Well-known member
Are you chuckling at me, Sir? ! You're lucky you didn't live a couple of centuries ago or we should be meeting at dawn, and not to have breakfast.
When I think back about the news that we have received daily about President Trump over four long years, and his gallant, nay, valiant missions to build bridges... or was it walls, I forget which now. Anyway, he should be remembered by historians as the great bridge builder, bringing peoples from far and wide together. President Trump the Peacemaker would be another suitable title. He has travelled the World and worked day and night to tie the countries of this globe together in friendship.
And he isn't Proud, Arthur... No no...... whenever I see President Trump on Telly I see the personification of everything that is humble in strength, hushed about his wisdom.
That's why the people of America love him like they do, Arthur, like Jerry does, in fact. He doesn't chuck muck at political opponents, but speaks to the hearts of all Americans who want Equality for all, a decent home and life, good education and above all a health service which anybody can rely upon.
...... and you chuckle.... *gasps*