They just can't get past it


Well-known member
IF all Americans were allowed to vote, democracy wouldn’t be an issue. trump is incapable of being fairly elected which is why he is planning on stealing the election. Like Putin.

You do have a better and safer system than Russia.
Let's see how it turns out. When the chips go down you've just gotta trust in your country's electoral system, laws and Constitution.


Well-known member
I was thinking in the context of the two world wars, as I alluded to with my reference to your country

Pathetic mind, you have there.
Before you shout your mouth off, remember Vietnam.

There are no winners or losers in wars. Everybody loses.
Wake up.


like marbles on glass
IF all Americans were allowed to vote, democracy wouldn’t be an issue. trump is incapable of being fairly elected which is why he is planning on stealing the election. Like Putin.

Yeah, it's not as simple as letting democracy do its thing. The latest is CA Republicans putting up fake ballot boxes, the ongoing is voter suppression in heavily Democratic or minority areas, gerrymandering, dark right-wing money stacking the courts, Trump's propagandizing against voting by mail, his sabotage of the Post Office and so much more - our system is being tested in many different ways.


Well-known member
Yeah, it's not as simple as letting democracy do its thing. The latest is CA Republicans putting up fake ballot boxes, the ongoing is voter suppression in heavily Democratic or minority areas, gerrymandering, dark right-wing money stacking the courts, Trump's propagandizing against voting by mail, his sabotage of the Post Office and so much more - our system is being tested in many different ways.

Putting up fake ballot boxes......... what is your legislation about that criminal offence, and what is the maximum sentence for such offences?

The above election-risks show a whole different aspect to homeland-defence.

It looks as if we're going to find out what America has got.

The Barbarian

IF all Americans were allowed to vote, democracy wouldn’t be an issue. trump is incapable of being fairly elected which is why he is planning on stealing the election. Like Putin.

"If we had voting on that level, no republican would ever be elected again."
Donald Trump, regarding the idea that all citizens should vote

I think he's wrong. If everyone eligible could vote, republicans would just change their ways to adjust to the new reality of the American people picking their leaders.

The Barbarian

Sixty years from now, in a presidential debate, some republican will be shouting "Yeah? What about Hillary Clinton, huh? Benghazi!"