Since when did you start loving slavery?? :squint:
Since when did you start loving slavery?? :squint:
Well, yeah...but his strategy worked to destroy the morale of the South.
I think the Iranian people have had their morale abused enough by their own regime. They need our support, our soft influence which is far more powerful than our military. They need their morale boosted.
I actually agree with you. Several months ago, we were this close to seeing a change come by way of democracy. Though I wonder how powerful our soft influence really is...it hasn't done much to bring about human rights changes in China.:idunno:
I wouldn't hold my breath for anything to change the state of affairs in China. Besides, we have plenty of abuses going on here in our own country. The idea that we should be the world's military police and the world's morality police is laughable... to me at least :crackup:
Again, I don't totally disagree. However, who should be the world's morality police, if not us?
why should there be anyone to take that upon themselves?
why should there be anyone to take that upon themselves?
Indeed. We don't live on a planet with a one world government. We live on a planet with some countries that should mind their own business more often than not.
Well, I think Edmund Burke was right when he said, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
The world needs some sort of moral compass, does it not?
No, it doesn't. The last thing we need is another tyrant deciding that might makes right, especially one on a global level. Are you mad sir?
Do you really expect the countries of the world to go about behaving themselves without someone else looking at what they're doing and questioning whether it is right and good?
Well, I think Edmund Burke was right when he said, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
The world needs some sort of moral compass, does it not?
Do you really expect the countries of the world to go about behaving themselves without someone else looking at what they're doing and questioning whether it is right and good?
The TheologyOnline.com TOPIC OF THE DAY for November 16th, 2009 11:53 AM
toldailytopic: Afganistan. If you were president what would you do about Afganistan? Pull out? Send more troops? Or some other strategy?
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Oh, heck. The military would love me. I'd be their most favoritest president ever.
I know a few folks around here that'd probably suffer brain embolisms after my first couple of weeks in office.
Stomper President? Pfft. I'd go down in history as the "Nuke 'Em" president. I'd probably end up strung from a streetlight somewhere on Pennsylvania Avenue but I'd put a quick end to a few nagging global problems before I went out. That'd be cool with me.
Seriously. Don't vote for me. :shocked:
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