New member
I'm new but a I suspect you already figured that out. So, why am I here? Well, firstly because I'm a grad student and this me! OMG, I have so many papers to write and projects to work on and things to do, not to mention going to my real job, and dealing with the things that constitute daily life in America. So, how do I cope with this? I waste time on the internet and procrastinate until I convince myself I absolutely must get something done. Pretty cool, huh? And secondly, I'm the kind of person, and I'm at a point in my life, where I'm constantly turning over my beliefs in my head. As scientist, I believe that there is a certain way the universe works and there's not really anything particularly mystical about it, but at the same time believe that there are things that are beyond the ability of science to quantify such as the existance of divinity or the soul or whatever. For the sake of conveinence, I call myself a pagan, simply because I participate in the culture and social rituals of neo-paganism and I enjoy the focus on the natural world and the tolerance of other people's beliefs, which jives quite well with my being an anthropologist and a big fan of cultural relativism and all. But I also spend a great deal of time mulling over what it means that my particular beliefs about the universe don't actually require a god or anything particularly supernatural to work...yet I still believe in, admittedly irrationally, the existance of the soul and spiritual evolution. So, that's why I'm here, to see what you people think. With that out of the way, Hi! How are you?