Dear chrys,
I have written to you about this once or so before. The beast, or woman, or whore, written of in Rev. 17:18KJV, specifically states that this whore woman beast was actually a city. I was told by an angel that the city was Hollywood, CA. Read your Bible. "And the woman that thou sawest is that 'great' 'CITY,' which reigneth over the kings of the Earth. See Rev. 17:18KJV. The angel revealed to me that Hollywood was spiritually like Babylon who had many whores. And in Hollywood, there are many whores/ prostitutes, both young men and women, selling their sex on the Sunset Strip and elsewhere. Anyway, you will not accept what the Bible says about this woman/whore being a great 'city.' That is your mistake. The Bible doesn't lie and I was told by the angel that the whole world, through Movies, TV Shows, Commercials, Music, Magazines, etc. was being fashioned after the ideas, etc. that come out of the city of Hollywood, which makes the movies and TV shows. It's the writers, yes! And the Food Commercials has gotten us Fat and Lazy, like gluttony. Don't you understand anything I'm saying here, Chrys? Study it and the Holy Scriptures. The whore is not some city like Rome, etc. The ten kings are ten 'sins' that the devil has promoted strongly through the movies, TV Shows, music, commercials, etc. Each sin/ demon, is a king that the devil has won over through people's desires. Even murder, theft, lying, fornication, etc. is represented by the devil to be a 'king.' Okay, I'm exhausted and have got to get to bed. You will be in my prayers on my knees 2nite. God's Best For You!!