yes. Agreed. God breathed into Adam His Spirit, the breath of life: Genesis 2:7.

"Agreed" - such sweet words.

May I add my opinion?
I believe that mankind existed before Genesis two, but in this way:
God had created the living attributes that he wanted mankind to have. It sort of reminds me of conception in the womb. From conception that person is alive and has all the attributes that will compose his nature from the beginning. So man was conceived in the womb of God... yet he was not a completed soul, because God had not yet manifested that part of his composition that would make him a completed "living soul."

The missing component was the the living body. At the time, when the LORD formed that living body and blew into it the living spiritual essence of mankind ... then man became "a living soul."

Mankind may have been alive in God, but he had no way to work and move or express himself? It took the body to make him uniquely complete.

john w

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Hall of Fame
Yes, they are the same. It is the soul/spirit that manifests life in material bodies.

Man is not tripartite, and such beliefs lead to error. (They create humanistic comparisons of man with Truine God, which mislead.)

Adam was created body and soul.


"Yes, they are the same. It is the soul/spirit that manifests life in material bodies"-Nang


Nang:"Adam was created body and soul"

He became a soul, by...

Genesis 2:7 KJV
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Inspire-to breath life into...

Job 32:8 KJV
But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

Job 33:4 KJV
The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

John 6:63 KJV
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

"the spirit giveth life." 2 Cor. 3:6 KJV

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
"Yes, they are the same. It is the soul/spirit that manifests life in material bodies"-Nang


Nang:"Adam was created body and soul"

He became a soul, by...

Genesis 2:7 KJV
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Inspire-to breath life into...

Job 32:8 KJV
But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

Job 33:4 KJV
The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

John 6:63 KJV
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

"the spirit giveth life." 2 Cor. 3:6 KJV


Unsaved folk have no shortage of soul but being spiritually dead their way is earthy and devilish. God breathes LIFE into the newborn believer they are made spiritually ALIVE where before their spirits were dead, slain in trspasses and sins.


Well-known member
What is the 'heart'?

Jesus confirmed that only His disciples were given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven because from among all the people who He met only they had hearts that were not waxed gross.

Then we are told that God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God.

'Heart' (i.e. not our physical heart) and 'spirit' are synonymous?


New member
What is the 'heart'?

Jesus confirmed that only His disciples were given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven because from among all the people who He met only they had hearts that were not waxed gross.

Then we are told that God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God.

'Heart' (i.e. not our physical heart) and 'spirit' are synonymous?

In biblical terms the heart is the mind, emotions and will.


Well-known member
Man is neither tripartite nor trichotomous. There are not three substantive "parts" of man, capable of being cut up, partitioned or compartmentalized. Nonetheless I Thess. 5:23 clearly makes the distinction between the spirit, soul and body. The failure to maintain these life-function distinctions leads to much ambiguity and misunderstanding.

Tripartite simply means man is composed of body, soul, and spirit. Which is what the Word teaches, as well.


Well-known member
In biblical terms the heart is the mind, emotions and will.

When Christians die they rise to be like angels in heaven.

In what way are Christians like angels when they die?

Are not angels souls in only Spirit bodies?

Don't Christians rise to heaven in spirit bodies, when they die?​


New member
If the Bible ever says "Trust with all your Heart, Soul, and Spirit, and Guts, and Throat," I think sometimes it is just trying to emphasize the key word by saying it a bunch of times in different ways. I think verses in Psalms and Proverbs will sometimes say the say words or thoughts several times in a row to drive home a thought.


Well-known member
"How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?" Gal. 3:3

Pure divine wisdom you showed, when you quoted the above.

Go to the head of the class of those worthy of Jesus and Christianity.

Now when you do the things of your flesh (including those things that were deemed sinful under the law) you will be led to do them by the Spirit and you will remain sin free.

In fact you will be glorified by God when you transgress the law under unconditional obedience to precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for you to pray for, say and do, as discerned individually, privately and intuitively within your own heart or spirit.
