I assumed you had at least passing familiarity with the history.Mere opinion, with no evidence
Let's peel away your attempt this way. I wrote:
Claim #1. What that would leave would be a lesser version of the United States
Inarguably true given the loss of resources and agricultural productivity of the South to say nothing of the military loss of men and trained leaders.
Claim #2: weakened by treachery
As set out in my last note on both the S. Ct holding relating to the charge and the legal definition.
Claim # 3: and the South would be established as a confederation of slaver nations
Inarguably true as every state that attempted to leave the Union was a slave state and left over that issue.
Claim #4: vying for territory against its interests, at the very least.
The point of their leaving was the understood restriction a number of the states noted in their declarations. As I commented earlier, the writing was on the wall.
Claim #5: An ideological enemy of the U.S. established from it.
Arguable, but if the north continued to build toward emancipation (and there's every reason to believe it would have) then it would the ideological enemy of our nation.
No, that's your camp and the ridiculous movement to lose sight of why states tried to use their idea of states rights to withdraw. You're a blind man trying to lead the sighted into a blurred version of the truth and shame on you for it.Says the revisionist..