Building codes are stupid, and government has no business tell people what to do with their property...
33 families and counting would disagree with you.
33 Bodies Recovered in Oakland Warehouse Fire; Search Continues
So building inspectors didn't materialize out of thin air and save them? The paper the codes are written on didn't grow arms and legs and run to the rescue? You just told me we need building codes then showed me a story that proves they don't work. Thanks for proving me right.
Things liberals believe you are not allowed to do:
1) Believe that people are not allowed to do things
What, you believe that?
The real world, Neo :chuckle:
How about a list of what you're doing but not supposed to be
Well you better get out there and sell a little.Drinking coffee at midnight, knowing that at any time this week I'll be getting a spontaneous call to suit up and make some money :chuckle:
Tis' the season to stock people's wood piles.
My point is that there is enough death out there without anarchists like yourself attempting to run this country.
Things liberals believe you are not allowed to do:
1) Believe that people are not allowed to do things
No, you're point was that regulations don't work anyway. You told me we need regulations, then shared a news article about how those regulations did nothing to protect people. These regulations are just a scam.
Yes. If you've ever worked in a restaurant, you know that restaurants are not very sanitary. The health codes don't do much to help that. If employees aren't washing their hands, an inspector doesn't materialize in the bathroom. Building codes are stupid, and government has no business tell people what to do with their property. If you don't like the way a building is constructed, go elsewhere. If you're worried about your health, eat at home. When I go to a restaurant, I know it could be dirty in the kitchen and people aren't washing their hands. If I was a germaphobe, I'd eat at home. If you need government to hold your hand throughout your day to day life then you need to grow up and learn some responsibility.
Surely you're intelligent enough to know that without building regulations many more people would die? The building being used as a nightclub wasn't licensed for such use, hence the owner very well might be brought up on manslaughter charges.
I'm glad that the fire dept. goes through buildings checking to see that fire alarm systems and sprinkler systems are working and that emergency exits aren't locked or blocked. You really do need to investigate the things that you're against, as they serve a important purpose.
There's quite a bit more to health codes then hand washing (although if it's documented that a food handler isn't washing his hands after defecating or urinating, the business could be fined and eventually shut down).
Other things that health inspectors check is refrigeration and what temperature food is being cooked at. People have become severely sick and many have died because businesses weren't following health codes.
Again, you really need to put some investigation into threads like this one as you have no idea what you're proposing.
Do you have the right to go around inspecting businesses personally and shut them down if they don't meet your standards? Can you personally appoint me personally to go around shutting down businesses that don't meet your expectations or mine? How about you and a few of your friends? Can you go around shutting down businesses or appointing someone else to?
Wow, you're even more of an anarchist than I realized.
On an individual basis I don't have a right to imprison you if you commit murder. I don't have a right to tax you for necessary things such as roads, fire and police services. That's why God ordained a specific institution as one of three for the governance of men.
Any idea what institution that might be Dan?
Yep. That was a theocratic monarchy.