SaulToPaul 2
Well-known member
IP worked 55 this week. As usual you have no idea what you are saying.
How many general sections were there in the ONE temple?
IP worked 55 this week. As usual you have no idea what you are saying.
You should well know, the NHNE comes AFTER the 1000 years.Yeah, because the earth is burnt up, as you said in a post last week, trying to prove that the Mill was going to happen. It's OK though if you mean the NHNE.
Why do you stoop to lying?there are many places in Hebrew where forever meant several hundred years. It never meant 'eternal' like 'eternal life.'
More lying on your part. Shame on you.The apostles knew the land was going to be ruined in their time, and never again be a site for God's activity, because 'all the fulness of the Godhead was in bodily form in Christ.'
You should well know, the NHNE comes AFTER the 1000 years.
Why do you stoop to lying?
More lying on your part. Shame on you.
Absolutely hilarious the way that you will try to pervert things to get your fairy tale to "work".There is no Judean element to the list of things enjoyed by believers in Heb 12:22+ and that's in the letter to the HEBREWS--hmmmm, maybe not to the race! Think about it! Maybe the Bible always was to and for and about those who have faith! The 'believers from Persia.'
There's nothing in Hebrews that is not also declared in Romans or Galatians or Ephesians. Colossians actually has some 'copy.' Your point is worthless.
Any idea what was happening to either Israel in the mid-1st century?
Like the quote from Deut in Acts 3 says, that generation of the people was warned that a 'Moses' would appear and they were to do everything he said--become missionaries to the ends of the earth. That warning was specific, yet the message itself said that anyone could convey the message to the ends of the earth. It's just that there was extra responsibility on Israel, and extra value with their background if they became teachers.
But obviously all through Hebrews, there's that nagging problem of unbelieving people and they suffer loss all through time, which God blesses those who have faith. So much for the race as such. The letter says no less to those unbelievers as it does to unbelievers from anywhere. It says no less to Jewish-race believers than it does to Calethumpian-race believers.
How are you coming on 'A Jew may be an atheist but is still a Jew, but Christian cannot be an atheist because it seriously opposes his behavioral base. I'd apply the behavioral rule to Judaism, but it doesn't apply.'?
That's a modern, old covenant Jewish person trying to do his best with the tools at hand.
It is even more fundamentally different, I believe. A "Jew" is ethnically a Jew and most often what a Jew means by the term. There is no such thing as an ethnic Christian. It is a huge point of Christianity difference. Nobody is 'ethnically' a Christian. A Hindu? Might be Hindu, but can be an atheist Hindu, oddly. As far as I know, Christianity is the only religion that is not also an ethnicity/national identity. There is no such thing as an atheist-Christian.
How many general sections were there in the ONE temple?
Irrelevant. Christ is already calling himself the temple in Jn 2. Are there several sections of Christ?
Stop the fascination with symbolism and deal with the real issue that Prager is expressing. It is the stronghold that blinds those in the old covenant and you are either helping them out of it or you are part of it.
How many sections were in the ONE temple? why are you afraid to answer?
It's irrelevant. I have nothing to be afraid of.
Find me a passage where Paul divides Christ the temple into compartments. Hebrews does a bit of review of sections, doesn't it? To tell us that the access to the holiest is now open, and the old temple replaced, and there is never any more concern about this. And you call yourself a Hebrews expert! lol
You are in a cult and it's basic categories of thought are utterly foreign to the Bible.