ThePhy on Bob Enyart Live?

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A friend (I think)

A friend (I think)

I am a freethinker -- one who is not afraid to challenge the supernatural claims of others especially when those claims affect the public policy of this great nation. I believe that NO ONE has the right to force anyone to believe anything, however a belief or claim that doesn't account for the evidence should be exposed for what it is (or isn't).



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ThePhy said:
For the few that were interested in the proposed debate, this is not a dead issue. I have recently been in contact with Knight via PM (to preclude cluttering this thread with adminstrivia). I am suggesting an Oct or Nov timeframe for the debate, but I am still awaiting concurrence from Bob. Will update this thread as things firm up.
Well, it's been about 8 months. Any update?


Resident Atheist

You really need to find a new horse. That dead one you keep beating is beginning to stink...


Formerly Shimei!
Zakath said:

You really need to find a new horse. That dead one you keep beating is beginning to stink...

Awww...and your comments about Bob are all fresh......


New member
Indefinite hiatus

Indefinite hiatus

From Jefferson:
Well, it's been about 8 months. Any update?
I made phone and e-mail contact w/ Bob Enyart several times late last year and early this trying to firm this up. Finally, in January he indicated that between his already busy schedule and the time it takes him to adequately prepare for such a debate, this was not a good time. As it stands now, the debate is on indefinite hold. I am prepared to go with it. I would need a few weeks notice for scheduling purposes. It’s now up to Bob to decide if he wants to have the debate or not.

I am sure Bob is a very busy man, and I can’t fault him for wanting to put in the time to adequately prepare. My concern is that his busy schedule does not prevent him from still sniping at science regularly on his radio program.

If you (or others) can encourage Bob to move ahead on the debate, it would be appreciated.


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Super Moderator
Zakath said:
Any takers????


Bob told me he goes in cycles regarding issues. He'll spend a year concentrating primarily on the evolution debate then a year concentrating primarily on eschatology, then a year on the young earth view and on and on like that. Right now he has been giving seminars on the subject of predestination and free will so that subject is his current "obsession."

Bob told Knight he would agree to do a Battle Royale this year on TOL on that subject against a published author. In trying to find such an author I found one (Gary Demar) who was published by Thomas Nelson but Demar wants to debate Bob on eschatology. Demar is a postmillenialist. I ran this by Bob and that is when he informed me of his "study cycles." He turned down Demar's offer for that reason.

I'm sure within the next 6 months Bob will get burned out from concentrating primarily on just this one issue and will switch to some other passion. Perhaps it will be on ThePhy's subject of choice.


New member
The best approach?

The best approach?

Would it prompt him to action if I posted that I think he is a befuddled fruitcake dingbat? Or how about me saying that I can imagine no greater honor than being subdued by Bob, that great master of science? Would that tempt him?


Formerly Shimei!
ThePhy said:
Would it prompt him to action if I posted that I think he is a befuddled fruitcake dingbat? Or how about me saying that I can imagine no greater honor than being subdued by Bob, that great master of science? Would that tempt him?

You could try, but give him at least 8 months to respond.
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