Newton, NC huh?
Yes sir. Have done some work in and around Charlotte as well. But really hate the drive, lol...
Newton, NC huh?
This is cross reference's sad attempt to make all of the Bible say the same thing. He must resorts to changing the word of God and my post.And yes, there is a big IF attached to Israel future, but Cross Reference changed and added the word "if" to the Ephesians passage.
AnSqOz47NbE | |
Well, the LORD God spoke to me yesterday, saint musterion, and this is what he told me....There is going to be a world wide revival, a "second rain," where there is going to be an abundance of miracles, opening from the faucets of heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You need to plant your seed of faith, by sending my ministry a "love gift," to"Dewie Cheatem, & How," and the LORD will reward you with a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You reap, what you sow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel the anointing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PuhRayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaawdddddd!!!
Bruthuh Jawn, I got a werd from the Low-erd fer yah jes' now. Sez tuh tell yah to not be lazy but tomorra afternoon, yer to go inta yer kitchen and whip up a big ol' batch o' oatmeal cookies. Take them cookies and lay hands - I say, I say, LAY HANDS, boy - upon them cookies and SHOUT OUT to all yer neighbors that these here are HEALIN' cookies, free to them all for a tax deductible luuuuuuuv gift courtesy of yer new ministry. And if'n them HEALIN' cookies don't heal what ails 'em, then it's THAY'RE fault for lack o'faith! And if'n yah don't believe this werd o' proficy, jes' cross reference it with the Good Book, Bruthuh, don't much matter where yah look, prolly somewheres toward the back'll be fine. Jes' point out a verse, NAME IT AND CLAIM IT and IT'S YERS.
Cuz yer a King's Kid. Now git out thar an' live like it!
Originally Posted by Lazy afternoon
All you have is the book and a spirit from hell.
nor God's grace!There it is, folks...proof of what a low view of Scripture they really have. I knew LA would get bolder now. Please, no Bible believer forget this person does not consider God's Word to be sufficient.
ssssssomeone's talking to you, alright.I did believe Jesus words when He spoke them to me.
All you have is the book and a spirit from hell.
There it is, folks...proof of what a low view of Scripture they really have. I knew LA would get bolder now. Please, no Bible believer forget this person does not consider God's Word to be sufficient.
ROFL!," to" Dewie Cheatem, & How,"
Can YOU or your family be saved by solely believing that Jesus is the Messiah?
There it is, folks...proof of what a low view of Scripture they really have. I knew LA would get bolder now. Please, no Bible believer forget this person does not consider God's Word to be sufficient.
Lying about those who have heard the Lord
You claim to have heard an audible voice?
If you have heard His voice then you would know what I am talking about.
If you have not heard His voice then you have not any assurance of salvation.
I have His Word, the reliability of which He has exalted above His Name (Psa 138:2) and which is sufficient for credenda and agenda (2 Tim 3:16-17).
That isn't enough for you?
You must be special.
Romans 8:16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God
:think: nope that doesn't match what you just said.
Is that not His voice?