An atheist is an atheist.
My dictionary says: An atheist is someone that believes that God does not exist...
It's really a question of semantics - The word comes from the greek a-theos - meaning 'without god'.
Makes sense, if theism is :
* the doctrine or belief in the existence of a God or gods
* Theism is the belief in the existence of one or more divinities or deities. There is also a narrower sense in which theism refers to the belief that one or more divinities are immanent in the world, yet transcend it, along with the idea that divinity(s) is/are omniscient, omnipotent and ...
* belief in the existence of one or more deities; belief in the existence of a personal creator God, especially by or through revelation (i.e, with no evidence other than faith or introspection)
* The belief that there is a God or gods.
* holds that God exists realistically, objectively, and independently of human thought; that God created and sustains everything; that God is ...
* A philosophical system which accepts a transcendent and personal God who not only created but also preserves and governs the world, the ...
* the idea that there is a supreme God (or Goddess) who generates or creates the cosmos, and who maintains it and finally destroys it. ...
That atheism would be:
# The lack of belief in a god and/or the belief that there is no god. The position held by a person or persons that 'lack belief' in god(s) and/or deny that god(s) exist.
# (1) a) Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or Gods. b) The doctrine that there is no God or Gods. (2) Godlessness.
# Lack of belief in any god. It may or may not also include a specific belief that there is no god. From the Skeptic's Dictionary: "Atheism is traditionally defined as disbelief in the existence of God. As such, atheism involves active rejection of belief in the existence of God. ...
# a (“without”) the (“deity”, or “god”). Atheism is a lack of belief in a god or gods.
But you're right - it may mean belief that there is no god. It sounds retarded to me, but it doesn't matter what you're talking about - when
you say atheist, you mean what many atheists identify as
strong atheists. Since I lack a theism, I still coun't myself an atheist.