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The soul is made from spiritual particles of scientifically undiscovered dimensions and scientifically undiscovered matter from the spirit realm.
The soul is made from spiritual particles of scientifically undiscovered dimensions and scientifically undiscovered matter from the spirit realm.
Spirits are made from 'soul' particles.
Man is neither tripartite nor trichotomous. There are not three substantive "parts" of man, capable of being cut up, partitioned or compartmentalized. Nonetheless I Thess. 5:23 clearly makes the distinction between the spirit, soul and body. The failure to maintain these life-function distinctions leads to much ambiguity and misunderstanding.
In the New Testament, demons are often referred to as "unclean spirits" or "evil spirits", but never are they referred to as "souls". I think there must be a good reason for that.
When I consider spirit, I first think of LIFE ... for God is life and is the source of all life and the one who sustains it for created beings.
Yes. Agreed. God breathed into Adam His Spirit, the breath of life: Genesis 2:7.
Yes, they are the same. It is the soul/spirit that manifests life in material bodies.
Man is not tripartite, and such beliefs lead to error. (They create humanistic comparisons of man with Truine God, which mislead.)
Adam was created body and soul.
"Yes, they are the same. It is the soul/spirit that manifests life in material bodies"-Nang
Nang:"Adam was created body and soul"
He became a soul, by...
Genesis 2:7 KJV
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Inspire-to breath life into...
Job 32:8 KJV
But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.
Job 33:4 KJV
The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.
John 6:63 KJV
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
"the spirit giveth life." 2 Cor. 3:6 KJV
I say the word "Potatooohhhh" and you say "PotAAAAtO!"
What is the 'heart'?
Jesus confirmed that only His disciples were given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven because from among all the people who He met only they had hearts that were not waxed gross.
Then we are told that God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God.
'Heart' (i.e. not our physical heart) and 'spirit' are synonymous?
In biblical terms the heart is the mind, emotions and will.
Man is neither tripartite nor trichotomous. There are not three substantive "parts" of man, capable of being cut up, partitioned or compartmentalized. Nonetheless I Thess. 5:23 clearly makes the distinction between the spirit, soul and body. The failure to maintain these life-function distinctions leads to much ambiguity and misunderstanding.
Tripartite simply means man is composed of body, soul, and spirit. Which is what the Word teaches, as well.
I would start your word study in the Psalms and work from there.
In biblical terms the heart is the mind, emotions and will.
"How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?" Gal. 3:3