Jude 4 "... ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness"They (people like Heir) do not know anything God expects of them.
They are afraid that it might be some kind of work,
and everyone will see their hypocrisy of condemning others who do good works.
Paul encouraged people to do good works.
They are Sauls, not followers of Paul as he followed Christ.
1Co 15:9 For I am the least of the apostles,
that am not meet to be called an apostle,
because I persecuted the church of God.
Jesus' brother was speaking here of apostates ...
true believers who chose to depart from the true faith.
They taught that sinning was covered by grace,
and that no amount of sinning would disqualify them.
But, these people who you speak of, LA, were they ever true believers?
If they once were, then they are now apostates ...
because they are fighting against what God's grace really is all about.
The NT free gift of grace ... is giving people a chance, if they co-operate with the Lord.
NT grace is conditional ... one gets to keep this gift, if one pleases/satisfies the Lord.
True NT belief = enduring faith-trust-obedience until death.
If this makes it easier for some to understand ...
Gods thoughts and ways are not man's thoughts and ways (Isaiah).