TOL members you can help TOL meet our goal! one of the webs most influential internet ranking systems places as the number 215,604 best website in the world (it wasn't that long ago we were number 406,646 out of over 120,000,000).
But we need your help!!!
Help us boost TOL into the top 100,000
(which is somewhat prestigious!), one secret to their ranking system is their own browser toolbar, they rank sites based on the amount of people that browse to a website whom happen to have the Alexa toolbar installed (sorta like the TV Nielsen ratings) and therefore if we all install their toolbar and continue to participate on TOL it will help our rankings dramatically. Also, this will help your own website if if you have one (simply by visiting your own site like you already do).
So what do you need to do?
Simple! Just install the Alexa toolbar in your browser and forget about it! Download the toolbar
Lets see how long this strategy takes to improve our current ranking.
Who's with me?
Please post in this thread if you have installed the Alexa toolbar, that way I know who is on board (I will also give a free rep or two).