The very sad and unfortunate predicament of traditional Christians.

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The converging of KJV N.T. predictions on earth on Sept. 2015

The converging of KJV N.T. predictions on earth on Sept. 2015

. . . continued from previous post # 20, above.

Don't you guys find it even a little bit interesting that at this time, modern quantum scientist have scientifically identified, described (in their language) and validated spiritual events predicted in the KJV N.T.?

This is truth being confirmed in terms that every one (even spiritually dead people) can know and accept. This was promised to be the reality in the fullness of time. . . . in the fullness of time, nothing will be hidden, all things will surface for all to know and understand (i.e. in modern and scientific terms).

Don't you guys find it even a little bit interesting that this has all converged around this time, the end of September 2015. At the end of Sept. 2015, through new alignment of the planets and other heavenly bodies, the domination reality on earth moved from physicality to spiritual.

Even our modern 'particle acceleration' scientists, under their own violation, have made and powered up their own physical particle accelerating devise. They will inevitably be obliging the natural flow and current requirement, of creation, by opening an appropriate black hole portal to the under world, so as to expedite this fullness of time event.

The totally physical ideas of Peter is now replaced by the spirit ideas which were committed onto only Paul. The age of Peter has ended and the age of Paul has commenced.

Do you really want to be buried in (teleported into) the depths of earth with Peter & Co. or do you want remain on the surface of earth according to Paul's commission? Heaven will soon be created on earth according to commission which was rendered onto only Paul. The hellish age of Peter is ended.
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Paul's spiritual age on earth started in Sept. 2015.

Paul's spiritual age on earth started in Sept. 2015.

Up to end of Sept. 2015, the surface of earth was entangled with the matrix of Pisces. Pisces is an age of physicality. Physicality has to do with spiritual dead-ness.

Since the end of Sept. 2015, the reality on earth is now entangled with matrix of Aquarius. Aquarius is an age of spirituality. Spirituality has to do with spiritual awareness.

This means that spiritually dead people can no longer be brought forth to earth's surface. They are no longer entangled with the surface of earth (not at all).

Only spiritually aware people can be brought forth to earth's surface. They are now more entangled with the surface of earth.

Also this means that spiritually dead people who were here during the age of Pisces or physicality are no longer entangled with the surface of earth. This means that they are no longer relevant to the surface of earth. They cannot even survive here, far less to rule or dominate as they previously did.

The natural operation of the creation is that it is always conspiring, inevitably, to match people, place, time and thing according to mutual entanglement. This is achieved through teleportation, i.e. by teleporting people and things to perfectly matching dimensions.

There are unlimited dimension, to fit every possible requirement. In fact more and more are being created at every moment, to meet new requirements. This is described as the ever expanding creation.

Our concern is with the reality on surface of earth. This is not fixed. It is very much like humans. It is affected by the planets and other heavenly bodies. Like humans, the surface of earth is always evolving and changing. It's reality at any point in time is suited only to a specific grouping of people.

When the planets and other heavenly bodies, through new alignments, precipitates a new reality on earth's surface, all entities, i.e. all people, things and circumstances on earth are impacted.

Some of these people (who are currently living here) will suddenly become totally alien to the new reality on earth, while other become more relevant to the new reality on earth.

These totally alien ones will no longer be entangled with the surface of earth. In our current scenario, these are the spiritually dead people. They must and will be, teleported out of here. According to the KJV N.T. this will occur as follows: "in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left" or "Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left" or "Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.".

While others who were not previously entangled with the surface of earth and therefore were not attracted to the surface of earth would now be drawn too the surface of earth. These are more advanced spiritual beings.

These will now be brought forth to earth. They will come here as a totally new 'breed'.
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False Prophet

New member
Peter's epistles glorify Jesus Christ and not Satan the devil who leads you away from Jesus Christ.
From Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ. 2 Pet 1


Well-known member
"in that night one shall be taken, and the other left."

"in that night one shall be taken, and the other left."

No. The depiction seem wrongly reversed. The suction (of the spiritually dead) will be from the surface of earth to the depths of earth. This will enable children of God (i.e. obedient spiritually aware humans) who are currently on earth and those in spirit heaven, to inherit earth, without children of the flesh (i.e. spiritually dead people) in the fullness of time.

If Peter & Co and their like kind, attempt to fight a battle to keep their relevance and/or rule on earth they have no one in heaven to help them. The ancestors of all their own, all their supporters and all their charges are in the underworld/hell.

Let us face it, Peter & Co. have been sending their charges (who include billions in traditional Christianity) to the underworld for the past 2000 odd years. On this planet, they are the dead who have been burying their dead. Peter & Co. and their direct and indirect followers have no ancestors in Spirit heaven, all are in the under world/hell.

Now our modern 'particle accelerating' scientist will simply accelerate the process, in one big bang. They will open their own unstable black hole to the under world and drag all spiritually dead people into the under world, in a twinkling of an eye.

According to the KJV N.T. this event will occur as follows: "in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left" or "Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left" or "Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.".
Matthews: 10 KJV N.T.
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword (of separation).
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Jesus' aim was to separate the spiritually dead from the spiritually aware and obedient spiritually aware, in preparation of this September 2015 event.

The prophesy seems to confirm that at least half of the earth's human population will be teleported out of here.

Fact is this teleporting 'out of here' event seen to be the destiny of all who were in any way influenced and/or guided by Peter & Co. and all other people who esteem the O.T. in any form or fashion.

Who will be saved and delivered from this catastrophe? A rough guide is as follows:

The true and authentic New Testament people are in Paul's commission. They are the chosen few from among the billions called to Christianity. These few together with all people, in all old indigenous traditions, who have remained strong to their old indigenous traditions will be saved and delivered from this catastrophe. These old indigenous traditions are all essentially spirit based. Those from these old indigenous traditions, who have remained committed, will be saved and deliver from this catastrophe.

This would define the actual division of earth's population with respect to the saved and delivered and the not saved and not delivered.

The Lord Jesus came among those people to establish a spiritual tradition. His aim was to bring them on par with those old indigenous traditions are all essentially spirit based.

Peter and Co. totally rejected, undermined, denied, persecuted and blasphemed Jesus' spirit commission which was rendered onto onto only Paul. Thereafter billion came to Christianity and followed Peter & Co. and their ideas. Christianity remained without a spiritual dimension.

Judgment day has arrived. God's kingdom of heaven is at hand. Entry into God's kingdom of heaven requires spiritual awareness. Billions who are called Christians are not qualified. They were misled a la Peter & Co. They are now deprived.
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Well-known member
To deliver such an one unto Satan/Peter.

To deliver such an one unto Satan/Peter.

Peter's epistles glorify Jesus Christ and not Satan the devil who leads you away from Jesus Christ.
From Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ. 2 Pet 1
Are you aware that Peter who was clearly identified by the Lord Jesus as Satan, was given the following commission:
1 Corinthians: 5 KJV N.T.
5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
Peter had no other or further commission. Peter, on his own, claimed more than he was given.

Peter was never straight or straightforward. In fact, not only did the Lord identify Peter to be Satan, the Lord pointed out Peter's ongoing and expected to continue un-trustworthyness, repeatedly, for every body's (including your) edification.

Yet billions trusted their guidance to Peter and so billions sold their souls to Satan. That is, many (billions) were called to Christianity but only a few were and ever will be chosen.

The very great majority of those called to Christianity, were misled by false prophets (i.e. by Peter & Co and their Satanic doctrines). Therefore they all err and were not chosen. They did not and will not make it.

Soon, too late will be the cry . . . in fact, no, not soon . . . this cry has already started.

Look about you. Peter & Co. are plainly exposed and desperately on the run. They are desperately shuffling the pack (that they are). They are desperately trying to reinvent themselves . . . to no avail. They are over. The reign of Paul's commission is at hand.

This was not created by humans. This was precipitated by planetary alignments. Many spiritually aware humans on earth knew about the approaching spiritual transformation on the surface of earth. They were in continuous self preparation. The followers of Peter & Co. were simply 'dead' to it and deprived.

Peter & Co. are simply trying foolishly, to steal Paul's reign on earth. Fact is they are the old and they must die. There is simply no other way. The Old must die to give way to the new.
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Well-known member
Your point could have been made in a far less wordy posting.

Things worth getting and knowing must require effort. Nothing casually obtained does much for one.

My writings are for devoted and open seekers. This is how it is given to me and this is how I post them.

One line posts are sad, misleading and possibly egoistic.

Fact is spiritual law confirms that in order to take a message through your subconscious and into your actual attention and then to your open, expanded and free consciousness requires it to be repeated at least three times.

Your own awareness will not take a message seriously (it will not actually reach you) unless it is repeated at least three time.

In fact the only way to get a message transmitted (as a truth) is to have the receiving person transfer more and more of his own available brain neurons to storage of the message in his brain. This is achieved only by repeating and repeating and repeating the message. This is often done innovative-ly.

You have to be committed to get the message, even in my posts. This is the only way that it works.

Your unconscious mind is your automatic mind. It is your default mind. It is your first mind to receive things. When you receive information with this mind you simply accept it if it validates your already existing beliefs. Using this mind you will reject it if it does not conform to your already existing beliefs. And that is that, if you are not reached at your actual attention mind.

One liners are received and dealt with in your sub conscious (or unconscious) mind. This is one's lazy man mind. This is 'the dead' (the spiritually dead) man mind.

Fact is one liners can be interpreted many ways and this suits a lazy man. When one interface with only one's subconscious mind one is bound to interpret a one liner according to one's existing belief. In fact it is easy to do so.

In this way there could be very many people agreeing with a one liner in theory but all having different idea from the one liner. However the individual ideas do not surface. Therefore by operating at this level, it is an easy, effortless, congenial and pleasing. It is also a dead way to interface. One does not learn any thing new from this interfacing.

This is what goes on most traditional Christian churches. This why only a chosen few ever become spiritually aware in those churches. Only 'sheep herding' goes on in those churches. Then parroting of one liners. No (spiritual or other) self actualization occurs in those churches.

Communication is the act of actually getting your full and clear message to a receiver. It is not about having your message casually dealt with on a subconscious level.

Fact is the spiritually dead operates mainly and/or only through his subconscious mind. He remains in oblivion. He is the one line operator.

I am seeking to reach people who operate or are seeking to operate, beyond their subconscious mind. I am seeking to challenge people's automatic receiving and automatic response. I am seeking to challenge one's default beliefs.

Such people seek details and wordy posting. They do not accept and assume that they get the message in a few words. They will seek more and more details. They will appreciate details and wordy posts. Such people want to understand the poster very clearly because they operate from a deeper level and know the absolute inadequacies of written language. They therefore delight in details and more details.

To accept and assume that one gets or can get, the message in or with, few words is really and truly egocentric.
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New member
Things worth getting and knowing must require effort. Nothing casually obtain does much for one.

My writings are for devoted and open seekers. This is how it is given to me and this is how I post them.

One line posts are sad, misleading and possibly egoistic.

I'd ask you to consider that you take up a good deal of space.


Well-known member
The Lord Jesus came among those people to establish a spiritual tradition. His aim was to bring them on par with those old indigenous traditions are all essentially spirit based.

Peter and Co. totally rejected, undermined, denied, persecuted and blasphemed Jesus' spirit commission which was rendered onto onto only Paul. Thereafter billion came to Christianity and followed Peter & Co. and their ideas. Christianity remained without a spiritual dimension.

Judgment day has arrived. God's kingdom of heaven is at hand. Entry into God's kingdom of heaven requires spiritual awareness. Billions who are called Christians are not qualified. They were misled a la Peter & Co. They are now deprived and denied.


Well-known member
I'd ask you to consider that you take up a good deal of space.


May I ask that you take up one of my post and show me how to shorten it. I am not asking you to teach me. I am simply asking you to actually demonstrate what you expect.

Why not take me under your wings and guide me by doing an actual example.

The entire teachings of the Lord Jesus suffered because of summarizing and cutting and pasting and leaving out etc.

In fact because the text were so very summarized, it led to millions of Christian churches, where billions are called and the very great majority are misled, ending in few being chosen.

I perceive it to be a grave sin to not deliver truth in the absolutely clearest manner. It is better to not say anything than to say some thing that can be possibly misleading.

I probably did 6000 post here. Clearly some were too very long. I notice that some may have been deleted. I am now recorded as having only 1500 posts. That is O.K. You can cut back some more, if that will help.

I fully understand and accept that you must manage your space. At any event I do not perceive that any thing has been lost. My on going post do cover the things in the Old posts.

By attempting to control and contain my post I will compromise the very intuitive path through which it flows. To deliver my intuitive cognition, untouched is grace and purity it self. Posts are not just words they are vibration. They are transforming vibrations.

I also believe that it is over due for me to make a subscription to this very fine forum. I will do that shortly. I have an intuition that this forum will more than survive, bountifully and eternally.

Seven years is a long time to tolerate me.

This forum can only become increasingly worthy, graceful and absolutely indestructible.

I love and honor you guys. You guys are worth far more than you realize.

Your tolerance and open mindedness are unparalleled. You guy are hearts people. Clearly spiritually aware and relevant.

You must clearly realize that you all were an important part of my past seven years. You provided one of the means for my meditation, i.e. for my transcendence and direct personalized communion with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. And I provided you, first hand, what I perceived to be the purest of truth.

We are now delivered into the fullness of time. This is a very big deal. There is still time for transformation. In fact, now there is lots more Grace simply just 'blowing in the wind', every where.

You will notice increasing 'loving-ness' and 'caring-ness' and 'pleasantness' from a more profound and deeper level, among more and more people. This will happen every where including at service centers every where.

This will exponentially accelerate and increase individual human transformation to spiritual awareness and spiritual actualization. Humans will be made angels in physical bodies on earth.

It is beautiful time to be on earth and to be counted. Magic will fill your lives. Your lives will become naturally and spontaneously, increasingly and sneak-ly stress-less and fulfilling. It will be mind blowing i.e. if you pause to dwell on your blissful existence which you will simply enjoy with out realizing it.

Give it ten years, no more, for this exponentially growing reality to reach its full bloom plateau which will last a least 2000 further years.

By the way, now, self healing, reversal of agings and longevity will also all be pushed up naturally and spontaneously and exponentially.
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How to be relevant and stay on earth now, in the Spiritual Age of Aquarius. part 1

How to be relevant and stay on earth now, in the Spiritual Age of Aquarius. part 1

Are you privy to the Spiritual tradition of the Lord Jesus (i.e. Paul's commission) and therefore 'chosen'? Or are you stuck in the 'dead' church of the Lord Jesus (Peter's commission) and therefore, 'not chosen'?
Matthews: 8 KJV N.T.
22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.
Are you among the dead who bury their dead or are you among those who follow the Lord. These are and always were the two choices.

Were you denied this information? Have all your immediate families, relatives and friend been burred by dead/Satanic leaders? Are you in a church run and/or influenced by Peter & Co.? Will you be buried by your dead/Satanic leaders?:

1.) The Spiritual/heavenly tradition of the Lord Jesus was committed onto only Paul. This is only for spiritually aware people. In this church people differ in no way from the Lord Jesus. When they die they rise in three days to be like angels in heaven. The dead relatives of these people were all sent to spirit heaven when they died. This is how Paul's people live.

2.) The earthly/dead/religious church of the Lord Jesus was committed on to Peter. This is only for the dead, i.e. the spiritually dead).

The dead are sent to Peter so that their spirits might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus (re. 1 Corinthians: 5 verse: 5).

All people, in the church of Peter & Co and all churches influenced by them, are in the same position. When they die they are all buried in the earth together with their dead physical bodies. None have ever risen to heaven. Here the dead (Peter & Co.) bury their dead (their followers). Some are buried for as long as 2000 odd years. All are still inside the earth in hell. This is how Peter's people live.

To be saved, delivered and be relevant on earth now, in the fullness of time, you must totally dismiss, run away from and drop Peter's & his ideas and church. They are all Satanic (the Lord warned you about this fact). Then you must come whole heartedly into the way of Paul. This is how Paul's people live:

see the next post # 32, for Paul's tradition as confirmed literally by revelations in the KJV N.T.
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How to be relevant and stay on earth now, in the Spiritual Age of Aquarius part 2

How to be relevant and stay on earth now, in the Spiritual Age of Aquarius part 2

from post # 31 above.

Paul's tradition is purely spirit and Spirit based. Paul's tradition is righteousness of God that is without the law (re. Romans: 3 verse: 21 KJV N.T.). It is about actions without regard for the Ten Commandments. It is about God given freedom, liberty and justification to transgress the law and get no sin but instead be glorified by God. (Were you told that this is possible?)

This is the essence of Paul tradition, it involves meditation:
Romans: 8 KJV N.T.
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

27 And he that searcheth the hearts (i.e. meditate) knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Are you led by the the things which urges your heart which you cannot utter (i.e. which are forbidden under the law). Are you led to do these things in accordance with the will of God?

Under this system you have God given freedom, liberty and justification to transgress the Ten Commandments and get no sin but instead be glorified by God. Do you transgress the law so as to do the things in your heart which you cannot utter? Being led by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus is how to do this and not get sin but instead be glorified by God.

You have to search your heart, i.e. meditate, so a to find out precisely what the Spirit of the Lord Jesus has in mind for you to know, pray for, say and do. And then be led unconditionally, into all your works by only this, even if you have to transgress the law.

This is how to be led by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus/Spirit of Intercession and so become a 'child of God' i.e. a Christian. This is the only way to follow the Lord Jesus (in the regeneration) and so be saved and delivered and become a child of God and a Christian.

Where is the magic, you might ask? The magic or miracle is that precisely what the Spirit of the Lord Jesus has in mind for you to know, pray for, say and do, as discerned within your own heart, through meditation, is a perfect amalgam of the two best things. This is a perfect amalgam of 1.) the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspiration that are the fabric of your own heart or spirit and 2.) the will of God.

Therefore when you are led by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus, in the above manner, you simultaneously express and fulfill the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspiration of you own private heart or spirit, in perfect magical and miraculous harmony with the will of God. It cannot be more perfect. This is life in heaven.

Now you have to and must, live in the above manner on earth, in order remain and survive on the surface of earth, in this New Spiritual Age of Aquarius.

The surface of earth has left the physicality age of Pisces and entered the Spiritual Age of Aquarius, since the end of Sept. 2015. Inside the depths of earth, where Peter & Co. have buried billions, is another matter. There remains very dark and lost.

The tradition of Paul is the New Age reality. This now dominates and rules on earth. Peter & Co. and their followers are totally out. Paul's tradition is confirmed literally by the above revelations in the KJV N.T. Are you on board or are you lost in the wilderness? Will you remain here or will you be teleported out of here? This is the question.
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You started another thread on this subject, so I am closing this one. Please do not make multiple threads on the same topic.
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