I know you would bring up that comment I made to heir, lol. I was actually gong to comment on that but thought 'GD will bring that up in her next post; I'll comment on it then...'
STP and I have ribbed each other about our differences in understanding. Just as he has stated his belief with my own that he and I focus on the major where we differ on the minors.
I know we each believe the other is off in his understanding of some things, but have not allowed that to be an issue between us.
We both used to point this out to Jerry, may he be well, these days his health is trying him.
And at times, STP simply ignores my posts, just as I at times ignore his.
We each appear fine with that.
Such has not been the case with heir.
Its fine that she just comes out and says I am in error.
Personally, I have no problem with that for the same reason I have just shared I do not have one with STP where we differ.
Because her saying I am in error simply does not bother me: I know I am not wrong in my understandings. So I rib her about hers.
Thing is, heir is direct, but then takes great issue when I rib her about being off :chuckle:
Personally I have more respect for her, you, Tam, for example, then I do for some of the males on here who never really say much beyond heir is right, STP, good post, and the rest is the bashing of others.
Males who never lay out any passages about anything.
Fact of the matter is that I hold that in the absence of such males, if there is a female willing to step up to this plate Paul said is the males responsibility, better a female in said male's absence and or loud noise.
Acts 19:
26. And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila
and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.
Better heir, you, Tam, et al, than such males weak in their ability to put up the passage references they supposedly assert what they assert from.
In this, the likes of GT and others like her, puts them to shame.
Doesn't make her sound any more than a JW able to wield their NWT better than most Christians makes said JW sound.
At times, GT does show better light on a thing than others do.
That will always be the case with anyone who invests time in things which others do not.
A Rabbi once shared some things with me from Ezekiel that shed some light on John's Revelation.
Because a Rabbi worth his salt will know his OT.
Years ago, it was a JW who's mistaken assertions nevertheless accidently helped me begin to see that God is not through with Israel.
JW's in their confusion that they have replaced Israel as "Jehovah's Witnesses" will at times be more familiar with passages showing that God is not through with Israel because they think those passages are about them (about JW's).
As a result, they will at times be found much more familiar with said passages than the typical, books fed, parrot the leader, Dispensationalist.
Joyce Meyer is a walking Bible - doesn't make her sound in every point - not by any stretch of the imagination!
At the same time, she is more likely to make a very sound point as a result of all that Bible, than the average spoon fed "Bible" believer will.
Walk in a land mine, you are bound to set some off - by accident - just because you were out there.
Just as a stopped clock is nevertheless right twice a day - by accident. Why?
More importantly, the more astute student will not only see that, but grab a hold of it as to what is actually possible were time in the Word coupled with the right distinctions.
What am I hiding, GD, that I rib instead of get all in your face?
Ask GM if I did not get in his face when he continued to act the bigot no matter how I worded things.
I am stilling dealing with you about all this GD, because I believe you are just upset about some of my words by how you took them.
Unlike, GM, I do not see you have concluded against me from his outright bigotry.
Should you ever, I'll put the :chuckle: and

away and it will all be "here, have a little cold :spam: from there on out, lol
As for heir, if anything she reminds me of a neighbor from my childhood - a tomboy who would put her dukes up at the drop of a hat, lol.
Doesn't offend me in the least - she too much reminds me of: