the two beasts


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Dear chrys,

I have written to you about this once or so before. The beast, or woman, or whore, written of in Rev. 17:18KJV, specifically states that this whore woman beast was actually a city....

babylon the great is a city
I have a thread about that
the city is not hollywood, it is constantinople
the city is not a beast which you seem to be suggesting
the beast is a major player not a bit player
the beast is an institution not an individual
thanks for the prayers
don't forget to pray for yourself, for guidance


all the beasts of daniel had something to do with the temple

Wise Chrysostom.... At least one here has open eyes.

I will let my thread on the burning of Jerusalem fall into the buried thread land.

One voice with wisdom here is enough. Christ bless you.

It is clear that you have taken note that not one but two buildings mock the Temple Mount under the most blasphemous banner of all.

Turkey is returning to its roots of ottoman theocracy, while a literal force of anti Jewish and anti Christian fighters are constantly assaulting on a global front. Isis is a world wide name that is guided by Islamic eschatology, under the leadership of an Islamic theologian.

They are merely giving power to something.

Thank you for crying in the wilderness though many ears seem to laugh!


Dear chrys,

I have written to you about this once or so before. The beast, or woman, or whore, written of in Rev. 17:18KJV, specifically states that this whore woman beast was actually a city. I was told by an angel that the city was Hollywood, CA. Read your Bible. "And the woman that thou sawest is that 'great' 'CITY,' which reigneth over the kings of the Earth. See Rev. 17:18KJV. The angel revealed to me that Hollywood was spiritually like Babylon who had many whores. And in Hollywood, there are many whores/ prostitutes, both young men and women, selling their sex on the Sunset Strip and elsewhere. Anyway, you will not accept what the Bible says about this woman/whore being a great 'city.' That is your mistake. The Bible doesn't lie and I was told by the angel that the whole world, through Movies, TV Shows, Commercials, Music, Magazines, etc. was being fashioned after the ideas, etc. that come out of the city of Hollywood, which makes the movies and TV shows. It's the writers, yes! And the Food Commercials has gotten us Fat and Lazy, like gluttony. Don't you understand anything I'm saying here, Chrys? Study it and the Holy Scriptures. The whore is not some city like Rome, etc. The ten kings are ten 'sins' that the devil has promoted strongly through the movies, TV Shows, music, commercials, etc. Each sin/ demon, is a king that the devil has won over through people's desires. Even murder, theft, lying, fornication, etc. is represented by the devil to be a 'king.' Okay, I'm exhausted and have got to get to bed. You will be in my prayers on my knees 2nite. God's Best For You!!


Dear Michael,

Saudi Arabia.

All Islam bows to it, while their butts mock the temple. They even do so at the Temple Mount.

P.S. Saudi Arabia is one of the richest places on earth and influences the entire global market through black gold. Western wealth is nothing compared to her riches.

How's that for a whore and city?


Just bury your head back into the fantastical Harry Potter world of western eschatology.

After all, it is always better to ignore world events and rely on the teachings of human theologians.



Dear Michael,

Saudi Arabia.

All Islam bows to it, while their butts mock the temple. They even do so at the Temple Mount.

P.S. Saudi Arabia is one of the richest places on earth and influences the entire global market through black gold. Western wealth is nothing compared to her riches.

How's that for a whore and city?


Just bury your head back into the fantastical Harry Potter world of western eschatology.

After all, it is always better to ignore world events and rely on the teachings of human theologians.


Dear evil eye,

I don't plan on posting except this once. Does Saudi Arabia sound like the name of a city, or a country?? You're way off base. The devil's messing with your head pretty badly. If you won't let the Lord tell you what it means, then it is best to keep quiet.

Praise God!!!



Dear evil eye,

I don't plan on posting except this once. Does Saudi Arabia sound like the name of a city, or a country?? You're way off base. The devil's messing with your head pretty badly. If you won't let the Lord tell you what it means, then it is best to keep quiet.

Praise God!!!


Dear, oh so dear, Michael,

Does city sound like biblical fact or bloated Western hacking of biblical prophecy?

Why would Satan stop at just a city, when he can harness the wealthiest COUNTRY on the face of the planet?

; ) # Winkey Face. #Oil rules the financial market



#like the sands of the sea shore


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the two beasts

where do you start?
with daniel and his four beasts
you have to look at daniel
you want to understand the apocalypse
just search the bible for 'ten horns'
you get the fourth beast of daniel and the second beast of the apocalypse
then search the bible for leopard
you get the third beast of daniel and the first beast of the apocalypse
you can't ignore this
it requires further investigation
you can't ignore what Jesus said about the abomination of desolation
what is in the holy place now?
the dome of the rock
you can't ignore that
more arguments to follow
let's cut to the chase
islam is the second beast of the apocalypse
the fourth beast of daniel
paganism of the roman empire is the first beast of the apocalypse
the third beast of daniel

back to the apocalypse

it's a beast
it talks like a beast
it walks like a beast


New member
4 beasts. First and second Holy Roman Empires(not holy and Roman-unholy and German) the third Reich and we are in the fourth Reich. Empires always equal heads not humans. The head wound that was healed is Germany. The whole world marveled at the wall coming down. The Holy Roman Empire returns because God says "there is nothing new under the sun. Pope Francis sends in the refugees.

“And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.”

King James Version (KJV)
< >? View Chapter

Revelation 12:15 Context

12Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 13And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. 14And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 15And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

Woman is Israel. Flood is refugees and we all know who the serpent is.!

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The EU even has 12 stars on the flag. This will be used later when the Pope "rescues" the EU.

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