ECT "Things that are different" included Gentiles


I barely ever ask a question I do not at the same time share my own thoughts on.

I've made my thoughts very clear on the subject.

You know darn well that I believe the two folds are the two houses.

So, I'm asking you if you also believe that the two folds are the two houses. I asked you to explain the two folds earlier, and all you did was quote Ezekiel, without giving an explanation.


New member
I've made my thoughts very clear on the subject.

You know darn well that I believe the two folds are the two houses.

So, I'm asking you if you also believe that the two folds are the two houses. I asked you to explain the two folds earlier, and all you did was quote Ezekiel, without giving an explanation.

Keep your shirt on - save that for JohnW: you'll need it then :chuckle:

And nope.

All members of the Two Folds as Two Houses have yet been fully gathered.

But you confuse the phrase "the House of Israel" (one of the Two Houses) as being the same as the phrase "the children of Israel" (both Houses).

Many of BOTH of which REMAIN


But you confuse the phrase "the House of Israel" (one of the Two Houses) as being the same as the phrase "the children of Israel" (both Houses).

Nope, I understand the difference.

All members of the Two Folds as Two Houses have yet been fully gathered.

Let's look at what the High Priest Caiaphas prophesied:

(John 11:51-53) He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, 52 and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one. 53 So from that day on they plotted to take his life.

What Caiaphas prophesied, took place exactly how he said.

Jesus died for the Jewish nation, and for the scattered Israelites from the House of Israel (10 tribes), and He made them ONE.

This is yet another death blow to Dispies and those who deny the New Covenant.

Both houses were joined together, which means the New Covenant was made.

(Ezk 37:22,) ...There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms.24 My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd. ...

Jesus is the one King, the one Shepherd.


New member
Nope, I understand the difference.

Let's look at what the High Priest Caiaphas prophesied:

(John 11:51-53) He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, 52 and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one. 53 So from that day on they plotted to take his life.

What Caiaphas prophesied, took place exactly how he said.

Jesus died for the Jewish nation, and for the scattered Israelites from the House of Israel (10 tribes), and He made them ONE.

This is yet another death blow to Dispies and those who deny the New Covenant.

Both houses were joined together, which means the New Covenant was made.

(Ezk 37:22,) ...There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms.24 My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd. ...

Jesus is the one King, the one Shepherd.


That is not even saying that Caiphas knew what he was saying.

All that is saying is that what he said accidentally matched the very truth he and his fellows were against; in their collective unbelief.

In this, all that is saying then, is that His death would accomplish the very two-fold redemption the fools had longed for.

It is not saying that they availed themselves of either.

Few did - avail themselves of the one aspect of said two-fold redemption of theirs.

The other fold of said redemption, put on hold.

Both aspects of said redemption of theirs of which are described at the end of Luke 1.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The church of God was believers in the body of Christ.

Which is why Christ Jesus said the following to Saul/Paul:

(Acts 9:4) He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"
Notice Jesus did NOT say "why do you persecute the church of God?". Jesus clearly called the church of God that Saul/Paul was prosecuting as "me".

I have no problem making a blanket statement: "Dispensationalism is wrong".

Do you have a "problem" making a blanket statement:"Anti-Semitism is wrong," little chin Craigie?

Do it, punk.

Since you always follow Paul, and no one else does, little chinned weasel, are you an anti-Semite, weak arms one?

Answer the question, that I've been asking you, for over a week, sissy.

"Notice" the hypocrite wines, and pines, and cries, that MADists are "afraid" to answer a particular question, which is a proven lie, all the while dodging, avoiding, question, after question, from me/others, such as the above.

Right, no chin Frank Burns, Jr.?

Well, Craigie? Are you unable to respond, with a "Yes, or No," since you have suffered fatal, devastating, crippling, death knell?????

Come on, punk....Give us another "Darby" stumper, as your usual "response," since that is your only bullet. Please?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Read the next verse:

(Eph 2:12) That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

In the above verse "aliens" is Strongs #526 "apallotrioó", which means "estrange".

Paul is saying that the Gentile Ephesians were at one time part of the Commonwealth of Israel. They were the Israelites from the 10 Northern Tribes who were divorced from God. Hence "estranged".

That's who Daniel speaks of in Daniel 9:7. Daniel knew the Israelites from the 10 tribes had been driven "far off" because of "their trespass that they have trespassed against thee".
The deceiving punk thinks he can translate Strong words, word for word, to get a correct "translation," which has been proven to be a scam, con game, and he knows it. That is his MO on TOL-a muttering, grunting bible correcting scammer, bible agnostic/rejector/mystic, who will cite a non exiting "the Greek," although he knows no "the Greek," couldn't get into a "the Greek" fraternity, thinking it is a sorority, would not know the difference between a "Hebrew National," and a gyros, cannot even convey the proper "the English," with his cute little "Lol's,,,er, no's....'grammer,'" and to validate/support his AD 70-ism/Preterist "invention, will rummage through his stack of bibles, in search of one that supports his "teachings of men," supports his "infallible teachings of men"(his assertion, on record), or changing the word of God, to "prove" his satanic "doctrine," as his "doctrine determines what the word of God says/should say.

You admitted fraud, poser.


That is not even saying that Caiphas knew what he was saying.

Read it again.

(John 11:51) He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation,

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I've made my thoughts very clear on the subject.

You know darn well that I believe the two folds are the two houses.

So, I'm asking you if you also believe that the two folds are the two houses. I asked you to explain the two folds earlier, and all you did was quote Ezekiel, without giving an explanation.
I've made my thoughts very clear on the subject....
I have no problem making a blanket statement: "Dispensationalism is wrong".

Do you have a "problem" making a blanket statement:"Anti-Semitism is wrong," little chin Craigie?Make your thoughts clear, on this subject, sweetie...

Do it, punk.

Since you always follow Paul, and no one else does, little chinned weasel, are you an anti-Semite, weak arms one?

Answer the question, that I've been asking you, for over a week, sissy.

"Notice" the hypocrite wines, and pines, and cries, that MADists are "afraid" to answer a particular question, which is a proven lie, all the while dodging, avoiding, question, after question, from me/others, such as the above.

Right, no chin Frank Burns, Jr.?

Well, Craigie? Are you unable to respond, with a "Yes, or No," since you have suffered fatal, devastating, crippling, death knell?????

Come on, punk....Give us another "Darby" stumper, as your usual "response," since that is your only bullet. Please?


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Gold Subscriber
Do you have a "problem" making a blanket statement:"Anti-Semitism is wrong," little chin Craigie?Make your thoughts clear, on this subject, sweetie...

Do it, punk.

Since you always follow Paul, and no one else does, little chinned weasel, are you an anti-Semite, weak arms one?

Answer the question, that I've been asking you, for over a week, sissy.

"Notice" the hypocrite wines, and pines, and cries, that MADists are "afraid" to answer a particular question, which is a proven lie, all the while dodging, avoiding, question, after question, from me/others, such as the above.

Right, no chin Frank Burns, Jr.?

Well, Craigie? Are you unable to respond, with a "Yes, or No," since you have suffered fatal, devastating, crippling, death knell?????

Come on, punk....Give us another "Darby" stumper, as your usual "response," since that is your only bullet. Please?

Margaret, to Frank."Oh, Frank.... For a moment there, you looked like you had a chin!"

So there, wise guy..
Are you normally this abrasive when you speak to others?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Are you normally this abrasive when you speak to others?

I'm usually much worse.I'm in a good mood today, having had 1.71 Mr. Cookie Bars, and 2 naps.

Do me this favor. I won't forget it. Ask your friends in the TOL neighborhood about me.

Thanks for you're cooperation.

Don John W

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The best thing to do is just ignore him.

Craigie Tet’s “page:”

This page has had 2,287 visits


The great, feared gunslinger saint John W’s page, the Rifleman, protecting the sheep/babes, from the wolves, such as no chin Craigie:

This page has had 16,592 visits

Quite a contrast, Craigie, as most cannot ignore me, and do ignore you.

Are you an anti-Semite, Craigie?

As quiet as a turkey farm, on Thanksgiving Day.