ECT There is only one Gospel


New member
Peter preached the gospel of the kingdom (Acts 10:36-38 KJV)

The Father sent Jesus with an invitation to the Judeans. Jesus sent the twelve apostles to all the world with the same message.

Peter preached what he was told to preach and Jesus sent him to Cornelius which extended Jesus' invitation to Gentiles.

Peter learned to not call anyone common or unclean. (Acts 10:28)

Salvation is Jesus' responsibility and his message trumps all other messages.

Jesus is Lord, not Paul, and you obviously don't understand Jesus' message.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
In Paul's day there were Levitical priests serving in the Temple. In addition to the Levites there were two other tribes, Judah and Benjamin.

The house of Judah was made up of three tribes. (1 Kings 12:21)

The house of Israel was made up of ten tribes sometimes referred to today as the "lost" ten tribes.

Yes, yes, yes, I know all that. It doesn't matter!

How do you just ignore Rev. 21 and the fact that the Bible throughout refers to the Twelve Tribes and the fact that Jesus chose TWELVE apostles. It's ludicrous for you to be making an argument that not only has every Jew that has ever lived has been getting this wrong but the bible itself gets it wrong but the Apostle Paul being a thirteenth Apostle is proof that you're right.

This is the last I'm going to even entertain this argument. It's been voiced and responded too and all you do is repeat yourself no matter what anyone says and it's driving me nuts to the point that I'm losing the will to live.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Are you saying the trichotomous view is akin to superstition? ;)

What he's saying is that it's been rejected by a whole lot of theologians and so the rank and file Christians who believe it must be wrong. He's also attempt to associate the belief with gnosticism which abviously must be completely wrong because the word start the 'gn'.

So, the pdf he linked to starts off with two rational fallacies in the opening two paragraphs. It starts with an appeal to trandition/authority/popularity (take your pick) and then goes into a guilt by association fallacy to INTRODUCE the paper.

I'll leave it to you to decide whether its worth reading any further.


Well-known member
What he's saying is that it's been rejected by a whole lot of theologians and so the rank and file Christians who believe it must be wrong. He's also attempt to associate the belief with gnosticism which abviously must be completely wrong because the word start the 'gn'.

So, the pdf he linked to starts off with two rational fallacies in the opening two paragraphs. It starts with an appeal to trandition/authority/popularity (take your pick) and then goes into a guilt by association fallacy to INTRODUCE the paper.

I'll leave it to you to decide whether its worth reading any further.

My comment was a callback to earlier conversation, nothing more, so I won't bother with the link. But it's not because it's AMR's link. It wouldn't matter whose it was...not interested.

If God had chosen to say in the Bible something to the effect of, "Mankind, pay attention. This is your exact spiritual makeup..." and then told us precisely how mind, soul, spirit, body, emotions, desire, will, memory and all the rest fit together, I'd find the topic interesting.

But since He didn't, and since few agree on what they do believe about it, I have no opinion on the matter and have never seen why I need one. I got only so much room in my head as it is, know what I mean?


Well-known member
Peter baptized the first Gentile convert to receive the Holy Spirit after he was given to understand that God made no difference based on ethnicity. This was the mystery Paul referred to in Romans 16:25.

There is an important difference between being kept secret and kept hidden or veiled. The NT refers to the latter.

also, if you are referring to Rom 16:25, it was hidden for long ages. I believe there are a couple trans out there that write 'since the beginning of time' and this is unnecessarily confusing.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Father sent Jesus with an invitation to the Judeans. Jesus sent the twelve apostles to all the world with the same message.

Peter preached what he was told to preach and Jesus sent him to Cornelius which extended Jesus' invitation to Gentiles.

Peter learned to not call anyone common or unclean. (Acts 10:28)

Salvation is Jesus' responsibility and his message trumps all other messages.

Jesus is Lord, not Paul, and you obviously don't understand Jesus' message.

Your ignorance astounds me. How do you do it? I must know your secret and how to avoid it.


New member
There is an important difference between being kept secret and kept hidden or veiled. The NT refers to the latter...

I "suspect" that is YOUR distinction.

Just as within MAD one finds that there is difference of opinion* on what the Apostle Paul is asserting as to WHERE "the mystery" he refers to in Romans 26:25 was "kept hidden."

Most hold it refers to Ephesians 3:9's "hid in God."

Some assert Romans 16:27 asserts it was hidden in the OT Scripturers.

But any majority and or a minority can be sound on a thing, as much as not on another.

The result being that such things end up in the hands of each individual - between one and one's time in Scripture.

Some end up on a same page with some, perceptually...others end up on a same page with others.

Other times, people at odds on one thing, perceptually, find they are nevertheless on a same page with them on something else.

That is - as is found to be the case in all schools of thought - those not set in a kind of a "my way, or the highway..."

A one sidedness, that only Scripture and God appear to have a right to.

In contrast, being that Scripture appears to be a kind of a bottomless ocean of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; we are each ever on a learning curve.


* Personal level of familiarity with the flexibility of the English language, will influence whether or not one will take issue with the word "opinion."


New member
Your ignorance astounds me. How do you do it? I must know your secret and how to avoid it.

You are welcome to skip over my posts and not respond to them. Please do, I don't need your negativity.

Why do you never say anything constructive?



New member
You are welcome to skip over my posts and not respond to them. Please do, I don't need your negativity.

Why do you never say anything constructive?


It is not in the nature of some to be more constructive than not.

And some believers "are yet carnal" remaining "babes in Christ" as to such things.

So much so, that to point it out to them, only makes them more so.

The same self-induced means by which Pharaoh's heart continued to harden further and further...

Just goes to show once more what MADs have had to observe in some fellow MADs for many, many decades now - that even we MADs are ever faced with the onslaught of the flesh.

Some never get a handle on this - let alone; even perceive its very real reality at strongly work within themselves.

Such is the case within some individuals within all schools of thought.

Just look at how you yourself; Jamie, refuse to even look at what we MADs assert.


New member
There is more than the church of God. The Body of Christ isn't the church of God and we were purchased (Ephesians 1:13-14 KJV).

That what I was referring to when I mentioned your two gospels of Paul.

Your misunderstanding of tthings like the following...

Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. 20:25 And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more. 20:26 Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. 20:27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 20:30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.

Due to your oversimplification.

But you and yours often read notions into my words I'd nowhere intended...

So it's no surprise you not only misread Acts, but take great personal offence when such things are pointed out to you; as if you and yours cannot stand to have anyone point anything out to you.

Yours is a VERY sharp mind, heir.

I have ALWAYS seen that in you...


But something is still missing in how you look at some of these things.

So, you disagree.

Learn from it anyway.


New member
There is more than the church of God. The Body of Christ isn't the church of God and we were purchased (Ephesians 1:13-14 KJV).

Paul was appointed an apostle to the church of God which he formerly persecuted.

Are you not a member of God's church?