toldailytopic: A more accurate slogan for TOL would be...


New member
T. O. L.

The Only Libertarians

The Omega Libertarians

The Omega Legalists :chuckle:

The Oligarchical Libertarians

The Orwellian Libertarians

The Oligarchical Legalists


Well-known member
"Cutting through the crap and finding the bull since 1999?"

"I know there's a pony in here somewhere..."


New member
"Cutting through the crap and finding the bull since 1999?"

"I know there's a pony in here somewhere..."

nOP! you wont find the bull since 1999..Apparently Its deleted.

Its cutting threw the bull..since 2012 NOW!


Eclectic Theosophist
A new slogan, a new day.......

A new slogan, a new day.......

Currently our slogan is...

Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed.

But maybe we should go with something else.

I think it would be a nice change. I dont find the current one very appealing, since it seems to focus on 'rebuking' rather than honest open dialogue and discussion on religious topics. The verse is out of place, problematic and complicated...since all might not understand its 'logic' or 'contrastive meaning' but maybe a few so called 'truth-smackers'. If TOL wants to be more than just a 'bless me' club or a 'preach to the chior' must lend itself to be 'attractive' in some way to the entire society of mankind, opening to the larger global village and world-community. The very word 'rebuke' is rather repugnant to most modern folks (a smack in the face). Not very good PR....and I dont find any 'religious reasoning' or 'justifications' behind it valid, from a universal world-view perspective....its more 'selfish' on the part of those doing the 'rebuking' to keep the banner up to serve their own 'ego'.

I offer this opinion from one cognizant of the world I come from, and am in touch with on multiple levels, since I inter-face a multi-cutlural platform and society, and broad-range of religious schools and spiritual traditions.


I would choose another scriptural passage or phrase soon to keep TOL current and up with the times. A few possible suggestions -

1) "Contending for the faith once delivered to the saints"

2) "John 3:16"

3) "Sharing the Light"

4) "Serving Jesus since (year that TOL began)"

5) "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever"

6) "Come, let us reason together"

These less adversarial more positive affirmative slogans may be better for TOL.

Are you ready for a change?



Eclectic Theosophist
time for a change.......

time for a change.......


Ok,.....its been almost 3 years and the same slogan is up.....have we considered the previous or any new suggestions?



Eclectic Theosophist
Not sure that fits me. I'm using the slogan of Theosophy at the moment.

Nobody else thinks a new slogan would be good? Something more positive, universally appealing. No creative geniuses here? :idea:


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