toldailytopic: 7 things you would do to change the world.

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New member
Hall of Fame
Aside from preaching the gospel, assuming I had complete authority and the power to implement the following, here's what I would do:

1. End abortion worldwide.

2. End bank deposit expansion worldwide, and replace the monetary system.

3. End hospital births for low risk pregnancies (the vast majority).

4. End hunger and poor nutrition.

5. End vaccinations.

6. End political corruption.

7. End the destructive exploitation of nations for their resources.

That one seems to come from left field. Can you explain why you feel that is such a dire need? :idunno:


Well-known member
That one seems to come from left field. Can you explain why you feel that is such a dire need? :idunno:

Birth isn't a medical condition or an emergency. Treating it as such increases risks for mothers and their babies. For example, just the day before yesterday, a friend's niece was talked into unnecessarily inducing her labor, then against her vehement protests was c-sectioned. Her baby is presently in intensive care and may not live. She should never have been in the system, having a low risk pregnancy that was progressing normally; now she'll be effected forever in ways you can't imagine, even if her baby lives.

These stories are more common than you might think. The c-section rate in this country is above 30%. Read this to see a comparison of hospital birth versus home birth.


New member
Hall of Fame
There are so many combinations of 7 things but here is one, and in no particular order....

1) I'll second Elo's point about the monetary system. Abolish all federal banks. No gold standard either. Governments would print money and keep it in line with population growth.

2) Abolish or greatly change the directives of organizations like The World Bank and International Monetary Fund. They give money, allegedly to help developing countries, but the requirements that are tied to it stifle growth and they are just used to our advantage. We need to institute policies that will genuinely help poorer countries develop their economies.

3) End the exploitation and destruction of the environment, including measures to combat climate change.

4) As others have said, end world hunger. Focus on nutrition. End genetically modified foods. Grow organic. Buy fresh and local.

5) End abortion. But also work to fight the causes of unwanted pregnancies. Promote responsible sex habits. Have programs available for those who can't afford having a baby.

6) Give everyone nuclear weapons. That'd end war, right? :noid:

7) Restrict the power and influence of corporations. Or maybe just eliminate them.


New member
I won't come up with a list of 7 things because I don't want to get banned again so soon. But if there were one thing I'd do it would be to abolish money altogether. It's the cause of pretty much everyone's problems and it makes no sense to me to continue trying to make such an easily corruptible idea work. Getting rid of it would force society to become more egalitarian.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: 7 things you would do to change the world.

Considering the question, it would be a daunting task to pick seven things I would do to change the world, but it would be heartening to try it.


1. Everyone would receive at least minmum healthcare.

2. Shoes, coats, and hats to anyone who wanted them.

3. A prepetual public transportation pass.

4. Clean drinking water.

5. Minimal reading and writing requirements, further advancement would be up to each individual.

6. Yes, the golden rule would be encouraged.

7. No free pass or get out jail card for child abusers, domestic violence, or medical personnel who abuse the aged, ill, or infirm in any way; and mutilators of humans or animals in any way.

I have added . . .

7A. No one dies alone, or is buried in an unmarked grave. My word that is sad when it happens.​
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Pain Killer
Super Moderator
1. Abolish government run schools in favor of small, neighborhood run schools, church run schools, or home schools.

2. Set up a criminal justice system based on biblical principles. (This takes care of a whole slew of things!)

3. Institute a "year of release" for all debt every seventh year.

4. Require biblical agricultural guidelines for farms. (Crop rotation, sabbath for the land, etc)

5. Establish the right to life, liberty and property. (Although I guess 2 takes care of this as well..)

6. Guarantee freedom of speech, but only when it doesn't promote or advocate criminal acts based on biblical principles.

7. Protect and promote the institution of marriage, allowing for divorce only in cases of sexual immorality, abandonment, and abuse. (Oh yeah, number 2 takes care of this one too...)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
:mock: end hunger

Especially coming from (fat) Americans who say such a thing.

1. Enforce the law with proportionate response to the crime.

2. Eliminate the government bueracracy that exists for the purpose of enriching politicians, which will eliminate "social programs" that do great harm to the world.

That is all that needs to be done.

When the government is corrected, the tax structure will go with it. And taxes will be collected based on how much government needs to function. If you can't pay your share of the bill, he will work off the difference without compensation. Such as cleaning streets.


New member
1. The work day and school day would not start before 9:00am so you would be able to spend a little quality time with your kids or your spouse in the morning before everybody leaves the house. Work day ends at 6:00 pm

2. No working on weekends so people could actually rest up for the week to come!

3. Require Law students to take seminary courses (that's what they used to have to do) so they can develop a sense of morality and ethics based on something other than their own humanistic self-interested ideas.

4. Pass the line-item veto so Congress men will stop forcing Americans to pay for their pet pork projects.

5. Get rid of television - it's ruining the minds of our kids! :eek: Okay, so maybe that's too extreme, but kids need to read more and get outside more, not sit in front of the boob tube as we used to call it (and I mean the older meaning of the word boob, not female anatomy ok?).

6. If we have to have television, have a lot more comedies and a lot less depressing news. We all need to laugh a lot more. :rotfl:

7. Follow the golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated. That would elimnate a LOT of problems, heh?


New member
That's actually quite a complement. Thank you.

"If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home." ...Vance Havner

There's a new one (not), using examples from Gospel Scripture to justify uncharitable behavior.


New member
There's a new one (not), using examples from Gospel Scripture to justify uncharitable behavior.

The Gospel didn't include giving charity to men who were perfectly capable of making a living.

It was specific to orphans and widows who, in those days, would not have had a chance making it on their own.

The Horn

What Prisca advocates would not improve conditions in the world but
only create theocracy, which is the last thing the world needs.
This would never do anything to improve health and nutrition worldwide, prevent abortions , alieviate poverty etc, but only exacerbate these problems.
Governments must remain religiously neutral and allow all citizens religious freedom and avoid making laws based on religious dogma or liturgical texts such as the Bible or Koran .
Death penalty advocates who believe in swift use of the death penalty
for murder,rape and molestation of children etc as well as other crimes fail to realize that this would merely cause the execution of many
innocent people because of lack of due process . In addition it would not decrease violent crime or make us safer from it.
And it's absolutely impossible to stop abortion because there is no way to enforce laws against it, and every country which prohibits it or has made it illegal has only seen a marked rise in the number of abortions and caused the deaths of many poor women from botched illegal abortions.
The only way to deal with this problem is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, which is more easily said than done, and to provide more help to poor pregnant women, as well as making safe contraceptives easily abvailable .
But conservatives who want to make abortion illegal as well as contraceptives and want the government to deny help to poor pregnant women fail to realize that these methods are not only futile but extremely counterproductive.


Well-known member
Well, to really change the world, we'd have to undo the fall. Otherwise, we're all going to end up back in the same place anyway...


1) Revoke knowledge of good and evil.

2) Limit population density 1 person per 1/4 acre.

3) Everyone speaks a common language.

4) Every person in the world is exposed to the gospel in a meaningful way.

5) Democracy rules every nation and state and city.

6) Every government has a representative in their legislature for every 50,000 people

7) Every person has access to a western quality education


New member
The Gospel didn't include giving charity to men who were perfectly capable of making a living.

It was specific to orphans and widows who, in those days, would not have had a chance making it on their own.

Where do you people get the idea that perfectly capable men don't work?

Visit a shelter some time, most homeless people are either mentally ill, physically handicapped, addicted to some substance, or some combination of those. Of course, in these times, there are both skilled and unskilled people out there who can't find work to support themselves or their families either.

Your smug gospel of "uncharity" is inconsistant with Christ's Gospel.
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