Walmart and cheap batteries $75 is cheap when everyone else wants $90 or more
chrysostom Well-known member Hall of Fame Apr 26, 2011 #821 Walmart and cheap batteries $75 is cheap when everyone else wants $90 or more
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame Apr 27, 2011 #822 Today, I am grateful for..... .....Being able to right a wrong. .....In asking for forgiveness, the answer is forgiven. .....For my friends and family that are like that.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....Being able to right a wrong. .....In asking for forgiveness, the answer is forgiven. .....For my friends and family that are like that.
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame Apr 28, 2011 #824 Today, I am grateful for..... .....A day of sorting stuff out. .....Knowing what to keep and what to toss out. .....Knowing the difference between keep and toss.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....A day of sorting stuff out. .....Knowing what to keep and what to toss out. .....Knowing the difference between keep and toss.
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame Apr 29, 2011 #826 Today, I am grateful for..... .....Those who help when disaster strikes. .....Their help of time, material and donations. .....Though destruction was really bad, it was not worse.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....Those who help when disaster strikes. .....Their help of time, material and donations. .....Though destruction was really bad, it was not worse.
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame Apr 30, 2011 #827 Today, I am grateful for..... .....The hour prayer and communing with the Lord. .....The Lord's understanding when words are to come by. .....The Lord's answer(s) will come in time, through this patience is learned.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....The hour prayer and communing with the Lord. .....The Lord's understanding when words are to come by. .....The Lord's answer(s) will come in time, through this patience is learned.
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame May 1, 2011 #828 Today, I am grateful for..... .....A friend who sticks closer than a brother. .....Good news that is like a cold cup of water. .....Our daily bread and the sufficiency of He who gives it.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....A friend who sticks closer than a brother. .....Good news that is like a cold cup of water. .....Our daily bread and the sufficiency of He who gives it.
Sherman I identify as a Christian Staff member Administrator LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame May 1, 2011 #829 Today I am grateful for... A loving God that takes away my sin Everlasting life A loving husband.
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame May 2, 2011 #830 Today, I am grateful for..... .....Family and friendship. .....The blessing of laughter. .....Our healthy children, grand children, and great grandchildren.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....Family and friendship. .....The blessing of laughter. .....Our healthy children, grand children, and great grandchildren.
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame May 2, 2011 #832 Aimiel said: God's great grace. Click to expand... I thought you might like this hymn about God's great grace. Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Aimiel said: God's great grace. Click to expand... I thought you might like this hymn about God's great grace. Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Ktoyou Well-known member Hall of Fame May 3, 2011 #834 Sick again, I will be grateful when it finally warms up?
Nick M Reconciled by the Cross LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame May 3, 2011 #835 I am grateful Bin Laden was killed and dumped at sea.
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame May 3, 2011 #836 Today, I am grateful for..... .....Someday, Jesus will reign King of King's and Lord of Lord's .....Someday, Jesus will make all things new. .....Someday, we'll see Jesus face to face.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....Someday, Jesus will reign King of King's and Lord of Lord's .....Someday, Jesus will make all things new. .....Someday, we'll see Jesus face to face.
Aimiel Well-known member May 3, 2011 #837 Psalmist's hymn, having received The Lord's Grace and appreciating what That Grace provides. Not only His Grace, but the grace to love those who are un-lovely, because of His Abundant Grace towards myself. :thumb:
Psalmist's hymn, having received The Lord's Grace and appreciating what That Grace provides. Not only His Grace, but the grace to love those who are un-lovely, because of His Abundant Grace towards myself. :thumb:
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame May 4, 2011 #838 Today, I am grateful for..... .....Having a reason to be grateful. .....Having a reason to be thankful. .....Being grateful and thankful with purpose of heart.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....Having a reason to be grateful. .....Having a reason to be thankful. .....Being grateful and thankful with purpose of heart.
Aimiel Well-known member May 4, 2011 #839 Every good and perfect gift in my life... Health; Family; Friends; Faith; God's Presence; Understanding; Love; Forgiveness.
Every good and perfect gift in my life... Health; Family; Friends; Faith; God's Presence; Understanding; Love; Forgiveness.
Psalmist Blessed is the man that...... LIFETIME MEMBER Hall of Fame May 5, 2011 #840 Today, I am grateful for..... .....A day filled with blessings. .....A visit with our daughter. .....Fresh coffee and baked oatmeal cookies.
Today, I am grateful for..... .....A day filled with blessings. .....A visit with our daughter. .....Fresh coffee and baked oatmeal cookies.