Today, I am grateful for.....

The Barbarian

Mrs. Barbarian's cantelopes are starting to ripen. Nothing tastes as good as produce from one's own garden.

(I'm not allowed to plant or weed in her garden, but I do get to water it from time to time)

Thank God for growing things.


Well-known member
Truth, justice and the American way... but most of all: I'm thankful for The One True Super Man: Jesus, our Lord and only Saviour. :thumb:


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....The Father - the Great I AM.

.....The Son - The Lamb of God.

.....The Holy Spirit - The Guide, Teacher and Comforter.​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....A grateful/thankful heart.

.....The Joy of the Lord.

.....Peace that flows like a river.​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Knowing that God is in the small details of life.

.....That little is much when God is in it.

.....Whether we many or few, the God is in our midst.​


Well-known member
Today I'm very very grateful for the plan that God put into place to save my life and more importantly: my children's lives and put us in a safe place, clear of danger and safe from harm. God is so good and so holy, it is just so great to know His Love and His Protection. He is my Daddy, and there is NONE like Him. =)


New member
at times, when i stand before the Mercy Seat in prayer, the full weight of just how merciful, gracious and seven times seventy forgiving the Most High has been toward me, blows my mind while simultaneously filling my heart to overflowing with sincere, humble gratitide.

alas for me, for i am a man of unclean lips, chief of sinners, But God commend his love toward me, in that, while i was yet a sinner, Christ died for me.

the fact that God quickens His Word in me, that i get it and it fills me with joy and rest and peace, blows my mind with marvelous wonder.

the fact that i have no problem understanding Gen to Rev, humbles me.
the fact that so many can't won't don't get it, breaks my heart.

often i ponder, why me, lord?
for i know full well 'tis not for wit or merit this grace is given.
just hope the Holy One of Israel has a better physical end instore for me that a marter on a burning stake or to be sawn in two or something.
But irreguardless, the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away, lessed be the name of the Lord. as for me and my house, we will worship and serve the most high.
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.

~one of 7000 who will never bowed down to Baal
(take that john ratziner, ya pedo)


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Jesus being a very present help in trouble.

.....Jesus the peace speaker.

.....When Jesus says, "Peace (there is quiet), be still (there is calm)."​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....This day the Lord has made.

.....Rejoicing and singing in this day.

.....Serving the Lord with gladness.​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Our daily bread.

.....The forgiveness of sin.

.....The Father's everlasting mercy.

.....Jesus our "Elder Brother"​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....The Lord's enabling power.

.....Wisdom and understanding.

.....Grace that is greater than our need.​


New member

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....The Lord's enabling power.

.....Wisdom and understanding.

.....Grace that is greater than our need.​

Yup! Every now and again I am struck by the goodness of God's grace that just envelops me. That awareness is one of the greatest gifts because for a moment I am "at one ment" with God, with my neighbor, with the world.
It helps me to love as I need to love.