There is no "Popular Vote" winner.


The EC is in the Constitution, and requires a 75% vote to overturn, which must be 2/3 in both houses.

In other words, if it's going to be overturned, it won't be in this lifetime :chuckle:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Note the "was" being past tense. I think this EC feature you speak of needs to be a was, because it also overrides the will of the majority of the populace.

As is the design of the constitutional republic we live under, this is not pure democracy, it is not a majority rule except in your county, district, or state, it takes a nation of states to elect a president and Hillary couldn't make that happen...Sell your socialistic democracy nationwide or lose, it is simple as that. The socialistic liberal is a faction, an enemy to private rights, property rights, and personal liberty an enemy to the constitution for that matter, that is why you seek to change the design. The framers designed a system where whether a faction was in a majority or a minority that dwelled in particular regions could not destroy or modify the nation or this constitution unless they had a majority nationwide, meaning a majority of states, call it checks & balances. The same can be said for conservatism, populism, or any other faction but, in this case the populist message was the one that resonated through the majority of the nation of states which is the standard. You libs got eight years to think of how you can sell this socialistic failure again, so maybe your time would be better spent figuring how you can sell it in the states you lost, instead of decrying an unbroken system that has served the nation well for over 200 years.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Because, as I explained, it makes the needs of the voters of deeply colored states matter.

So what? Why would the majority in that state care?
Do you think California is going to give weight to all the red people in their state when under the current system they get all the EC votes?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Um no, that's what you did. You asserted whatever the system is, it must be correct because the founding fathers designed it. I pointed out the founding fathers were imperfect human beings.

If you want to decide whether something is fair, decide based on actual moral principles, not who came up with the idea.

The idealistic 'new left liberal', you, not me. We have a Republic, a representative government, not a social democracy. It is going to remain so as long as I am alive. Get used to it.


:mock: Socialists



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There is a popular vote winner. It's the system we use for electing, pretty much every other position you can think of. But for some arcane reason the founders created an electoral college. The states can decide to allocate their electors based on the popular vote. And some of them already have.

Bottom line is you'll tout your "victory" even though you don't actually have the support of the majority of Americans. I'll wait for the overreach to sink in.

Read Alexander Hamilton's letters to Thomas Jefferson


New member
So what? Why would the majority in that state care?
Do you think California is going to give weight to all the red people in their state when under the current system they get all the EC votes?

I'd vote for it.

But the point is, it makes both sides of the aisle more important in even states with lopsided partisan distributions. It benefits voters on both sides, to the detriment of politicians on both sides.


Bottom line is you'll tout your "victory" even though you don't actually have the support of the majority of Americans. I'll wait for the overreach to sink in.

There's more illegal immigrants in California than your majority, and are as insignificant to us as those Mexicans to you :wave2:

The EC exists because the Founding Fathers didn't want an idiocracy. They plainly just didn't like liberal morons.
Let that sink in :chuckle:


Well-known member
You underestimate the left and it's determination. Hillary's loss was huge. If the left is going to have any chance of coming back into power , they must thoroughly delegitimize trumps victory in the minds of most Americans.

Said by the side that spent 8 years trying to delegitimize Obama, someone who won both the EC and the popular vote twice.

Obama had no actual legitimacy issues other than being of the wrong party, skin color and upbringing for a certain portion of the population. But the right invented conspiracies and supposed totalitarian tendencies on the part of Obama. In contrast Trump was elected under a number of actually questionable circumstances, the electoral vs. popular vote conflict being only one of them. There was also Comey's letter, Russian hacking, as well as Trump lust by the media.

In short plenty of actual fodder for delegitimization. So I hope you enjoy the taste of your own medicine, because it's not going to stop anytime soon.


New member
There's more illegal immigrants in California than your majority, and are as insignificant to us as those Mexicans to you :wave2:

But they can't vote. You're just assuming, because Trump told you to, that they voted, without any evidence.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'd vote for it.
I think the faith you show in your countrymen's egalitarianism is over optimistic.
But the point is, it makes both sides of the aisle more important in even states with lopsided partisan distributions. It benefits voters on both sides, to the detriment of politicians on both sides.

I can see selling something in a swing state, but why would the people in Wyoming want to dilute what little power they have?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
But they can't vote. You're just assuming, because Trump told you to, that they voted, without any evidence.

Wayne County Michigan stuffed the Ballot Box for Hillary;

One good thing about the EC is it puts a damper on that. And one reason I would support a state breaking down their EC votes along district lines with a winner take all for the two Senate ECs.

Then a city can stuff away all they want and not take the whole state.


Said by the side that spent 8 years trying to delegitimize Obama, someone who won both the EC and the popular vote twice.

Obama had no actual legitimacy issues other than being of the wrong party, skin color and upbringing for a certain portion of the population. But the right invented conspiracies and supposed totalitarian tendencies on the part of Obama. In contrast Trump was elected under a number of actually questionable circumstances, the electoral vs. popular vote conflict being only one of them. There was also Comey's letter, Russian hacking, as well as Trump lust by the media.

Their claims: made up
Our claims: fact

Why: Because!

Way to be a tool, A1.

You all didn't just lose the EC, you all were straight decimated by it- and you're response is to try and throw this small, stupid majority out your hat that can be attributed to pure sheep out of any camp.

The Founding Fathers didn't wan this country to be an idiocracy- and the EC goes Right when it doesn't go with the small popular majority, so what does that say about the Left?

You all are simply trying to usurp the country, not embrace it's constitution as one apart from others. We warred against Britain, and you want to return it to Britain- that's basically what I gather. Your paradise is across the Atlantic, why are you still here :wave2:


New member
I think the faith you show in your countrymen's egalitarianism is over optimistic.

I don't think so.

I can see selling something in a swing state, but why would the people in Wyoming want to dilute what little power they have?

But, as I explained before, it doesn't do that. So...

You've brought that up before, but the article you linked doesn't support the charge you're making. You got that from InfoWars or similar.

One good thing about the EC is it puts a damper on that.

No it doesn't. If anything, it makes fraud more profitable. If you can capture an entire state's electors by a few thousand votes, that's a lot easier than if you had the change millions of votes.


But they can't vote. You're just assuming, because Trump told you to, that they voted, without any evidence.

If we upped the voting age to 25, Trump would have massacred the popular vote.

The EC is to help prevent an idiocracy- you all only got your small majority by feeding a bunch of crap to impressionable people.

I saw all the Lefty campaign ads and everytime I was like 'Wow, what kind of moron would find validity in that?'
And then I realized, 'Oh, liberals. Right.'

:rotfl: You all need to look away from the swinging pendulum.


New member
If we upped the voting age to 25, Trump would have massacred the popular vote.

It's amazing what you can do when you eliminate demographics that don't typically support you. If white people hadn't been allowed to vote, Hillary Clinton would have won every single state.

The EC is to help prevent an idiocracy- you all only got your small majority by feeding a bunch of crap to impressionable people.

A "small" 2% majority. In real democracies, that's a winning majority.

I saw all the Lefty campaign ads and everytime I was like 'Wow, what kind of moron would find validity in that?'

Are you under the impression that TV ads are about substantive debate?


A "small" 2% majority. In real democracies, that's a winning majority.

According to the Founding Fathers, a democracy is when all parties are present and vote through discussion. That's literally what they defined it as.
Your 'real' democracy is only for tribes, and that is why 'real' democracy fails when applied to a nation- because it's not even possible to purposefully come to a conclusion that is in a country's best interest when applied to the common people.

This is why it's stupid for anyone to be having qualms about the EC, it is simply the cap of a complete representative republic. You liberals are just being a bunch of crybabies.


50ish counties in the US do NOT get to pick the Pres. That is exactly what would happen w/out the EC. Also, daffy duck could run on the dem ticket in Cal and possibly NY and win... NEXT...

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