I skimmed through Shawn's article, and it's much ado about nothing.
Everything in there is easily addressed. He really does not know what he is saying.
Nope; you are simply stuck in your Hybrid of where Acts 9 looks at things from, with where the Acts 28 Position does.
You never went beyond within the Acts 9 Position itself, to how to properly study out those kinds of more seemingly perplexing issues.
As a result, when you found yourself unable to solve for them, you welcomed with open arms the erroneous Hybrid as a solution.
A person's conclusions leave a trail of recurrent patterns built into their resulting assertions that points right back to where they were looking at things from to begin with, that they have ended up at the conclusions they then assert.
The forensics of a thing, bro.
Of...the things that differ...
You are simply stubborn